Neil Keenan - Group K, Ltd.

s e c u r i n g . t h e . g l o b a l . a c c o u n t s

Nobody Does It Better –
That’s Why

Better Late Than Never: In the Nick Of Time!

With the revelation of Neil Keenan assuming the position as M1/N1, once again we find ourselves answering unnecessary questions.  It is quite revealing that the loudest backlash to this news has been from those individuals who have not done one thing toward making the world better – not one overt action to improve humanity’s condition. They look for a handout no matter from which direction it comes.

So let’s focus on action, a Timeline we put together which includes some history leading up to many events which Neil Keenan and Group K not only participated in but also created and even warned about to help avert disasters, some of which would have been catastrophic.  This may be an eye-opener for many who are only aware of Neil’s lawsuit, and also for those who talk of things they know nothing about.

It was coined best when Neil was called a “one-man wrecking crew”:  all action, never quits, might get knocked down but always gets back up.  But you can’t keep a good man down.

The Timeline – Walking the Talk

The following historical Timeline details some of Neil Keenan’s and Group K’s achievements.  Their actions and intents have led to certain events, and in turn set off related chains of events in which Neil and his Team have intervened to assist us all (even while we were sleeping).

Below are just a few abbreviated highlights of the work that Neil has accomplished.  With reading the full document, your own due diligence will disclose that Neil Keenan has been providing ground-breaking changes and exposure of world events and conditions, and that he has been “body-and-soul active” in effecting significant change on this planet:

2008: Neil Keenan authorized to represent Dragon Family assets given to him

2009: Keenan personally accepts custodianship of the Federal Reserve Notes

2011: Keenan issued POA from Dr. Edy Seno Soekanto

2011: Keenan’s landmark “Monaco Accords” meeting of 57 global ministers

2011: Keenan files “Trillion Dollar Lawsuit” for the return of the stolen bonds

2012: Keenan files Liens Against G7 Central Banks & 12 banks of the FED

2012: Keenan Brings Down A Few At The Top: Prime Ministers and 1 Queen

2013: Keenan reports that Patriots stopped a plot to detonate nuclear warheads

2013: Keenan goes to a banking capital and meets with Cabal Chieftains

2014: Keenan exposes the IRS as a foreign entity

2014: Keenan’s proposal for the “No-Fly Accords,” international no-fly zones

2014: Keenan prevents quadrillion-dollar deal between Sultan of Sulu & Vatican

2014: Keenan exposes the biggest gold heist in history taking place in S. Korea

2014: Keenan prevents Japan from invading Indonesia in an attempt to steal gold

2014: Keenan exposes Clinton Foundation plot to overthrow Indonesia

2014: Keenan is first Westerner to enter a wealth repository “bunker”

2014: Keenan issues “Cease and Desist” notice to the US Corporation

2014: Keenan exposes  Cabal’s expanding plan to take gold from Thailand

2015: Keenan announces Book of Codes & Maklumat to suitable recipient(s)

2015: Keenan reports Intel on Germanwings crash shot down by US / NATO

2015: Keenan exposes World Economic Forum (WEF) being held in Jakarta

2015: Upon signing the documents, Keenan will be known as Number 1 (N1 of the GCA)


Click on the link below to read the full history and timeline of events:

Neil Keenan: History & Events Timeline

[ This information comprises an entirely new section of the website, accessible from the main navigation bar ]

Quote from a high-ranking Pentagon official:
This small group of ragamuffins known as Group K, has actually done more than what it would cost us and our agencies  to do – in the 100’s of millions of dollars.

Whereas the major nations have been tearing the world apart, the “seamstresses” at Group K have been busy sewing it back together into one.

While the Cabal is orchestrating major nations to confront each other in the greatest power struggles ever staged on this planet, they neglect to pay attention to a small group sneaking through a crack and tearing down their foundations.  This is our window of opportunity — and we always take advantage of our advantages.

The conclusion to this Timeline is in process.  The Elders have patiently waited a hundred years and finally they will see the assets put to work as they were meant to be upon the signing of the Bretton Woods Agreement.

Now the Elders will be able to hold their heads high amongst their country’s and the world’s peers, and at long last can say what no one else in the history of the assets can say:  “We have finally done it!”  They have found who they term is their chosen one, their “Number 1,” who will lead the way to fulfilling their visions and dreams.

As we await the “final” events to be added to this Timeline, all of these efforts can be clearly seen for what they are – protecting humanity, expanding awareness of what’s truly happening on the planet and interacting with those who are in the position to make worldwide changes.

All of this work has come at great personal cost to Neil and also to the Team.  By example, this is what can be done toward making this world one in which we thrive without enslavement and sanctioned annihilation.

We do what we do because this is who we are.  This is not about the great pot o’ gold at the end of the rainbow.  This is about our birthright and the solid path we put into place so that others can follow and support.

When those who cry out in helplessness declare “Nothing’s happening!”, we invite readers to become aware of what has transpired over the years.  It is our hope that your awareness will inspire and motivate many more to join us along this very hard-won path that Neil and the Team have carved out for the people and the planet.

In celebration of the upcoming holiday and the new year ahead, we wish Peace, Love, Joy and Goodwill to all!



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Copyright © 2015, GROUP K, Ltd.


  1. Happy holidays to you and your team may the lord take care of all off you ,marry Christmas and a happy new year.

    • Merry Christmas everyone, may the Most High bring this project to its final victorious glory, for the highest and best good of ALL!

  2. Thank you Neil and the Group K team! Your efforts are appreciated greatly by those in the light. We send you love and light! Please let us know how we can assist. Happy Holidays to you all!

  3. GOD Bless You and Merry Christmas

  4. Lets Go

  5. Thank you, thank you, thank you !

  6. .. Very good update and I hope I can’t spread it far enough to reach millions

  7. Thank you so much for all that you do for us. Have a Merry Christmas and healthy new year. if you need me to help, please let me know.

  8. This long courageous effort on behalf of humanity by Neil & Team K is above & beyond the “miraculous”. It has required an overcoming determination & other strong acts of will that many humans may never themselves experience. It has also included death threats along the way as well as betrayals. No matter the obstacles, Neil & his loyal team continue to push to the “finish line” which then requires the setting up of a Foundation that benefits the people of this world who will begin to live their lives in a new kind of Freedom. It is a New Beginning on Earth where We The People become participants & co-creators wherever we may be called.

    As many of us realize, the work that needs to be done to heal our world may at times seem insurmountable. However, we have the example of Neil & Team K to inspire us. Everyone matters & there will be many transformations within humans. When slave systems are abolished & real justice begins, those who truly care about their neighbors as well as themselves will step forward.

    New systems will be created that create clean air & the healing of our precious environment that nurtures our body, mind, & spirit. Cooperation will become the norm. Religions will either serve the people rather than control the masses or they will disappear. The uplift meant of humanity will occur on many levels.

    As stated, many of the critics & naysayers have done nothing to help humankind except create divisiveness & disharmony. They will indeed be silenced as will those who thrive on arms manufacturing & warfare which will be replaced by a lasting peace that benefits future generations.

    How can we ever say thank you enough to Neil & Team K? Knowing just a bit of Neil’s “modus operandi”, I sense he looks forward to the creation of the worldwide Foundation & the incredible joy & hopefulness of WeThe People to begin anew. May Neil & Team K & their loved ones also prosper & reap the rewards that are their due. May God bless each & everyone beyond measure who have supported Neil & Team K along the way. May God also shine Light upon all who contribute to the forthcoming Renaissance on Earth…

    Love to All…

  9. Thank you

  10. JB Brown/Great Gramy J

    December 22, 2015 at 2:24 pm

    Yup: Nobody does it better; that’s why! And, we thank U 4 doing it. A Very Merry Christmas 2 U & Ur Team Mr. Neil Keenan.

    Great BIG hugs from Great Gramy J & Mr. T @ Fort Hood, Texas.

  11. Neil and Group K, Thank you for your unwavering determination and Integrity.The Elders and all of mankind owe you a deep sense of gratitude! Neil, not just anyone has the gifts of Will and Fearlessness which is required to see this mission through it’s completion.Thank You and Group K!

  12. Thank you for all you and your team have done to bring peace and prosperity to our planet. I see so much hurt from around the globe and can’t wait until we see happiness take it’s place.

  13. Neil, I marched with Drake ( GEN. LEE I CALL HIM), IN D C during Operation American Spring, Col. Riley Retired. Through Drake I discovered your movement, not quite understanding . I believed in you because of your IRISH EYES , WAYS:) just your demeanor. I even offered the services of my daughter, an attorney / partner of a law firm in NYC. I continue to this day even though she does not readily communicate with me.





  14. Neil, THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU x Infinity, I have trusted thiss IRISHMAN the minute I met you, my best three friends and the BEST EVER PRESIDENT of the United States was And were the MOST Honorable men I know to walk the planet these past 51 years of my life!!!!!!!! Something told me one day the world will be Rescued by someone who can roll over anyone in God and there way!!! It had to be someone , in my gut I Knew I would trust, it be a honor to meet you some day Neil, YOUR masterful story will live on forever as well as this Planet ‘s GRATITUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! If you could save my house when you have spare time, that would be incredible as well, Love and light , you’re soul friend Dave Depastino!!!!

  15. By the way Neil , I am from Connecticut Tax you to death state, and you are from Rhode Island , we were Nieghbors, Maybe you knew the Newman family, close friends of my family from Rhode Island, Anyway really love what you have done for this world, you are so incredible, Like William Wallce, was for his People, !!!!!!! Rite?? I am Calling you BRAVE HEART!!! You deserve that knick Name , use it it sutes you Perfect, love and light, David Depastino Terryville ct, WE LOVE YOU!!!!!

  16. Happy Holidays Neil, you are our champion, along with your team, to do what the ‘talking heads’ in DC, and the Pentagon, have long failed to do, avert economic disaster, while unplugging corporate control of our sovereign people, and nation. My group of inventive folk hope to get our chance to bring out
    advanced disruptive technologies and materials to replace the current power infrastructure, which use toxic, dangerous systems that threaten all life. In order to clean up our living world, to remediate nuclear contaminants in our air, water, and soil, we have a great deal of work to do. You know where to reach me for collaboration, and to change the global paradigm to one of sustainability.

  17. Clifford Goodman

    December 22, 2015 at 3:59 pm

    Niel Keenan, The right man in the right place at the right time, may the good Lord go with him and his team the rest of the way and beyond.
    Wishing you all a good Christmas and a Wonderful New Year/

  18. Neil and Group K, with great respect and love do I raise my glass to toast you! Thank You!!!

  19. God Bless you all team.Prosperity comes from inside & that’s what they don’t get.

  20. Well said! Thank goodness there are a few people who will stand fast and not give in. We all have our roles to play but sometimes we get in our own way.

    A million thanks to Team Keenan and all their supporters.

    And here’s to 2016 and giant strides forward.

    Happy Holidays 🙂

  21. Thank you Neil and Team K for all you do and continue to do right the wrongs and bring peace and prosperity to a world in dire need of cleansing. Your perseverance and strength of character have been proven time and again. Godspeed and God bless. Light has your back all the way!

  22. Thanks to the Irish-led team for their love of humanity, ability to slide-in and slide-out around complex framework of in-bred evil doers and fast movement towards Olympic gold finish. May God bless the Irish for rising above what has been endured and affected all, their gifts and lessons learned have been realized thru Number One and team!

  23. Thank you all, on behalf of all the people that have no idea this was transpiring.
    Great work. Now enjoy the Christmas period with good food, good wine, good company and a good feeling.
    We all look forward to the next update – as always.
    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.

  24. I stand ready to help in any way I can. This will be a huge undertaking. You have done what only you could do. You are the bright star in the sky this Christmas.

    I hope you get a chance to with your family this Christmas season. I wish you, your family and the K Team only the very best.

  25. There are many positive comments posted and very well done. As always, we love these updates no matter what the subject is about. Thank you, my brother, for all you and Team K have done from day one. You have inspired humanity from where it counts the most…the heart and soul. You’re a man’s man and we all stand strong because of your example. You truly are Braveheart in the flesh along with your Team K. BRAVO!!! But, there’s lots of work ahead of us all to bring about a new world of harmony. I’m chomping at the bit to be part of its development. Happy holidays to you and yours and a ton of brotherly love coming at you from CA.

  26. An Old Irish Blessing for Neil and Team K

    May love and laughter light your days,
    and warm your heart and home.
    May good and faithful friends be yours,
    wherever you may roam.
    May peace and plenty bless your world
    with joy that long endures.
    May all life’s passing seasons
    bring the best to you and yours!

  27. Thank You all

  28. Extremely grateful for your deep sincerity and courage toward a better world not just for our children and grandchild but also those caring human beings with a heart of gold which I feel you and your group have.

    The world’s key is beginning to open towards “There’s no such place as far away”.

  29. Thank you Neil and Team K for the fantastic work you are doing. I have never seen so few do so much for the betterment of mankind than you and your team. Only Christ in His infinite glory has done more. May God richly bless you and team this beautiful Christmas season, and may the New Year bring happiness for Millions as a result of your efforts. My regards to Dr. Seno Edy Soekanto, tell him “Mr. Bill” says hello and that I look forward to meeting you and seeing Seno again in Jakarta in the not too distant future. God Bless & take a few days to enjoy this wondrous Holiday Season.=BillyBobG

  30. I had no idea of all that you had been involved with. I am not surprised and I can see you going from strength to strength now. Gob Bless

  31. Thank you Neil and i hope your well and have a Merry Christmas and great time . I am so happy its almost over there were times we thought something terrible had happened to you thank God it didnt, God is looking out for you all your team. Bless you for the hard work you did for us all. We will always remember you and you will go down in History as the Man that saved his Brothers and Sisters on Earth form total financial tyranny and enslavement, Bless you. Peace on Earth.

  32. Every time I read a new post, I am, again and again, absolutely AMAZED by your determination, your integrity, your honesty, you and your team go ahead no matter what. You are on my white knights list, ha ha ha!
    So I want to say to you all, THANK YOU again for all you are doing for the good people of our planet, and I send you a mega-kiss, and wish you a wonderful Christmas! LOve to you all!

  33. Well Neil, you and the team have prevailed. What you and Team K have accomplished, will forever be etched in the annals of history. It is a wonderful feeling of euphoria to be alive at this present time with the knowledge of what has transpired at the hands of these diabolical entities, that has kept civilization in perpetual slavery for centuries; are about to receive their comeuppance. All of those in the past that are not alive at this time, who have fought and died to free humanity in their own way; I salute them. This is a blessing beyond description, to be able to bear witness to what you and the team have accomplished.

    Thank You Neil Kennan, and Team K
    God Bless you all

  34. So i read though this with a open mind and heart, i then went on to share it ! And when i came back to see when it was published etc, i noticed it had 2 comments and jumped to 33, so i have a good feeling about this one <3

    Please, be real, be true to the heart…for the peace of all humanity, for Gaia, all of our Earth… let this come to be very soon, family go hungry each day, cold by ever night all over the world! <3

    Much love and peace <3

  35. Antonio Carlos M. Gonçalves

    December 22, 2015 at 9:59 pm

    Hi, Neal and Team. Brazil here. We wish you all the best end of the year and much better beginning of a New Changed Year. Congratulations and thank you very much for what you all have done. Peace – Joy – Victory.

  36. Thanks Neil for all you did and do. You are a scholar and gent.
    Merry Christmas to you and team K. Stay well and if you ever drink
    to forget please pay in advance.

  37. Best is yet to come 🙂 Blessings to Neil and to all those who are paving the way to freedom…

  38. When I Count My Blessings, I Count You Twice…
    Irish Proverb..

    Happy Holidays and a Blessed New Year Neil and Group K

  39. Thank you Neil and Team K for all you’ve done. There are no words to express the joy I feel right now. You truly are like William Wallace and the Team is second to none. I have to meet all of you someday;you mean the world to me.
    I will help out any way I can just like always. I found out about you initially through David Wilcock and I trusted you right from that beginning, and believe me, it is very hard to do to gain my trust.
    I love all of you so much and pray for your safety and well being. It has always felt so good to know that you’re there. I am always right here at your service to do the best I can in any way possible and you know I mean every word. This is all just too much. Stay safe. Stay vigilant. Know how much you’re loved;it helps when times get hard. Hug your wife for me Neil; I know she must be very very proud of you. She’s been through a lot as well; I just know it. I have to say it’s GOOD to be alive in this world right now. You’re my family . Have a Merry Christmas with your families and friends (They’re in my prayers too) and all good things for everyone in 2016.
    Joy is the spirit of Christmas. Peace is the hope of the world.
    live oak xxx

  40. God Bless you Neil and God bless Group K. I eagerly await the days to come. Everyday I awake with hope of the better world and since I first saw you guys I knew you’d be the one to open the door. I am not afraid. I know you will be successful.

    As we will, so shall it be
    As we will, so shall it be
    AS we will, so Shall it be!

  41. Thanks Neil Now we can put the corruption behind the Iron Bars where they belong. There is an old saying maybe Irish that Iron is used in Prisons because it prevents the Spiritual Evil from escaping also; Not just the body.

    To Neil and All God Bless and Be Safe

  42. Thank you Neil Keenan and your K team! This world has been put through a lot of unnecessary death and hardship in the name of power and money. I have to admit, as I got older I was beginning to lose faith. Where is the honor and dignity of mankind? But thank you for your hard work and vigilance, Mr. Keenan. And your team. It seems there is hope for a new golden age for us all. I look forward to this with renewed strength. May you and yours have a wonderful holiday season. Thank you.

  43. Thank you Neil and Team K. Wishing all of mankind a safe and joyous season filled with peace and love. May all our days ahead be blessed by our One True Father in heaven.

  44. Thank You Neil & Co. We hold you all in highest reguard from our hearts. With love and light, we wish you a most joyous holiday season to you All, and your loved ones. God has blessed us, may God Bless all of you. Christopher

  45. Safe & happy holidays to you , your family & k team & noble ,selfless Elders for all you do .JFK rip I believe would smile….
    Sharing and informing sleeple ,officials every minute I have and sending positive light & love ♡
    Take care & ” Let’s Get Er Done ”
    Love to all ,
    CV team
    CV team

  46. Be watchful for Lucifer. God bless.

  47. Merry X’Mas to all in the team……
    Let us know when you get this thing in first gear !…..remember you have my resume..


    In 1998 I was most privileged to sit in your sacred mountains in Indonesia & to receive the blessings of your spirits which are still in my heart. I want to thank you from my heart & soul for your exemplary wisdom & protection in securing & safeguarding the treasures of gold which have far more than monetary value. They have ancient energies that come from Earth for the benefit of the people of Earth. They are not intended to be a source of false power for those who neither respect the People nor the Earth, but, instead, they prefer to create tyranny over both.

    Thanks, to you, most honored ones, for also selecting Neil Keenan to work with you in opening the Global Accounts for the benefit of healing & prospering humanity. This is a world-wide effort in which many people around the world wish to help in whatever way they are called.

    May each of you feel the sincere love & deepest gratitude We The People send your way.

  49. WOO HOO Neil and Gang….. I appreciate ALL of everything you have done for the humans on this planet earth.
    Brain washed humans along with unwillingness to think outside the box has been a win-win for the Powers That BE.
    Thank you Thank you and Thank you for every second of your life you have given to help make our planet a better planet.
    I have learned Its difficult to be smart and perfect in America. :o) jokes
    Happy Every Day Peace be with All
    CHIRAQ great movie…… People have more power than they begin to think. Power to the humans Peace n Love

  50. From Judge Anna:
    See what you can do, Neil—- I think the world is ready to face the facts and deal with the need for currency to use in trade realistically. It’s just a matter of presenting the facts and gaining consensus about what is manifestly true once people stop and think about it.

  51. Neil and Team K,
    Congrats on your most deserved success. I wish you all the best
    in next part of this journey. I just read a letter to you from a woman
    whom I believe you hold in high regard, Anna Von Reitz. The letter
    was very informative regarding what true wealth or value really is, and
    it is not the green paper and shiny metal coins that we have always been
    taught to covet. Anna makes an excellent case regarding how humanity
    should rethink our perception of value and that we can all have a much
    better existence in the future by this change in conciseness.
    Please read this short letter if you have not all ready
    Peace to all my brothers and sister and to my fellow Irishman and his
    blessed team.
    Best regards,
    Brian M

  52. Thank you Neil, and your entire team, with love and appreciation for all you do.
    Merry Christmas and a very Happy and successful, healthy and safe New Year.
    Rose Coveney

  53. Neil, you crack me up! Many a truth is spoken in jest, but I know you are serious as a heart attack; you simply haven’t lost your sense of humor.

    You got a bit of good press…someone posted this link on Cobra’s blog thread:

    The Alliance That Is Taking Down The New World Order
    December 19, 2015 Lance Schuttler 35 Comments

    Also, don’t feel bad about not being home in N.E. or missing a white Christmas.

    Forecast is a record-breaking December in Boston, with Dec. 25th highs 2 degrees less than on July 4, 2015.

    I’ll be at the Cape with family again, counting my blessings and going for beach hikes. Wishing you a Wonder-ful and Merry Christmas, and a fantastic New Year, in which we collectively shift the paradigm, thanks to you and yours. Thank you for fighting the good fight!

    Many Blessings, Neil

  54. Well Neil that is good news Congratulation
    you are god sent
    Neil you and your team have and still doing a good job

  55. Cheer for the rest of the year! I do not know what 2016 will bring but I will make a deal with myself to quit cigs when I hear confirmation of Neil’s sigs on the docs!

    If the American people could turn lead into gold copper would be worth more.

    Security is in Liberty

  56. Dear Neil and Team K,
    I was just looking over the updated no fly accords and I couldn’t be happier. You’ve done a great job. I couldn’t think of anyone to add to the list except maybe Paul Ryan, but I think we can take care of ending his political career by finding a real live honorable conservative to run against him and it better be soon because he’s just like/worse than Boehner.
    You are all incredible beyond words. I’m incredulous that the white hat pentagon people haven’t helped you more; you’re doing their job for them and they should be deeply ashamed. Please correct me if I’m wrong on that point. I know many have been fired by what’s his name, the one who’s a life member of man’s country in Chi town.
    I know Carter Ham is one of the good guys. Whatever happened to Terry Lakin? The pentagon never stood up for him and his career was ruined by asking the question we all want the answer to.
    I’m not trying to be a buttinsky, but as far as I can tell the pentagon has done very little compared to all of you and they really should be more than ashamed. I really do hope you have the support and help from people you trust, people who have earned your trust. I guess I’m a little jumpy. If anything happens I’m calling the pentagon again and again and again. Whatever it takes.
    Much love and all the best always,
    live oak xxx
    And Merry Christmas!

    • It sorta pissed me off that they called you a “bunch of ragamuffins”.
      Are you kidding me??? You’re making them look like a bunch of rubes. LOL!

  57. I look forward to 2016 and the work you are doing. The UK is in great need with floods and storms and dangers from Fracking endorsed by our government against the will of most of the public. Some of your funds would be helpful to restore the environment and to house those who have lost their homes. Also, the refugees are in genuine need. Please stop the wars and poverty. My love to you all

    • hello Susanne
      the british gov. plus monarchy need to be taken down somehow first imo. if you begin repairs on something under enemy control it will keep breaking apart as long as they have the needed weaponry.

      I think the funds might be better used to have some sort of police force get rid of the crooks publicly first. I have no idea who it would be but maybe someone else does 🙂

      about the refugees, I understand why people are fleeing, but I think that the people who stay behind to face off IS should have assistance first! they are dying in defense of their homeland and most women are having to defend their lives and homeland by joining the armed forces now at this rate.
      many of the refugees are not from syria but rather male economic migrants who are the healthiest from their homelands leaving behind children and weaker people. We really should only accept children and elderly plus women who are from warzones, that alone will put the number of refugees far above what we are offering of housing to those already living here and those who are coming here.

      I hope the people of britain will have enough of fracking and begin actual revolts to protect their drinking water, faint hope, but the alternative is a nightmare.

  58. Please Note: Language Translations

    We have started to post download links to PDF document translations of recent posts in other languages.

    These download links will appear at the end of posts under the relevant country flags.

  59. Jeanne Scoville

    January 1, 2016 at 4:27 pm

    HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL!!! This is the TIME, right HERE & right NOW for WE THE PEOPLE to make a tremendous worldwide difference in the outcome we’re all cheering & praying for!!! Neil & Team K continue to do their courageous part, & WE are their backup support. As you know, this is THE crucial “blockbuster” push to overcome centuries of cabal evil & cruelty to humankind on so many levels. Ignore the Internet trolls & disinformation that has entered the fray; these are their last-ditch efforts so they will try desperate measures.

    Today is a perfect occasion to go within & spend some quiet time sending your powerful & beautiful spiritual essences to surround Neil & Team K. We are a worldwide family that is awakening to our true selves…no longer choosing to subject ourselves to tyranny of any kind. So let’s GO FOR IT along with Neil & Team K!!!

    Love to all…

  60. I don’t see Obama’s Attorney General (Loretta Lynch) on the no fly accord.

  61. Happy New Years! to everyone. Please listen to Drake’s show-blogtalkradio/drake bailey!! also a must listen please- “Pete Santelli-“Operation Hammond Ranch” Judge Ana is brilliant in giving our history, Live-Oak! had a nice reply to you couple weeks ago and it was swept away!! anyway love ya.

  62. Happy New Year Team K. I highly recommend reading
    the Events and History timeline at the top of the page.
    Reading this brought me up to speed on many things
    which i either did not know about or had forgotten.
    So thank you. Time for it to go LIVE.

  63. Dear Neil, I have noticed that you call the United States a corporation. Is this as a result of the change of name of the original Virginia Company? Are you able to confirm if the Virginia Company still exists or if it continues under another name ? Jim.

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