Neil Keenan - Group K, Ltd.

s e c u r i n g . t h e . g l o b a l . a c c o u n t s

Month: December 2015 (page 1 of 2)

Nobody Does It Better –
That’s Why

Better Late Than Never: In the Nick Of Time!

With the revelation of Neil Keenan assuming the position as M1/N1, once again we find ourselves answering unnecessary questions.  It is quite revealing that the loudest backlash to this news has been from those individuals who have not done one thing toward making the world better – not one overt action to improve humanity’s condition. They look for a handout no matter from which direction it comes.

So let’s focus on action, a Timeline we put together which includes some history leading up to many events which Neil Keenan and Group K not only participated in but also created and even warned about to help avert disasters, some of which would have been catastrophic.  This may be an eye-opener for many who are only aware of Neil’s lawsuit, and also for those who talk of things they know nothing about.

It was coined best when Neil was called a “one-man wrecking crew”:  all action, never quits, might get knocked down but always gets back up.  But you can’t keep a good man down.

The Timeline – Walking the Talk

The following historical Timeline details some of Neil Keenan’s and Group K’s achievements.  Their actions and intents have led to certain events, and in turn set off related chains of events in which Neil and his Team have intervened to assist us all (even while we were sleeping).

Below are just a few abbreviated highlights of the work that Neil has accomplished.  With reading the full document, your own due diligence will disclose that Neil Keenan has been providing ground-breaking changes and exposure of world events and conditions, and that he has been “body-and-soul active” in effecting significant change on this planet:

2008: Neil Keenan authorized to represent Dragon Family assets given to him

2009: Keenan personally accepts custodianship of the Federal Reserve Notes

2011: Keenan issued POA from Dr. Edy Seno Soekanto

2011: Keenan’s landmark “Monaco Accords” meeting of 57 global ministers

2011: Keenan files “Trillion Dollar Lawsuit” for the return of the stolen bonds

2012: Keenan files Liens Against G7 Central Banks & 12 banks of the FED

2012: Keenan Brings Down A Few At The Top: Prime Ministers and 1 Queen

2013: Keenan reports that Patriots stopped a plot to detonate nuclear warheads

2013: Keenan goes to a banking capital and meets with Cabal Chieftains

2014: Keenan exposes the IRS as a foreign entity

2014: Keenan’s proposal for the “No-Fly Accords,” international no-fly zones

2014: Keenan prevents quadrillion-dollar deal between Sultan of Sulu & Vatican

2014: Keenan exposes the biggest gold heist in history taking place in S. Korea

2014: Keenan prevents Japan from invading Indonesia in an attempt to steal gold

2014: Keenan exposes Clinton Foundation plot to overthrow Indonesia

2014: Keenan is first Westerner to enter a wealth repository “bunker”

2014: Keenan issues “Cease and Desist” notice to the US Corporation

2014: Keenan exposes  Cabal’s expanding plan to take gold from Thailand

2015: Keenan announces Book of Codes & Maklumat to suitable recipient(s)

2015: Keenan reports Intel on Germanwings crash shot down by US / NATO

2015: Keenan exposes World Economic Forum (WEF) being held in Jakarta

2015: Upon signing the documents, Keenan will be known as Number 1 (N1 of the GCA)


Click on the link below to read the full history and timeline of events:

Neil Keenan: History & Events Timeline

[ This information comprises an entirely new section of the website, accessible from the main navigation bar ]

Quote from a high-ranking Pentagon official:
This small group of ragamuffins known as Group K, has actually done more than what it would cost us and our agencies  to do – in the 100’s of millions of dollars.

Whereas the major nations have been tearing the world apart, the “seamstresses” at Group K have been busy sewing it back together into one.

While the Cabal is orchestrating major nations to confront each other in the greatest power struggles ever staged on this planet, they neglect to pay attention to a small group sneaking through a crack and tearing down their foundations.  This is our window of opportunity — and we always take advantage of our advantages.

The conclusion to this Timeline is in process.  The Elders have patiently waited a hundred years and finally they will see the assets put to work as they were meant to be upon the signing of the Bretton Woods Agreement.

Now the Elders will be able to hold their heads high amongst their country’s and the world’s peers, and at long last can say what no one else in the history of the assets can say:  “We have finally done it!”  They have found who they term is their chosen one, their “Number 1,” who will lead the way to fulfilling their visions and dreams.

As we await the “final” events to be added to this Timeline, all of these efforts can be clearly seen for what they are – protecting humanity, expanding awareness of what’s truly happening on the planet and interacting with those who are in the position to make worldwide changes.

All of this work has come at great personal cost to Neil and also to the Team.  By example, this is what can be done toward making this world one in which we thrive without enslavement and sanctioned annihilation.

We do what we do because this is who we are.  This is not about the great pot o’ gold at the end of the rainbow.  This is about our birthright and the solid path we put into place so that others can follow and support.

When those who cry out in helplessness declare “Nothing’s happening!”, we invite readers to become aware of what has transpired over the years.  It is our hope that your awareness will inspire and motivate many more to join us along this very hard-won path that Neil and the Team have carved out for the people and the planet.

In celebration of the upcoming holiday and the new year ahead, we wish Peace, Love, Joy and Goodwill to all!



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Copyright © 2015, GROUP K, Ltd.

The Accounts Are Beckoning /
Clear Sailing Ahead

From the very beginning Neil Keenan realized that he was in it for the long haul, but at the time, not even he knew what an arduous task he was taking on.

It officially started with his unprecedented lawsuit which was made famous in David Wilcock’s article “Financial Tyranny.”  The lawsuit is in the process of being re-filed in spite of many a roadblock.

So much “clutter” and subterfuge has had to be cleared before moving ahead.  Cabal representatives tried to settle the lawsuit with Neil to make him go away but he could not be bought off.

Group after group have made the scene with sensational false claims to the Global Accounts, and rightfully each one has dissolved into nothing.  And then there are those who still speak out of both sides of their mouth but have not a thing to show for it.

Now the course ahead is clear, no more blocks in the road.

Neil notes:  “The funny thing is people forget that those shills, cons, etc. were always in the way seeing that it’s their job to protect the accounts for the Cabal, whereas the Keenan Group’s job was to protect the Family’s assets.

The actual re-filing of the lawsuit is relatively easy after finding the truth about what has happened to us for approximately 300 years.  The games, the fraud, the deceit, the murders, have all been exposed to the people on this planet again and again until it’s finally sinking in that it’s real.

Think about what we have been through and the mind control they have had over us for so long!  Yes, our mothers, fathers and others have all gone through this but we are now at a very special time called the Awakening.

We are the special ones, the chosen ones.  We have taken it to the very end and right now we have a brand new beginning.”

Presently Neil is waiting to receive three “letters” which will involve instituting desperately-needed changes on our planet.  Once he signs them, he will be in control of the Global Accounts.   According to Neil, he will then be able to take care of the matters detailed in the original Bretton Woods Agreement:

“If you understand this, then you realize a major theft took place not just after the first but also after the second Bretton Woods Agreement.   To top it all off, this theft took place even before the ink had dried on the agreement.

The Western Financial System was set up based upon such thefts, and as we all know they used Eastern assets from the Global Accounts to achieve all of their goals.”

So this is where we are today – Neil is a stone’s throw away from control of the Accounts and the subsequent issuing of assets to 132+ Nations with the assistance of the Elders and Neil’s right arm, the Spiritual Advisor known as “the Prince.”

Neil:  “We are close.  So close we can almost taste it!  It is called the End Game.  This is what we feel — the salvation of mankind and the earth itself.  This is not ‘meet the new boss, same as the old boss.’   Yes, we have more roads ahead of us, but the road is straight now and we will never fall off it again.”

On a side note, some of the Cabal tactics that Neil has contended with have also included attacks that could be termed esoteric in nature.

These escalated incidents have remained unmentioned here, but Neil has a strong comment on this interference:  “Among a lot of things I have access to, I have access to the book of ‘Black Magic.’  We know what we’re fighting.  We can fight this battle however they wish.  But you see the results of their rituals – you see it lasts for only so long.

Otherwise right now there’d be only a few of us left standing.  What we’re doing – it’s here to stay.  Maybe it’s OUR witching hour for the Khazars, Nazis, Zionists.”

And this may be nothing for them to laugh about.

Neil put forth a most commendable effort in bringing you this video message even though he has been working more than just overtime.  With the benefit of some holiday time, you can bet that he is building up his second wind to take this to the next level.

Because that’s exactly where we’re standing – at the next level.

We join Neil in expressing our thanks and gratitude to all who believe in a world of peace and harmony.  “The true spirit of Christmas lies in the heart.”



Video Part One


Video Part Two


Video Part Three


Mad World

A song from Sophie Le Berre to you all relating to what is happening in this Mad Mad World …


To download a transcript of this update in PDF format click here.


Copyright © 2015, GROUP K, Ltd.

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