For quite some time we have drawn very specific and timely attention to how desperate nations, just like desperate people, do desperate things.
Currently it is especially critical for us to show you how truly desperate times are unfolding for the Cabal, while at the same time there is still more to be done to curtail their pathological lust for death and destruction. Although they might be down, they continue to hold some very powerful weapons over our planet and humanity’s head.
Despite their definite weakening, so long as they hold such fatal weapons as Chemtrails, HAARP, Vaccines, and much more, their heinous goal of reducing the planet’s population is still possible.
Most recently we felt the powerful and horrific hurricane effects of HAARP in the United States, while Mexico endured the wrath of two earthquakes. How much longer are we going to tolerate these “man made” tragedies perpetrated by corrupt and deranged governments (which, coincidentally, do not exist; only Corporations do)?
We have been bamboozled long enough! Now it is time for us to gather together and take control of our “servants”. Unfortunately, we still continue to vote for those politicians who clearly do not abide by the people or for the people, but, instead only for their own personal greed for power and money.
Time is of the utmost now to vote them out of their corrupt and ethically challenged hold over us! 2018 is fast approaching critical time in this regard!
By the way, before President Trump was elected, most corrupted countries were friendly with the US, as they realized our nation was rapidly declining under Obama as well as prior administrations. However, with President Trump in office now they really fear how this new government (Corporation), as well as Russia and China, will react should they discover the following information presented here.
We pray that President Trump, President Putin, Premiere Xi Jinping, and the Golden Dragons… upon reading this… will mobilize and put planes and ships, and even their secret services, quickly into effect while also taking direct action to incarcerate and bring to justice the following people for perpetrating not only criminal acts against each and every nation, but also against each and every person on earth!
Here Are Some of the Nefarious Criminals:
I. Jeongdaeseong – Korean resident living in Japan
2. Mori – Korean resident living in Japan
3. Nishida -Japanese
4. Hippo – Japanese
5. Kobayashi – Japanese
6. President Moon – Korea
7. Emperor Hirohito – Japan
8. Prime Minister Abe – Japan
Reading the above with discernment you will understand how many times with brazen impunity the Japanese and Koreans have been and continue to loot the bunkers WITH THEIR GOVERNMENT’S PERMISSION!
Yes, South Korean President Moon, Japanese Prime Minister Abe and Japanese Emperor Hirohito have opened the doors, working together to steal the bunkers and gold which belongs to the legitimate Depositors, mostly the Golden Dragons. This has nothing to do with the Western Allied Powers and their Western Financial System set up for the sole purpose of stealing the Eastern assets.
As was mentioned previously, they illegally hijacked it in 1945 and then again in 1995. South Korea’s Ex-President Park was nabbed by her government, but its people are repeating the very same things that she did, even though she now sees through prison bars. So how are they actually looting the bunkers?
They are approaching religious organizations and specific bunkers which have procured “exempt status” from both South Korea and Japan in order to facilitate and succeed in their blatant thefts.
This then is a joint transaction with both governments fully knowing the where, which and how. What are their transportation methods?
They recruit middle-age Korean women (40-65 years old) in Seoul as well as the rest of Korea. In turn, said women travel within a weekly group tour. After the initial journey the women change over with the average team of 30 women. This has been going on far, far too long with each person carrying 4 Kg of gold given to them by the tour broker.
Thirty women (men not allowed) carrying 4 Kg of gold simultaneously totals 120 Kg of gold! There are numerous groups leaving monthly so the ultimate numbers are shocking. The carriers (called mules in the West) outside Seoul receive $2000 USD and those from Seoul receive $600 USD.
There are also many brokers to pay who demand more commissions in Seoul. Again, this has been happening for some time now, and it is for the sole purpose of keeping the Globalists in good financial shape so they are able to continue doing great harm to humanity.
With both Korean and Japanese governments approving the aforementioned shady transactions, the dynamics of coming and going are relatively easy. The “borders” they cross are similar to the ones Obama created where everything and anything he wanted in or out of the US went right on through while the “Border Agents” looked elsewhere.
These matters will continue to escalate worldwide until concerned government (Corporate) leaders immediately and steadfastly take charge at last and end this vicious cycle! Otherwise, ALL of us will lose our precious freedoms and will be finished as a sovereign people.
It is sinful to even allow the Globalists to breathe our air when they have attempted quite intentionally to destroy it as well as us! If our leaders do not take charge of ending these crimes against humanity, then it’s time We The People take full responsibility to do so ourselves.
To date we still aren’t able to trust what is called “governmental authority”. A good look at FEMA in the Florida Keys is an example. Who really knows what they are doing behind the barricades they’ve erected? Group K wants to know what is happening to our people, don’t you?
Especially after the tragic hurricanes (HAARP) in the US and the devastating earthquakes in Mexico (HAARP) we now know only too well the end games of the Cabal as well as the score. So it’s best that we take corrective and decisive action now… before it’s too late!
Neil Keenan & Group K: Key Achievements to Date:
1. The Trillion Dollar Law Suit
October 2011
This could be the biggest, most explosive story in modern history. We have put the pieces together and now understand what is going on in the occult financial geopolitical scene, and how a 117+ nation alliance is working to free the Earth from financial tyranny.
The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny, Part I
The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny, Part II: History Lesson
2. Keenan Files Liens Against G7 Central Banks and the 12 Banks of the Federal Reserve System
May 2012
These new liens were filed within the Admiralty Law system, which is extremely complicated and mysterious.
These liens constitute legal arrest warrants for the Federal Reserve conspirators.
Arrest Warrants: Liens Filed Against G7 Central Banks
3. Keenan Shares Intelligence to Stop the Cabal Detonating Nuclear Warheads in Charleston, South Carolina
October 2013
Keenan reports intelligence that came to him first; Thank you Pentagon for coming to our aid. Four top Generals with the highest clearance in the United States stood up for us and lost their jobs and support for their families as a result.
These patriots stopped a plot to detonate nuclear warheads in Charleston, South Carolina; intended as a false flag attack and ordered through Barack Obama by his handlers.
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Thank You Pentagon; For Coming To Our Aid
4. Keenan Issues a Formal “Cease and Desist” Notice to the United States Corporation and Key Offenders
February 2014
Keenan issues a formal “Cease and Desist” notice to the United States ‘Government’ Corporation and key offenders. They are now on record.
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | States Are Getting Tough, Globalists Are Getting Even – Cease & Desist Demanded
Cease and Desist Demand Document (PDF)
5. Keenan Exposes the IRS as a Foreign Entity
February 2014
Keenan exposes the IRS as a foreign entity and the fact that there is no Federal US law requiring the people of the United States to pay taxes to the IRS.
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | IRS Are Private, Lying, Globalist-Controlled Thugs – We Want Our Money Back!
6. Keenan Puts Forth His Proposal for the “No Fly Accords”
April 2014
Keenan puts forth his proposal for the “No-Fly Accords”, a declaration of international no-fly zones barring entry to the Cabal and their cronies. Getting the agreement signed by all countries who wish to bar access to Cabal criminals is still a work in progress.
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Latest Updated No-Fly Accords
7. Keenan Prevents Quadrillion Dollar Deal Between the Sultan of Sulu, P2 Lodge and the Vatican
July 2014
Keenan prevents a quadrillion-dollar deal between the Sultan of Sulu, P2 Lodge and the Vatican.
The Vatican in collaboration with an entrusted Elder, The Sultan of Sulu, a guardian/holder of the Dragon Family Global Account assets, attempted to steal fifteen (15) Quadrillion dollars from different Asian Families and the Dragon Family. Their attempt was thwarted.
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | The 15 Quadrillion Dollar Vatican-Sultan of Sulu Deal That Would Have Sunk The Planet
8. Neil Keenan Exposes the Joint Naval Exercises Taking Place Off the Coast of South Korea Which was a Sophisticated Cover for the Biggest Gold Heist in History
July 2014
Neil Keenan received an urgent call from a high-level contact based in South Korea and exposed the joint naval exercises taking place off the coast of South Korea which was nothing more than a sophisticated cover for the biggest gold heist in history.
In revealing the plot, we stopped the USS George Washington Aircraft carrier and the 250 thousand metric tons of gold from being delivered to it by the South Korean Prime Minister Park.
9. Keenan Exposes Plot for Japan to Invade Indonesia in an Attempt to Steal Gold from Indonesia – and Other Asian Nations
August 2014
The Japanese military mobilized for the first time since WW2, in an attempt to invade and steal the Indonesian Gold; only to be derailed by Keenan who publicly exposed the planned attack.
The Gold is becoming ever more paramount to the expanding plan of the Cabal but nevertheless lording over a few Asian states. U.S. ships blocked the gulf of Thailand to threaten the kingdom. At the request of the family of Thailand, the Dragon Family was called upon to speak with Thailand’s elder son who is in charge – immediate assistance was needed.
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Hail Hail The Gang’s All Here
10. Keenan is Given Intelligence from “El” that “Wall Street” was in the Process of Moving out of New York to the City of Stamford Connecticut
August 2014
Maybe they’re privy to the news Neil discloses in this post about the Obama plan, or call it the Cabal Plan, to impose martial law on United States, which would shut down the banks, and people would not have access to their bank accounts, debit or credit cards to buy food.
Trying to take food or supplies would give the military or police the right to shoot. On top of that they intended to unleash on the American public a variety of deadly diseases to make the people weak and sick. We could not allow this to happen to our family, friends or our communities.
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Sticks & Stones
11. Keenan Exposes the Planned World Economic Forum (WEF) Being Held in Jakarta
April 2015
With the Cabal / Global Elite losing and looking for a place to hang their hats, the WEF said would bring their international investments with them. Of course this would have meant that Indonesia would soon be subject to take-over, as has happened to every country that the WEF have ever invaded.
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Asian Invasion Begins
12. Neil Keenan Elected M1 Monetary Controller of The Global Collateral Accounts
December 2015
“Late in the evening on November 25th, a meeting took place in an Asian country (not Indonesia) with: the Elders, who represent the largest depository of the Global Collateral Accounts (GCA) assets (worth Quadrillions); the Spiritual Advisor to the Elders; Jo, who served as the translator; and Neil Keenan. Security was very tight.
After briefing Neil about the assets that are waiting for him, and that the “safe” time for their release is at hand, he was further surprised to learn that a year ago the Elders had also drawn up “letters” for him to sign.
Upon his signature, Neil Keenan would be known as Number 1 (N1) – or, as the position is more commonly known, M1. It was by unanimous consent among all of the Elders that they elected Neil as N1.”
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | The Accounts Are Beckoning / Clear Sailing Ahead
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Nobody Does It Better – That’s Why
13. Philippine President “Bongbong” Marcos’ Attempts to Push Malaysian President Najib Razak into a $14 Trillion USD Cabal Re-Financing Deal
February 2016
Keenan was advised that a major globalist scam was about to take place that would inflict economic damage beyond belief on most of the world. If the NWO flunkies were allowed to dump $14 Trillion USD into the World Market, just how much value would the US Dollar have had?
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | They Are All Watching You: ‘Malaysia’
14. Keenan Exposes Cabal Plot to Replace the “Old” US Republic With a “New Republic” That Would Simply Have Been a New Label on the Same System
May 2016
For too many years we have been played with by what we called government when in fact it was nothing more than a Corporation. Well, it’s time for them to come forward and face the fact that they have finally been cornered and there is no out.
Yes we have heard about the New Republic but when you put together the pieces of the puzzle you realize that they are both one and the same – just flying a new flag with new colors or what have you.
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Old Republic Versus New Republic: THE JIGS UP
15. Keenan Exposes an Attempted Cabal Re-Financing Plot Using Ban Ki-moon, Jeb Bush et al. President of China Xi Jinping and President Park of South Korea Alerted. Plot Averted
July 2016
“The purpose of Ban Ki moon’s being there was an attempt to keep the NWO or Globlist Agenda alive. President Xi Jinping sat amused by the offerings.”
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Attempts To Pull The Wool Over Chinese / Korean Eyes – Only To Find There’s No Wool
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | China Shoves, Keenan Pushes To Put An End To UN / NWO / Ban Ki-moon’s Foolishness
16. Keenan Exposes Financial Doomsday Plan to EMP North America to Cancel Elections and More
August 2016
The plan would see the blame laid upon “foreign terrorists” for an EMP (Electronic Magnetic Pulse) attack on the electricity grid of North America, brought about by detonating nuclear warheads in the atmosphere. The attack would cover a wide berth of land ranging from the East coast to the West coast of the US, and from the North to South coasts, also extending into Canada and even Central America.
Neil and M2 were told that everything was in place in the US to destroy the ‘Grid’ and set off a depopulation program that would eliminate 80% of the American population by way of starvation and civil unrest. Waiting to deliver emergency foods, the UN would decide who ate and who did not. This executive order had already been signed by the unlawful and utter fraud that is known as Barack Obama.
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | Internal Secrets: New Financial System To Save The World From The Globalist / Obama Doomsday Plan: A Real Ball Of Confusion
17. The United Nations Invites Neil Keenan to Discuss Financing, New Technologies & The Global Collateral Accounts
September 2016
Neil states that the only circumstances under which he would accept such an invitation, would be because the UN had accepted his demands for the majority of seats on the particular UN committee; thereby establishing Neil’s credence that the Golden Rule applies: “He who has the gold makes the rules”.
Another prerequisite would be that the numerous aggressive corporations imposing themselves as governments stand down, as Neil and Group K finances the deployment of new technologies from the Global Collateral Accounts worldwide; thereby alleviating the burdens of poverty stricken people everywhere.
Neil also states that the first couple of Accounts opened will go immediately into backing new technologies, towards the immediate halting of chemtrail spraying, geoengineering and the dissemination of any other environmental poisons including weaponized food, vaccines and GMO’s etc.
Funding will also be directed towards the eradication of homelessness, and into the provisioning of proper healthcare, clean drinking water, safe food and the taking care of military veterans.Finally, Neil would demand UN worldwide immunity in relation to all matters pertaining to himself and anyone representing his team.
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | The United Nations Invites Neil Keenan To Discuss Financing, New Technologies & The Global Collateral Accounts
Related Background Material
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | The Connection Between 9/11, JFK And The Global Collateral Accounts
NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | The Fed Fraud: The European- Controlled Creature That’s Bled Us for 100 Years
NEIL KEENAN: Full History & Events Timeline
Copyright © 2017, GROUP K, Ltd.
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