Neil Keenan - Group K, Ltd.

s e c u r i n g . t h e . g l o b a l . a c c o u n t s

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  1. Hi Neil,
    My name is Dawn. Currently on disability. Have worked for the past 35 yrs in various accounting and clerical jobs. Associates in Accounting.
    Living as a snowbird. Honest and shy. Thank you for all you have done and doing. I would like to help you in any way I could.

    Much Love

    • Welcome, Dawn. Thanks for standing with us. We will let you know when we have something for you!

    • Hey Neil and group K i want to thank you from the entirety of my heart for what you are doing for our world, it must of been a long and tiring journey to get to where you have and it isnt finished yet, i pray that each of u have a very merry christmas thank you again
      Words will never express my gratitude for you and your group god bless

    • Greetings, I am I: Scottie Morgan©. I’m an American National and American State Citizen of ‘The United States of America’ (unincorporated). I recently read some articles by Anna Von Reitz in which Neil was discussed extensively. As I had never heard of Neil before I then began an internet search and landed here. I am wondering if Neal is familiar with Anna and the American State Assemblies work on behalf of mankind everywhere on this planet? And what are his thoughts about Anna and her efforts? As a new volunteer for the Neal Keenan & Group K, my skills are are somewhat limited. However, my passion for liberty and justice for all is unlimited. Peace and Unity. Scottie©

    • Hi Neil and the team, stay well and keep safe.
      I’m just an ordinary bloke with no special skill set as such, I’m a driver for a living.
      Still though I am willing to assist in any capacity that I can. Thank you and keep up the good fight!!

  2. whatever I can do for you Neil

    • Thanks for being with us, Pat.

    • Justice William O. Douglas (1898-1980):

      “When a legislature undertakes to proscribe the exercise of a citizen’s constitutional rights it acts lawlessly and the citizen can take matters into his own hands and proceed on the basis that such a law is no law at all.”

      • Great quote. Thanks Pat J.

        • To Neil and Group K,

          Been reading many of your articles, and i thank our Creator for materializing you all into our lives..I am disabled in the Los Angeles area. I would love the opportunity to assist with getting the “Healing Computer” to the many who are now, in need of this blessing….We bless your continued work for God’s people, thank you….Tim Clanton

      • Good day. Currently in South Africa there is an investigation by our Hawks to investigate trillions of money stolen from the Reserve Bank that was given by a White Spiritual Boy Trust. Tokyo Sexwale as laid it all bare as he was a proxy for the trust. It’s making big waves in our media. I believe it was siphoned of to international and national commercial banks. Apparently the owners of the money is of Asian decent. Please could you tell us how this is connected and if you have any additional information.

        • There is a section on Neil’s home page that gives a potted history of how Neil ended up doing what he does now. On there he talks about the White Spiritual Boy Trust and not in a good way. It would be worth reading that. It is only 50 pages and well worth the read. I am sure Neil would want to know about this. By the way I was born in Cape Town but live in England now and have for a long time. Be safe

        • I have plenty. Call me

  3. I’m almost 46 y.o., Brazilian, electronic technician, business administrator, much knowledge about internet, computers, computer networks, data security, secure internet, free/libre and open source software (FLOSS), philosopher and free thinker. I can communicate in English, Spanish, Portuguese and a little of French. I am skilled also in those language tranlations.

  4. I am a visual artist. I worked in the Silicone prosthetics industry for many years. I am good with my hands (although I am starting to suffer from disabilities in my right arm) and diplomacy.

    I would help in what ever capacity I can.

  5. 57 yr old songwriter/ musician veteran of Nam era on disability but willing ready and able to do anything needed to rebuild our republic…also a member of The Fourth Continental Congress and UAMAC [United American Militia Advisory Council]…I am a N.Y. patriot.

  6. I am doing what I can. As long as you are reporting what has been happening, I ‘m sharing and teaching those in my field of influence. We Americans already know that something is amiss, but the average Joe has no idea how deep it goes. I’m teaching them to open their eyes , consider the evidence, and see the big picture. It’s not alot, but it’s setting the groundwork when you need the masses to listen-up and be pro-active at the grassroots level.

    Many hands make light work!

    If you need more help, just ask. I know you’re team is not shy!


  7. 58 yr. old male, borderline genius IQ, physically disabled former electronics/electrical/mechanical engineer w/intense professional audio and consumer electronics manufacturing experience, highly trained in regulatory compliance (products liability, some EMC, ergonomics), 40 yrs. business management experience, (world) patriot, freedom fighter, adept in music, art, cooking, languages, a lifelong researcher, and so much more. Let’s do this!

  8. Sharon (Raven) Legnon

    February 23, 2014 at 2:12 am

    Retired….. Bookkeeper and Design Drafter of structural steel. My hobby is designing small homes.

  9. I am a teacher. I have been active in the freedom movement for almost 6 years. I founded the Agenders, a national coalition to educate Americans about Agenda 21, and I organized many successful conventions across Florida to inform citizens about this Unied Nations’ plan to decrease and cram us. I have a talent for writing and editing. I also have experience in public speaking and presenting. I am volunteering for whatever needs to be done.

  10. Phd Computer Science / Software Engineering. Research scientist DOD C4I C5I simulations communications planning and more. I do not support tyranny or those that do. Hence my current situation. The only way we can be free and I can have my life and career back is to defeat these ba$#%rds. There is nothing to lose, they plan on killing us anyway. I will do whatever I can. I wish I knew before what was really going on. I gave them the capability to fly the UAVs from any location on the planet in real time. Never again!

  11. Greetings
    I am a 37yo electrician living in Melbourne Australia. I have been actively spreading the information among those willing to listen. I am always willing to do more
    Count me in!

  12. Greetings,
    I am a real estate professional from the Philippines.
    Let me know how and when I can come in handy.

    Liberation Now !!!

  13. Neil,
    What can we do to volunteer and help.?

    I am in

    I live in no. Carolina

    • Monti, I am in Charlotte and Harnett County NC. Though retired, I am driven to make things fair and will fight our common enemy until the day I die. I am thinking of the best strategies to educate as many as possible, as quickly as possible. Please email me with your ideas. I am on Face Book as Gail Williams from Albemarle, sitting at a desk at my public school that was scheduled for demolition. My page and friends are 99% dedicated to saving the world from a little known enemy. That is why my page is open to all, even those who are not on FB. I also give my phone # to everyone because I can talk faster than I can type! 704 244 0820.

  14. Live in Florida USA..Background in Business, Economics and Finance, International ….have been an entrepreneur for 28 years in the so-called healthcare and health insurance fields . English/Spanish
    Have been “awake” for about five years ….willing to help anyway I possibly can!!
    A ligean saoirse fáinne !!

  15. I have been in touch with you before, via facebook and JH. I still know how to fly small planes, and am a quick study and great with numbers. I can’t wait for things to change, and would be honoured to help in any way at any time.

  16. Mary Ann Martini

    February 23, 2014 at 6:45 pm

    Hi Neil ! I want to help if and when I can . I’m not very talented but I am a nurse and my husband thinks I’m a good cook ! ( Specialties are Italian and I can make a mean Irish stew ) ! LOL Although my nick name is Sweets , I’m a New Yorker ,so if you need a sweet New Yorker with a little attitude let me know ! LOL Humanity will be free ! God Bless XXXXOOOO

  17. Neil,

    Blessings to you and everyone that steps up, thank you in advance!

    I am willing ready and able to stand once again for my country. I have many skills as follows. I place them all at your need.

    1. Chef by trade
    2. Heavy Equipment Operator
    3. Semi Truck Driver
    4. Avid Speaker Of the Light (awake and loving it)
    I live in Michigan and ready !

  18. Was a Spanish radio announcer for many years in New York City been for the past 5 years living in Florida. Want to help in whatever I can to end the cabal control and get them out to liberate humanity.

  19. BS in Accounting and Information Science. Worked as independent IT consultant for the last 20 yrs (nuclear energy the last 5 yrs) in Project Management, databases (Oracle, DB2, Access etc.), datawarehouse, designer, developer (mainframe and web design (ColdFusion)), IT instructor, teacher, day trader, financial management, real estate rehabber, world traveller (born in the Philippines), just about learning how to be fluent in spanish.

    At your service, anything I can do to help. I can put in 20-40 hrs nightime and weekends (for a start). I can work remotely on computers so location is not an issue.

  20. Hi Neil, I want to give my heart and soul to the cause. I know I can make a difference. I have over 20 years in the military. My children are grown and gone I have 7 grandkids and I do not under any circumstances want to leave them the USA or the world as it is and I will gladly die to make sure its better when I go. Give me Liberty or Give me Death..I AM WITH YOU 100 %, Respectfully Bobby Stringer

  21. I would donate dólares but not in a position at this time, however I expect that to change over the next 3-6 months. Expat living in the Republic of Panama for close to 9 years now, seen the writing on the wall long before that.

    Have developed websites as well as a retired General Contractor, once I shit rescinding the SSN in ’94 they no longer renewed my privilege to do business in the State of California but of course keep my renewal fee.

    Willing and able to help in anyway possible!

    God Speed Neil and Team, you are in my prayers every night.

  22. What a welcome post from Neil and team!

    I reside in Washington State. I’m retired DOD Air Force civilian. My background is in construction project engineering (BA Mechanical Engineering, MA Systems Management). Vietnam era army veteran…Germany.

    My current interest is in the pursuit the health benefits of applied bio-energy.

    With guidance I would be most happy to write letters and possibly even short articles…for starters…

  23. Background in dentistry, medical and life insurance, and trucking industry in US. Have been active on a constitutional based legislative committee, active with local auxiliary, property rights, and signed up to participate in common law juries. Also, have been learning about organic gardening. Raise cattle, horses and chickens and an above average cook. Let me know if you can use any of these skills. Thanks for all you do!

  24. Hi Neil,
    Greetings from the north carolina republic.
    Nice photo of you and albert the 600 plus year old dragon, Please give our regards to him and his mother.
    We are 50 years of age a and 31 year professional aircraft mechanic and aircraft inspector of large commercial jet aircraft like the Boeing and Airbus type aircraft. Also a certified private pilot. Former airline mechanic “UNITED AIRLINES” for 13 plus years victim of 9/11 false flag attack. Air Force veteran of 5 plus years, of which 2 years served in Germany wrenching on F-4 fighter jets.
    We still speak some German and a little Spanish.
    We have been working on perfecting commercial and administrative processes and trust law for 12 years and had mixed results. We were a signature to the disaster known as The Restore America Plan back in February 2010 on the north carolina republic and accepted a very short tenure as the north carolina dejure gran jury foremen until it was infiltrated by wrong doers. No longer wish to be anyone’s patsy. Victim of IRS terrorist abuse. We are mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore. Give us a holler. yahweh’s blessings regards.
    by: michael olson

    • Hi Michael:
      I see it’s been a while since you posted or replied on this webpage, but I’m going to give it a try and see if I can spark some new activity.
      I have several things in common with you and would like to start a private dialog about them. I, too am mad as hell and will not take any more of the BS. I will volunteer my time and expertise to this noble cause.
      Hope to hear from you soon.

  25. Hi Neil and co, It will be an absolute honor to help in any way I can. I have a Graduate Diploma in Psychotherapy, have worked as a security officer for nearly 10 whilst studying to get my Diploma in fitness. I am very intuitive and am able to “sense” when those around me are lying. I think I have received this gift from my Grandmother. I have been studying all things cabal for over 10 years ever since I read the book “Better than Nostradamus”. I am computer literate(self taught) and can speak some Spanish. I also consider myself to be very empathic and passionate about bringing freedom to the world. If any of my attributes can help, please do not hesitate to contact me.

  26. Hi Keenan Team ,
    I am 100% AMERICAN and live UPSTATE of New York. I proudly think for myself. I am an adventurer but always stand my ground. I am ready to mobilize/bug-out and do what has to been done to take back our country. Thank you all for your efforts. peas n carrots

  27. Hello, Neil Keenan and Group. My name is Kevin and I am HIV positive and disabled, but healthy and living, looking for a better quality of life and answers, thru various detailed research in my fight for that better quality of life; or some hidden cure. I know now, thanks to people like you Mr. Keenan, that I am not alone. And I want to live. What can I can do for you sir? I have skills in computers/internet and 2 years of business college.

  28. Man of many hats. Artist, poet, music and photography.. have made my living in health care for the last 8 years caring for the disabled. Many years background in progressive causes, spiritual studies and activist endeavors. Would be happy to be on a reserve list to spread the good word and always willing to carry the freedom torch when needed. Thanks for providing this opportunity for the volunteers among us!

  29. Hello, have BA and MBA and frustrated with the corporate world went back to school for a career change. Just changed my major to film and have started making and directing a short film! Love it so far and if you have any ideas for more short films that can help us share…let me know, John

  30. Netherlands is also in to help.
    Neil have a look at the documents I send the team last night. It gives away the UN with their own words in regards to the war efforts against the people. It also give away its “owners”.

  31. I created this Group within a website because I have been trying to awaken the Masses for some time now. My group goes back some years. I have done over 8 years of Research and what I found out Sickened me to the Core. Not many people know that Adolf Hitler was the Grandson of Lionel Nathan Rothschild and that it was the AshkeNazi, Zionist, Criminal Banking Rothschild Mafia that Created, Funded and ran the Nazis from the Shadows. Their Goals were to Demonize the German Race in the eyes of the World, to also Kill off as many Gentile through the banker created war. To make a Vast Fortune from the Interest on the Loans Given to Governments for the war that the Rothschilds created. And finally to Create the State of Israel from the Lies of the Holocaust. (The Zionist-Nazis placed the Torah Jews in the Camps because they were the only Jews who opposed the Zionists and opposed a Jewish State of Israel.)

    If there is any way that I can help. I will Try. I see that what you are doing is helping to bring this Evil Cabal down and that can only be a good thing!

  32. 😀 … It’s time for house cleaning ! … Let’s git’r DONE ! …

  33. I am a strategist…my ability to communicate complex ideas in simple terms could make me valuable as the world transitions. Ignorance and fear are the only things I concern my self with when the shit hits the fan. I ask every cop that wonders by my table if they are happy as revenue collectors for the criminally insane. (I believe our berlin wall moment lies with them.)
    I am ex software executive, made my life doing seminars on sales and marketing strategies (worldwide)…, Having awakened I turned my attention to humanity. I am an orgonite engineer/ scientist and have a music studio invested in recording in frequencies that heal and feed biology having learned 440hz was just another Nazi stunt. I want to help get the 5200 energy patents that have been black shelved seen. It is with a physicians mindset we make Orgonite to help those struggling with any diagnosis that our research suggest is frequency related. (there are many.) No gimmick… simply treating energy with energy. Like treating a grass stain with protein cleaner.

    I work everyday teaching the lies that are the current systems. We have been had. I see the strategies very clearly. I like most just want to live in harmony and have a sustainable life. What I believe can be a sustainable life. That said staying in the moment, and not knowing what will be available to us in the new paradigm, I teach my kids to grow food now and collect seeds. I teach people to take some personal responsibility for their own health care and life in general. Knowing that any group with a three letter acronym created by the state is working against us not for us. The AMA, FDA, USDA… all full of it. Must be changed. Now. They are all created to control what was not theirs to control. They make policy and shape industry for their clients the other corporations. We are simply revenue. When we are not paying the protection money (tax), the new strategy is to lock us up in private money making prisons, for arbitrary laws, that get subsides with our money. These guys are good at being bad.

    Sacha and I and our very aware children thank you and your team for making this move and making correcting the ills of our planet it your lives work. We stand with you. All of us. We are very grateful.

    All the love…

  34. I don’t trust much- God is good- but I will fight for what is mine , my family, and my country- COUNT ME IN
    GOD! Bless America & All the oppressed country”s in the world.
    NOW is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country

  35. I’m a wordsmith, and God gave me the gift of discernment. So I’m able to discern what is really important in the massive world of information. Through God’s gift, I can boil down these complex topics into just a few sentences.

    Examples of simple statements that I’ve wordsmithed for facebook are:
    Global Crime Syndicates own the Federal Reserve Bank, the World Bank, and the IRS, and are counterfeiting over $1 Trillion US Dollars every year by buying US Treasury Bonds with money they never had.
    According to expert witness Karen Hudes, every tax dollar paid to the Crime Syndicate Owned IRS is sent out of the United States to the London Crime Syndicate. The London Crime Syndicate keeps 40% of our tax dollars and then sends 60% of our tax dollars on to the Rome Crime Syndicate. see:
    The “101 YEAR WAR” is Global Crime Syndicates, who own the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, and the World bank, counterfeiting $Trillions of US Dollars to cause hyperinflation, riots, martial law and then claim they own everything under Presidential Executive Orders.
    A Swiss Study says that 140 Banks have counterfeited enough US Dollars to buy up 40% of the world’s businesses. see:

    • How on Earth can we overthrow such a powerful, insidious, pervasive deadly technologically advanced network with all the worlds govts and militarys at its command?! Were fucked.

      I have been followed and psy opped for several yrs now. I cant stop them. I cant do anything about this but kill them and go to prison for life. I will not go to prison for this crazyness. What to do?

      • David Griswold

        June 3, 2016 at 10:16 am

        All we need to do is to stop being willing participants in this cruel game–Change your Federal income withholding to “Exempt” and or stop paying any and all Federal Taxes.

  36. Dear Neil and Co.

    I wish to be of some utitlity, but I live in France, can we fight for you or do something simple to help you!!! I talk off everything I read to everybody and many persons ask me , can we read it or hear it in french…? Perhaps some translations if it is not already done????? I am 100 % behind you and send you every positive thinking I can!!!

    Many kind regards and courage to all of you !!!


  37. I’m a writer, musician and singer, rabble-rouser who also works as an insurance investigator/adjuster. I make a point to pass info to my friends and family, even when they do not reply; we need to realize too many of our compatriots are “asleep” at the wheel. Keep at `em, because you do impinge/make an effect.

    I’m particularly of the mind-set that the anti-social curs have burned most if not all their bridges as regards their “willingness to change”; the truly insane ones cannot/willn’t and those who are too close to them are “under their spell” too much so to be able to trust. The truly insane ones (like, obviously Rockefeller, GHWB, Soros, Blankfein, etc.) will never stop what they do. Never. They can’t. So, beware the corner they’re pushed into as it will hold their last explosives. That, you can take for gospel; please, do not disregard this.

  38. Hello Neil,
    I have been learning all about this for the last 14yrs I am way more ready to get things done, in whatever that I can do to help ! I am more inclinded towards physical labor and/or truck driving ! I am more then WILLING to help anyway that I can, I am unemployed so lots of free time. Please let me know what I could do to help…………………………….

  39. Reside in Northern CA. I am a retired grandma of 63 yrs young, after working in the work force for 49 years and raising two children by myself.
    Worked in communications for PAC Bell / ATT for over 20 years in logistics, ordering and distributing supplies for techs/installers, lineman, splicers, etc. Worked in a city municipality for almost 17 years, in the City Clerk’s Dept., in City Hall, recording and storing records of the city and assisting with citizen’s requests.
    49 years in customer service.
    Interests include communications, music and food.
    Music and food are the common denominators of bringing people together.
    Highly interested in the cleaning house, re-set and re-structure of Disneyland, in that it can be an affordable, safe and pure place of pleasure and enjoyment for people of all ages.
    In respect and gratitude for all that your Group has done, is doing and is going to do.
    Please let me know how I may be of service in the re-set/re-structure of the financial, governmental, sociological and economical systems to benefit your Group, all of humanity and the earth………….

    In Gratitude and Service

  40. What can I do to help ?

  41. Hello

    Retired business person with an electrical background. Living in South Western Ontario, Canada.
    (Been awake forever).


  42. Hi My name is Chris. Im in the UK. By trade I am a computer Network engineer. And a Reiki Healer.
    Wife thinks im mad when I speak of what is going. But happy to help anyway I can

  43. hi Neil I am Julie 54yr old woman nan to 7 grandkids who i love dearly, I have followed your fight for us on Jean haynes site, to stand with you in any way that i can would be an honor for the love of humanity I am so excited about the future love nan

  44. Hi Neil,
    Greetings from north carolina
    I have been active in the freedom movement for almost 10 years.
    I am very talented Irish man of age 50 work 30 years, Equipment Operator,organic gardening,average cook,computer Networking,some electrical background, pipe plumber,Manfactory Worker ,make home made dynamite maker,
    I am more then willing to help anyway that I can, I am unemployed so lots of free time. Please let me know what I could do to help

  45. I have no website but am dedicated to magnificent effort of ridding the world of the criminal privatized governments in the west. I will do anything to help this just cause. I am 72, fit, male, a musician with wife and a 13 year old daughter who is being threatened with vaccinations etc which I have so far managed to prevent. I have approached the white dragons through Ben Fulford for action to stop the weather warfare and fracking which is killing our us and our environment. I know through Keshe we might have the answer. I consent to the use of all means available to stop the destruction. I am your humble and devoted servant. Laurence J Robson.

  46. I’m Irish also….and am a retired teacher, musician, and active artist……with a few years experience in sales of educational materials. I’ve been active in anti-fluride movements and support organics and farmers’ markets.etc…but am no longer a “spring chicken” ….! I’ve been following your efforts on Jean’s blog and David
    Wilcock’s web site. You are amazing !
    Would like to help if I can…Currently living in Texas.

  47. Erin Manderschied

    February 25, 2014 at 5:15 pm

    Stay at home, homeschooling Freedom Loving Conservative raising up the next generation of free thinkers and revolutionaries! I’d like to help out anyway I can!

  48. I’m 18 so I don’t know what I could do and I’m also broke as a joke but I just wanted to say it would be amazing if I could help you Neil in any way. 🙂

  49. Not sure what to list, college degree, many skills waiting for the right opportunity to shine. I’m willing to do anything to help, willing to travel if needed.
    I can do multiple things and I’m not afraid to work hard and get dirty to help.
    Currently no job, so no restrictions and limitations to stop me.
    Please let me know how I can be of any help.

  50. 4 years ago I went on a mission. A mission of learning as much as I can about this illusion that me and my family have been living in. I have done non stop studying of the mind control tactics that this corporation has perpetrated against humanity. I am getting so fed up with people telling me to give up and that you are only one person. I am so sick of seeing honest people around me being manipulated into thinking that they are irrelevant. I am a 37 year old passionate patriotic American who knows that we hold the power and the rest is the illusion of the mind. I want to get involved. I have a passion in my heart for humanity and am willing to die for it. I have lived hundreds of lives and chose to be here for this. DK

  51. Im 58 and disabled. But I have heart and motivation. I have supported livestreamers of occupy and occupy nyc and cincy alot with computer work, sharing, researching, etc. Things I can do from home.

    I believe in the cause and in you.

  52. Howdy,

    My skill set ranges from photo-journalism, SEO writing for the internet, drawing, painting and other artistic skills. Let me know what I can do.

  53. Ok, you need help and I am here to help. Tell me what I need to do and supply me with the means to get it done. Death doesn’t frighten me and never really has. What does frighten me is the thought of my children living in a future under rule of these scumbags. Humanity deserves better than this. I’m not very big and I’m afraid I don’t have a lot of technical skills to offer but, I’m willing to do whatever it takes to help correct this mess. I don’t see how we can wait much longer for action to be taken.

  54. Hello Neal:
    I am a 54 year old with graduate degrees in Speech Pathology and Transpersonal Psychology. My big talents and interests are in writing, social/cultural psychology, depth psychology; strategic planning and organization; psychoanalysis and psychological profiling. I have psychic training and am an intuitive. Guitar and Aikido are interests and talents, I was also first a class sous chef in a my youth, pretty good one. Recovering alcoholic/addict 30 years now. I have a lot of interest in the ecology of the planet, and healing technologies. Let me know if any of that is a good fit for something I can contribute. Keep Well.

  55. I do am willing to do whatever I can to help. I have nieces and nephews who are so innocent and they deserve to know that we have done whatever we can to help them have the future that they deserve.

  56. Cosmic here, from “United We Are.”

    I will leave communication open for those who know my name or my groups/pages and or efforts. I have offered myself to all honest intention, my boots, my blood, the Cabal as my cud.

    I will say I am culturally diverse, lingual, 30 rounds ready and self educated. I know Law, I know Militia, I know Design, Programming, Government, Energy, Survival, and varied logistics. I know a lot about everything and have a lot of communications with a lot of people who also know a lot of shit.. not sheep and not cheap.

    Nuff said.

  57. Well, what do I say, I guess I’m considered a prepper pro and solution master as I always tell all that there is never a problem, only a solution opportunity. We founded a local community service oriented self-reliance preparedness group going on 6 years ago, meeting monthly to teach DIY self-sustaining skill sets. Unfortunately, I’m the primary poster/writer on our blog/forum prep info site at Our family also started a self-reliance preparedness products store at so we could provide needed prep items at best prices for all those we try to teach and help. We are very dedicated grassroots activists in constitutional liberty causes. I’m very committed to studying the ascension wisdom of the ancient mystery schools and sharing to help people rise to free themselves of the victim mentality and rise to their potential and life mission they came here to accomplish in service to humanity.

    • PS: Forgot to say we are in possibly the safest of the redoubt safe haven retreat areas of the US Pacific NW in the Bitterroot Mountains of Montana. We design and build hardened buildings, underground bunkers, wood gasifiers for heating and vehicle fuel, methane bio-gas digesters, survival stoves, aquaponic systems, straw bale buildings, solar appliances, EMP proof vehicles, and on and on! We are not brilliant, just very determined while believing in just start doing something and you will be shown the way to accomplish it, utilizing the Hermetic principle, as below so above, as above so below.

  58. Neil,
    I emailed you a few days ago. I hope you got it. I would like to do what I can to help out.

  59. Truckdriver : Let me know where and when

  60. Hi ja
    Im 35, have been active in the martial arts for many years as well as fitness, nutrition, survival and spirituality
    Im currently in Namibia Africa so if you guys need help let me know if i can help

  61. Greetings all. I thank everyone for your hard work and devotion to humanity. I live just outside of DC in Virginia and stand at the ready to assist in any way I can. I am well prepared, able bodied and ready to sacrifice as needed in order to bring about positive change for humanity. Please do not hesitate to call upon me if and when I can be of assistance. Together we cannot be defeated. Stand strong brothers and sisters of freedom!

  62. I live in the Netherlands and if there is anything I can do up here, please let me know. Sincerely, Anne May

  63. If the disgraced few to the Human race could take us out 1 by 1 secretly, then We United can take them out group by group publicly. I would like to offer some help as I never respected oppressing bully types even when I was an unaware kid. I am interested in aiding the enforcment of the removal of all these unelected parasites that attempt to and are, destroy our beautiful Humanity and its Environment. Residing and working in Canada, I ask how I could be of assistance to your group that I consider our group?


  64. Siggy Taylor

    I live outside of Charleston SC. I am a great communicator. I have huge compassion for the human race (any race really, as long as they are peaceful) and would love to help in any way I could. I am a good cook and enjoy writing. If you need me in any capacity, please let me know. I am here, ready to help.

  65. kjell erik bersvendsen

    February 26, 2014 at 2:03 pm

    Hi from Kjell Erik from No(r)way the most programmed country in the world

    -wanna do so much more.

    Im a outspoken musician with a elleven year sentence for non violent crimes(natural medicine). Im a medicine man with shamistic anchestors. I voluntered to fight evil many many lives ago and throughout history we are the ones that got slaughtered deseased, burnt etc..

    Now we finally faces the last epic battle and we will win, thanx to You and all the ones that dares, to overcome the only means to keep us down, fear and hopelessness.

    I can and will reach so many more people than politicians or people in suits.
    Lets make a festival with all the good people in music with meaning our truth as the drive. a festival in every country that combines the good people in music, inventions and natural harmony understandings and focus on health…. a futurefestival that has no degrading agenda. lets take back the music scene for the powers of good.

    secondly i live close to Ramfjord..(harp).. many have talked about doing something like sabotage, i held people back because we dont know the risk and potential catastrophy of destroying equipment.
    I have many warriors readdy….and also in the so called criminal world there are many clearsighted with pulling power… WE ARE READDY, send someone to update us and I have some very interresting ideas…benjamin fulford is the only person i trust with the news. i have scoops for him.

    Let Norway be the country where we try out speed trials where victims get help. The money can be taken directly from astronomical military budgets. we have mapped all lodge activities and use a country that has the worlds eyes upon them for being the best country in the world(nothing can be further from the truth. I can sit for hours and talk about all the pedo agenda and the plan for the programming of one elite nation. they programmed norway for many decades…ive seen it all gathered info and been readdy.

    I was eleven when they grew bacteria in me, im readdy to go to jail or sacrifice everything for this noble cause..
    im not afraid of publicity and i have openly provocated reactions, because i was never a slave, I resisted from They tried to destroy my father my family and me as an eleven year old. I only know resistance
    check my band out:Darn those rebels

    one love Buddha bless

    from Kjell Erik,

  66. I was born ‘awake’. The time is NOW. In my career I have worked
    as an administrative assistant, researcher and interior designer. I
    am psychic and an astrologer. I have followed Jean Haines’ blog
    almost from its’ inception. I am so grateful for you both. Don’t
    know how I can contribute but will try in any way I can to assist
    this effort. Oh, and I’m Irish descent from nyc…if that helps…lol
    God bless you Neil. xoxo

  67. Keenan Team, you people are great!
    I’m currently a second generation Electrician. X Navy and familiar with power generation, distribution, sub-stations etc. I’ve flown small aircraft, hold a CDL and driven as an OTR truck driver traveling the country. I live on the NY/Pa border between two drone prototype developers. I’m familiar with upstate NY down to the Maryland border, living and working in many of the city’s. I’m willing to help out any way I can!

  68. Might be an idea to get request out to radio shows Alex Jones, Peoples voice etc.. you might get 90% of the population. I am happy to help with english speaking French to get info out to the uninformed in France especially farming/rural
    Can someone try to contact/educate pilots/military on chemtrails in France?
    There is a need to contact unions etc… to stop violent demonstrations due to not connecting the dots…

  69. Hi Neil and Co.
    Thanks for finally creating this website. I have a background in investment finance and the oil and gas industry. Invited conference speaker on a local and national level. I love to cook, especially for the masses in need, it’s a humbling experience to look into the eyes of the downtrodden. I currently have a mobile notary business in San Antonio, Texas. Something tells me when all is said and done, especially by your good works, many will be needing to clear their “Allodial” Title to their property. LOL! The more hope I hear from you, the harder they pound here in the US. Let’s get this done!

  70. My name is Karl and I am currently a student in Albany, NY. If you need any help with anything let me know. I have a computer science background and I have some experience with web and database stuff. If you even need me for paperwork stuff let me know. I love my country and my state and I do not want to see it destroyed by the cabal. Contact me if you need me.

  71. I’m an incarnate member of the Silver Legion wanting to help in any physical way I can. I cant sit still any longer, sign me up and send me somewhere to help get this done.

  72. Reminder:

    I live in the same city as Dr. Group. I think he lives off the 610 Loop ( or something like that). He is not too far from me. Maybe I can be of service of him with the new medicine and healing technologies to help bring out into the public.

  73. I’m a seasoned professional leading advertising/marketing campaigns and art direction with emphasis in financial products and services. I would like to use my talents and experience to spread truth. I am also longing for the day when the United States of America is wrestled away from the parasitic and genocidal U.S. Corporation so that it can rightfully reemerge as the sovereign republic that the framers intended.

  74. Retired Airman living in Northern Ireland but in Germany for Cancer treatment induced last August. traveling to Israel next week for further treatment and activities over Easter, what occurs in the Middle East occurs to the rest of the world so it will be a peaceful Easter as never before. Cancer is a business that needs to be put to work to repair all that needs to be done with the new technology coming on line at the new forming healing places worldwide. Love is the new technology that will rid the world of unloving along with those who follow that path.

  75. Salve mi chiamo Sabrina e scrivo dall’italia sono una operatrice di Reyki e credo molto nella medicina alternativa ho una azienda agricola e ho anche camere non sò come esservi utile ma sono quà
    ciao a tutti Sabrina

    • Informing, updating my neighbors, friends, community & elected leaders. I’m outright telling them to email our mayor and ask for a Maui-like ordinance banning all chemtrail/geoengineering programs over and around.

  76. i am a coal miner in wyoming who is actually eager for my job to phase out!I have 14 years experience i can operate many pieces of equipment.i am so ready to put my experience to work with cleaning up this awesome planet we are on!Keep on kicking ASS team! love you guys

  77. im a truck driver from the mid michigan area. let me know if there is anything you need done or checked into, in or around my area.

  78. Become immortal; do something right for humanity’s future!

    I have three dozens of new, sane and healthy products I designed to go and manufacture and sell locally.

    We don’t want a Global Village; we want… a Globe of Villages (the Jeffersonians)

  79. Hey Neil
    Thanks for the amazing work from you and your team.
    I am a massage therapist from NZ and will send healing
    energy to your sore hip.. Would love to help in anyway.

  80. I’m from the Rochester New York area (upstate). I want our country back
    and I’m willing to do what ever it takes to get it back! If I can do anything
    in my neck of the woods please let me know.

  81. Hey, team K.
    I will help out what ever needs helping with. Bad guys have been trying to kill me since a young age, bud guys what me gone for a reason, just more of a reason to help out. I can tell if some is not telling the truth, and the intent of a persons actions when talking to me face to face, our when around me. I get a since of places and buildings that I will be at/in before it happens.

  82. I am an accomplished protection professional. Very awake and eager to assist.

  83. Hello Keenan Team, I have many skills i am an Electrician/Truck drive,and can and have ran excavating equipment, i have been born and lived most of my life in my home state of Nebraska, I am willing to do what ever it takes to get back our Republic as it was intended to be by the our Forefathers, i am a countryboy, but not quite a redneck. Thank to you and your team for your efforts to free our world.
    I will be waiting to be of service to the freedom cause.

  84. dear Neil and team,
    I am a Dutch woman, living in Northern Greece. Speak Dutch, English and Greek fluently, but don’t write Greek faultless. Studied penal law in the Netherlands.
    Wanted to change this world as long as I remember. Would be grateful if I can do anything here.


  86. Hello, Sent an email with some information about myself. I can only assume that the delay in hearing from You is that You are checking me out. Don’t be like the Militias and just ignore an offer to help. I am an Honorable veteran Marine, and All In on this hand. Thank You

  87. I am in the same position as Colleen, meaning that Neil (or Neil’s team) has not responded to me, either. I find that extremely curious. I would like to assist, and I have sent Neil’s team my qualifications in the e-mail that I sent. It would be a courteous thing to do to at least give the people that e-mail Neil (or Neil’s team) some type of response letting us know that you guys at least got our e-mails.

  88. Dear Mr. Keenan,

    No Cancer Foundation is a humanitarian organization that fight international “for” human rights, “against” industrial mass poisoning, cancer and other poisoning diseases. This foundation represented all global citizens, and provides a platform for all those who want positive change by giving a strong signal to responsible officials, to provide a bridge between governments and citizens with the prospect to work a joint democratic solutions for all parties.

    We all are (will be) the victim of a massive genocide scandal. Through nearly 30 years of self-study and self-examination, we concluded that if we don’t want to destroy our earth and its inhabitants forever, there must come immediately an end to current global, stealth mass poisoning!

    This is caused by a constitutional problem which destroyed the sovereignty of all 7 billion inhabitants of our earth through the United Nations. As result, all rulers affiliated with the United Nations are no longer sovereign. Wherefore we have several ongoing court proceedings.

    As the foundation of the global pollution has emerged in The Netherlands we have informed Queen Maxima with a request. First as Princess of the Netherlands by means of a registered letter on May 27, 2012 with a copy to His Majesty King Albert II from Belgium.

    Subsequently, as Queen Maxima of the Netherlands by means of an email dated February 11, 2014 sent by mutual agreement to the Cabinet of the King of the Netherlands. Here we have asked for a response and mediation with Pope Francis to inform, and have a dialogue with our new Pope. We (The people) like to offer together with the Holy See and the United Nations (U.N.) existing geopolitical, medical as well as environmental solutions to our suppressed World in problems. where we have access to. We would like to inform and, if desired contact you to inform you further.

    With sincere greetings,
    Verbeek Erik (NCF)

    • Mr. Erik,
      Your expectations of the Holy See, the Pope(s), etc. might be a whole lot more than they can offer you? I would highly recommend reading Kevin Annett’s site: for clarification.


    by whistleblower Mary Blow

    Dear Neil,

    It was you and Jean Haines who woke me up and made me take the decision to become a whistle blower.
    I worked at the Central Black Money Bank of London at the linguistic development department for forty years and was the only trusted person who had insight into the black book of proverbs. So did I become acquainted with the history of well-known English proverbs and, as hardly anybody nowadays is aware of, it is these proverbs who have turned people into sheep.
    When I understood what had been going on for more than two centuries, I was so shocked that I copied the black book of proverbs during my overtime and quit my job. I went into hiding before being flown to North Korea, where I have been given political asylum.

    As your site is well-known globally, I am sending you herewith some highly confidential information from this black book. It is high time people remembered who they really are.

    The history of the book goes back to 1790. After the release of “The Wealth Of Nations” by Adam Smith, the well-known family Rottweiler started to make Big Plans to become the owners of Earth and all Mankind. They broke the Plan up into smaller parts and nephew David was assigned the task to make people accept whatever the Rottweilers put into practice. In other words to turn the independent, free and happy people into sheep. Not an easy task! David was notorious for his dreams. They always came true and David knew how to interpret them. He was given one week to come up with ideas.
    The first night David had the following dream: He saw the great-great-great grandson of his uncle running in the rain for his life with a big rucksack on his back. He was being chased by a certain Neil Keenan. The date was March 30, 2014. Not a nice dream and how to think of a plan after such a dream. So he asked his dreammaker to give him another dream.
    The second night he saw the same man again. This time he was collecting Gold from all the global banks. It was March 28, 2014. This second dream made everything clear to him: he had to save his uncle’s offspring and his own and he knew exactly how: he had to invent new proverbs.
    People in his time did not read, but their guidelines in life were proverbs. At that time the proverb “a party a day keeps sorrow away” was in. Everyone in turn was holding parties, evening in, evening out.
    His new proverbs should transform people into meek sheep, who followed their leader without asking questions. They ought to learn to be afraid and of course to put their money in the bank so that great-great-great grandson could take it all. David decided to ask the infallible Pope for help, so that the new proverbs would be preached in church too.
    And so came David up with the following proverbs:

    1. Save money for a rainy day.
    2. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.
    3. God helps those who help themselves.
    4. You can’t always get what you want.
    5. Too many cooks spoil the broth.
    6. All good things must come to an end.
    7. Make ends meet.
    8. A little knowledge is dangerous.
    9. It is better to give than to receive.
    10 It’s no use crying over spilled milk.
    11 Love of money is the root of all evil.
    12 Silence is golden

    These were the first new guidelines of the people in the 19th century. The Rottweilers exerted their plans and nobody asked questions. Silence is golden, isn’t it?
    For me too these guidelines were golden rules, but after reading your site and Jean’s I suddenly woke up and decided to break my silence, so that you can prevent the Rottweilers to take our money.
    People, friends, get all your money from the bank and start partying again. Remember who you really are! You all used to be happy,joyful and loving people. That’s You!
    Neil Keenan is about to catch these Rottweilers on the rainy day of March 30.

  90. Dear Neil,
    Sometimes I get up and then there comes an imaginary story in my mind like the one of wistle blower Mary. If you think it is not suitable here, don’t publish it.

    • p.s. or you can send it to Jean, I don’t have her email and don’t want to type it all over again.
      Good luck with all your brave plans!

  91. Osiyo! Group K (Neil Keenan). Maternal ancestry Scots-Irish (Daniel-Kennedy) – Aniyunwiya (Cherokee, Potato Clan) 1636. USN Command Radio, Anti-submarine Warfare, NAS JAX; Combined Degree Mathematics, Science, Humanities (Cape Cod Community College), Population Ecology (University of Oregon), Experimental Node #642 E.I.E.S.. Awards received Planetary Synergy Award Planetary Synergy Society (nominator Dr. Don Benson), Outstanding Achievement for Voluntarism – Ontario (CDA), Order of The Sash Metis Nation of Canada. I carry responsibilities as Oshkaabewis (FireKeeper) and Aqi’ij (DayKeeper (novice), Maya Kiche Guatemala, Grupo Waxiqu’ib Q’oojom.

    In my time I have had ‘sophisticated’ encounters with an IDF Political Assassin (relieved of duty for psychiatric reassessment and sent back to Canada, for debriefing and CSIS reassignment, at the then Clark Institute), a member of the French Branch of the Merovingans (who informed of the split in the Family and observed the 1999-2000 full system test of HAARP on the Weather Channel with a relative in Basel (Ph.D. Meteorology) announcing the pulses.)

    At present (68 ) I am applying my talent and skill with ChocoSol Traders

    Call me a GRUUNT (Ground Reconnaissance on Urban and Unnatural Terrain).

  92. I am a retired Lt. in the ARNG, Alaska, I also am recon. I have many skills, mainly in mechanics, but also am active in exposing corruption…I’m here if you need anything. Bless you and your efforts. We are Alaskan Native and we are ready. The state people are giving us a hard time also, taking our children and adopting them out to people we don’t know…It’s time to stop the madness.

  93. I’m interested in boosting moral…helping with out reach. I’ve got most of the data in my head and archived. I think I would be most suited in a PR way

  94. see if you have a place for me…56, male, former air force officer, currently with the corps of engineers, architect, small arms marksman in the service ( i have no weapon, but can certainly handle one), meditative, i have six acres in the mountains of WV, it’s time to act and to stop waiting for help – we have to do it ourselves.

  95. “Sign up by submitting your name and email. You will receive an automated response with instructions to submit your skill set and how you might be of service to our cause.” Does this mean that the people who sent e-mails (like me) won’t get a response? I’m kind of confused. Any information about this would be helpful.

    • Hi Marguerite. In the process of building this new site, we are quickly making improvements. At first on our Volunteer Sign Up page we put up an email for volunteers to send their skill set. Later, we improved our volunteer system and put up a form for people to sign up onto our automated email list. Everyone who has signed up originally by submitting an email, will be transferred to that email list by our team. You will receive a request to confirm your addition to that email list as soon as we process them. So, you are not out of the loop. Please be patient as we process our volunteers. We have you in our system. And thank you for your support and for joining our team.

  96. I have just been to Jean Haine’s website, and I find it entirely disagreeable that Neil would treat someone like Jean (someone who has supported Neil-both financially and spiritually for a pretty long time) with such utter disrespect. I have no idea as to why Neil would do this, but this is unacceptable. It would be a good idea if Neil apologized to Jean.

    • Marguerite: you have half the story. Neil has made a post on cosmic voice facebook group with his side. He has not dealt with Jean in any other way but appropriately and respectfully. You’re working with one side of a two sided coin.

  97. Jaakko Paavilainen

    March 5, 2014 at 5:50 am

    Respected Keenan Team,

    Could it be possible to contact me via email?

    I would be preciating if Mr. Keenan would himself contact me.

    This is important.

  98. Diana Hardington

    March 6, 2014 at 11:34 am

    Hi Neil!

    Anytime you need help, let me know.

    ML Diana

  99. Hiya, I’m really glad I have found this info. Nowadays bloggers publish just about gossips and web and this is really annoying. A good web site with interesting content, that’s what I need. Thank you for keeping this web-site, I will be visiting it. Do you do newsletters? Can not find it.

    • Lorraine Ferris

      March 7, 2014 at 7:53 pm

      Thanks for your support, Bijuterii. It is our intent to make as much essential information available in one place. While many are aware of these issues, there are those who are not able to go to numerous websites and put together all the pieces. It is important to be aware of this planetary destruction because it is precisely where the released funds will be focused upon. And we will need all hands on deck to support these efforts. No newsletters yet, but do stay tuned.

  100. Superior evening very nice web site! Man. Fantastic. Great. I will take note of your website plus go ahead and take provides nourishment to moreover? I am content to look for a lot of helpful information and facts right here inside organize, we really wish for develop more tactics on this consideration, many thanks for discussing.

  101. Dear Mr. K and Team
    I like to contribute with my skills on Digital video editing, and Videography, currently live in Los Angeles CA, in 1995 publish the First News paper in Spanish in the state of Hawaii, I’m 60 years old currently working as a part time Metro Bus Driver.
    Best Regards

  102. I don’t remember if I left my email last time so here it is.

  103. I will be definitely pleased with the ability as a copywriter and also with all the shape for a blog site. Are these claims any paid issue or do you customize them oneself? In any event carry on the wonderful excellent writing, it is really rare to discover a great site just like it today.

  104. Now i’m no longer selected where by you’re helping your information, nonetheless wonderful theme. I actually needs to spend an afternoon learning considerably more or perhaps figuring out additional. Thanks for great details I was hunting for this data for my objective.

  105. JB Brown/Gramy J

    March 17, 2014 at 6:16 pm

    Now that I’m feeling better again Neil, I’ll tell U that I type 124 wpm & will type up anything 4 U that U want & or need me 2 type up 4 U & I’ll of course do it without all the fancy 4 U’s & things I use! Great BIG hugs!

  106. Pur si simplu perfect. Sign Up To Volunteer merita distribuit pe facebook.
    curs valutar

  107. Dear Neil and Team,
    Thank you for the wonderful work you are doing. My wife and I are screenwriters and we can help with writing & formatting documents in English and in Russian. We also make an excellent team when it comes to translating documents from English into Russian (or Ukrainian) as well as from Russian to English.
    Please let me know if you need any help at all.
    Best Wishes

  108. Dear Neil, as an Indigenous Australian who has witnessed first hand the criminal behaviour of the Australian government, not just against the “Sovereign” people of this country, but against all Australian’s, selling our country out to these Global Elites. I am not sure what I can do, but from my end I support the great work that you and your team are doing and if I can pass on information through my contacts in Australia or anything else I am willing to help. I struggle each day with my charity to end the youth suicide amongst our Indigenous youth while everything I see this government do is only increasing the death of our children. I fight for the freedom of all people and the lives of the children we work for. Please continue the great fight and many of us see what you are doing and support you.

    Kind regards and respect always

    David Cole

  109. Hi Neil and Team,
    I am able to make free phone calls anywhere in the USA and Canada. I have been in this fight for the last 5 1/2 years and I’m not afraid to speak up. I am articulate, stick to the facts of the matter and am unafraid although my husband worries a lot because I am and always have been outspoken. If there is anything I can do to help you regarding phone calls, just ask.
    I am unable to travel because of my elderly frail in laws who depend on us for help and I won’t go anywhere near the tsa and I can’t afford to travel either.

  110. Sign Up To Volunteer | Neil Keenan – Group K, Ltd.

  111. Neil group,
    My family speaks three languages, German, Spanish and English. I have PhD and grown kids are college educated. Son is chemical/ mechanical engineer and daughter s social worker. We can help.
    I have small farm and grow superfoods like chlorella and Spirulina to prevent hunger. It can be grown in three days involuted water and has 72% protein. I also use t for animals and plants. Puts your immunity up 35% so you fight any virus or bacteria. Plus being alkaline prevents disease. It’s cheap to grow, costs only pennies.
    My son has water drill to help people get to water. Sits on small trailer and can be ran by one person. Uses less than sixteen gallons of diesel fuel. We also have backgrounds in making diesel from algae.
    Let us know if or when we can help.

    • Hi Alice:
      Just caught your email. My wife and I are preparing to move out of Arizona and once established will definitely want to stay connected. I’m thinking “phone-tree” type connect-ups for all those who are looking for a way to help; networking is it.

  112. Michael Newell

    August 8, 2014 at 4:32 am

    Been following many of you ‘real’ guys for abt 15 yrs. Representing many humanitarian projects for grant submission. However, waiting to see project guidelines, etc. for business plans. Plz know that I am on your team. I was nearly terminated by an electrical magnetic stun gun (similar to Hillary & Powell in Aspen, CO). Caused heart failure, so reduced my profile since 2007. I am volunteering for whatever I may be able to make to most impact on & hope your group may be one of them. Although VA claims me totally disabled, I am willing to help beyond my alleged medial issues. Been near-dead many times & faced near-demise incidents in Viet Nam; 3 combat tours & several shootings, fights & stabbings as a police officer. My self-taught finance education (& my working knowledge of contractual/common law) may help with you for your continual & consistent support for the people of this planet. Look forward to hearing from you.

  113. I am a Warrior for Truth.
    If you want to help Neil Keenan and my truth search, send me an email, or contact me thru YouTube

  114. Hello Neil, and team. I’m Lloyd. I have been following Drake for well over a year now, closer to two years actually. I really appreciate what you guys have been doing for the world. I’m a visual media artist in animation and Illustration. I’m also a computer repair man/computer builder. I’m pretty good at auto mechanics and repairing appliances too. I have some skill in programming for video games but I don’t know how that could help you but you never know. I have other skills too but I don’t think you will have much use for them. I’m a firm believer in freedom and justice and If I can help in some way, I would be grateful.

  115. My background as an RN in preventive medicine & social gerontology (the study of aging). I’m a world traveler who feels “at home” wherever I go & have studied with indigenous shamans, curanderos , & natural healers. I am greatly concerned about the tremendous damage done by Big Pharma & other corporations like Monsanto to We The People. I am also a Reiki healer who believes a lot of disease starts in the spirit of a person which then is exacerbated by the increasing stresses of the modern world. I was privileged to grow up on a beautiful farm in Western Wisconsin where I learned about neighbor helping neighbor, the beauty of the natural world, & our interconnectedness as We The People. I have a deep love for the elders of indigenous peoples in Egypt, Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Guatemala, Bali, Canada & the US with whom I have studied for the past 40 years. They have blessed me in their sacred ceremonies as well as through their remembering of our
    ancient heritage through their oral history passed down through the ages & which is not found in our history books. I enjoy writing, diplomacy, hospitality, communication as well as meeting my brothers & sisters worldwide. I am totally committed to assisting We The People & the brave Keenan Group in whatever way I can. This grassroots effort we are bravely undertaking is unstoppable & will succeed beyond what can be imagined at this time! Thank you, Neil & Team, for your timely efforts & crucial leadership. Thanks also to those who hold the “vision of victory”! God bless us all!

  116. Good morning keenan team my name is john and I herald from liverpool england just like thomas cosmic voice and I just want to say that I salute you all for putting your lives on the line for the cause.
    I have known deep down ever since I was a young man that these times would come and I would sincerely love to be able to help.
    Iam trying my best every day to wake people up around me but want to do more. I was a hydraulic engineer 14 yrs,steel erector for 2yrs,have a good understanding of all engineering and iam now a self employed upholsterer.
    I have never written a c.v. (as you can tell). I also like to put arseholes in their place.

  117. I am just a labourer and always have been. I began to waken up 23 years ago
    when i stopped drinking and started to get sober. That was some trip.
    I have spoken to people about you and Mr Drake and try to tell those that
    have ears what is going on. Trouble is most people seem to think they
    already know….. I will do anything i can to help. I never have had a c.v. and never
    will. I am creative, especially with all things wood. I am not an artist. I create, i do
    not art. I have no idea how i can help but i am very willing. God Bless you all and
    keep you and the rest of us safe. Thank you for all you have and are doing.

  118. Hello,
    First of all best regards to you Mr.Kennan and your team too, I ma writing you from the are of previous Yugoslavia and. I will be honest and simple with you I am not sure are you good or bad boys and I can just use my feelings or my intuition to “see” that, and my intuition tells me that you could be good one, I don’t have any proof for that but any way I will watch what I am writing to you and only I can tell you if I can help to you or your team or to world (so it may seem to somebody) count on me , but I must stress when I say to help, that is mean only to help JUST with GOOD things for the human being or for the planet as you say too.On that way can count on me, you have my e-mail address.
    Second maybe you already know that or not but I have to say WIFI for computer in the room where you leaving is not good, try to use some other way to connect on internet or if you can not put some “things” which will absorb negative influence of WIFI rays, you can fined some information on internet about this.Also Faraday cage also can protect you and your team from the bad influence of elector-magnetic rays from outside sources.
    Alternative medicine say that Vitamin C is very good to use on a daily basis, the magnesium chloride, vitamin D and so on but about all this things you can fined good information on the internet and I recommend you to do that.
    I hope that I contribute at least a little to you and your team like you did to all of us,with this small and modest information’s.
    I wish you and you team the best in this fight against CABAL, and like I mention above count one me at this first moment with psychological support but also with some other support too.
    P.S.I hope that you understand me good because English is not my native language.

  119. I’m Word Citizen, currently living in NJ,USA.
    If you need experienced carpenter and designer, I’m ready to serve humanity and planet Earth.

  120. I have worked with people, helping them, to help themselves, for a better fulfilling life. x – Con’s, People with Addictions, Single Mom’s & Dad’s, Young People & Children.
    I find they see, why it is important to “Pay It Forward” !
    Love Over Comes All !
    @ 74 ~ I am looking forward to God’s Wealth Transfer, to build a team and carry out these programs on a greater scale. My Purpose in this life time.
    I feel this is in God’s plan for me to be here on God’s planet at this time.
    To fulfil my ‘Soul’s Promises and Contracts.
    Contributing to ‘Healing Our Planet through Humanitarian Programs.
    We Are God’s Children.
    Thank you Neil and the Keenan Team, for being great ‘Stewarts”.
    God Bless you and Protect you. Love to all, Luetta, Canada.

  121. Hey there,

    I’ve been unaware of this website until now, searched it right after watching the gold bar chest video Neil’s team opened up. I’ve been following the current events (lawsuit, global collateral accounts, etc) as best I can, there’s a lot of information out there. Currently in university studying biotechnology, will be out in a year. In the meantime, I and many others will be patiently awaiting the follow up video displaying the aforementioned bunkers, I hope there will be enough light this time. Best of luck and happy holidays.

  122. Jean-Francois Monnet

    December 22, 2014 at 10:37 am

    This is amazing. I just watched your videos of opening the box from the bunker. What can I say, this is as real as it can be. You’ll be blessed by God Himself for what you have done.
    I am Jean-François from France. I am 54 years old. Very simple person. My first wish perhaps would be to be able to teach TM again (Transcendental Meditation) to people as I know it is so great ; Second wish would be to spread the messages of changes as the french are mostly clueless of whats going on; And if time allows and if the funds are there, to help the homeless (France is slowly but surely falling in poverty and more and more people are filling up the streets).
    In general, my main motivation is to make this world a better place.
    God blesses you Niel

  123. whatever I can do for you!? everything

  124. Diane Stawiarska

    December 24, 2014 at 2:59 am

    Hello Niel,

    I have watched your trials and adventures and all that you have gone through with Your team. I am so happy for you now. sweet redemption!!! I could not believe how hard it was to open that box. Wow, you deserve all of that and I think Nelu (spelling) for being imprisoned unjustifiably. amazing! fantastic!
    And you’re Irish and you have the gumption and fight for the righteousness. I am glad you are being blessed with this.
    I also hope that Jeanne will feel better now and heal. It sounds like she supported you so much and maybe there will be healing there too. I pray that it is so.

  125. Diane Stawiarska

    December 24, 2014 at 3:12 am

    Part 2
    I am an automotive engineer in Detroit Michigan. My area has been Material Engineering which includes rubber, plastics, fabric, steel, fasteners, anti corrosion, acoustics, finishes, fuel and brake lines and multiple other parts of the car and truck.
    I have been reading Jeanne and Ben for a long time, as primary information sources. This is how I was led here, since I was reading your articles on Jeanne’s site.
    Again, all best wishes to you. I am so happy. This is relief, as you said, we needed to finally see something…this talk and hope talk and hope has been something to endure for certain, especially with all the disinformation peppered in the mainstream and some other news sources. This is a very happy outcome. I just can’t wait to see pictures of the bunker and find out more. It’s as good as the Hardy Boy mystery Books I was reading as a teenager! LOL!!! – Diane

  126. Just sent you an email, looking forward to helping you in any way I can.

  127. Estimado Neil Keenan

    Vivo en Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Soy técnico electrónico (6 años de estudios) trabaje en Ingenieria de equipos de comunicaciones militares en Israel.
    Tengo 38 años de experiencia en computación y 18 años de Internet.
    Tengo 40 años de experiencia en la Bolsa de Comercio de Buenos Aires, maneje fondos de grandes inversores con excelentes resultados
    Trabaje varios años como experto bursátil en el principal matutino económico financiero de Argentina
    Estoy directo con una persona que realiza programas de alto rendimiento. Con cada lingote de oro podemos hacer un programa y ganar mucho dinero para ayudar a mucha gente pobre.
    Estoy convencido que estamos aquí en la Tierra para una misión divina y es la de ayudar a los pobres a resolver sus problemas.
    Me gustaría poder ayudarlo a usted a lograr todos sus deseos y cambiar al mundo.

    Roberto Luis
    Traducción hecha con el Google Translator

    Translation made with Google Translator
    Dear Neil Keenan

    Live in Buenos Aires, Argentina
    I am electronics technician (6 years of study) work in Engineering military communications equipment in Israel.
    I am 38 years of computer experience and 18 years of Internet.
    I have 40 years of experience in the BCBA, large investors manage funds with excellent results
    Working several years as market expert in the main financial economic morning of Argentina
    I live with someone who makes high performance programs. Each gold bar we can make a program and make money to help many poor people.
    I am convinced that we are here on earth for a divine mission is to help the poor to solve their problems.
    I wish I could help you achieve all your desires and change the world.

    Roberto Luis
    ————————————————– ————————————

  128. dear Neil
    I’m 65, I’m Italian, I speak good English, Spanish and a little French. I traveled the world for nearly 30 years, I’m good in pubblic speaking (at the moment I made some speeches on Our sovranity , and I’m ready to help in any way possible.
    thank you for everything you are doing
    stay well

  129. 63, old-school American living in upstate NY. Former cavalryman. Don’t care what it is; from construction and logistics to organization and administration. will operate for the team on any level, any mission. just let me know.

  130. Had no other way to say what a wonderful interview with Pete Santilli.
    I wish you safety and success. You are fighting Irish that’s for sure!

  131. Greetings from Belgium.
    Not sure how it’s possible for me to help.
    But if you ever need an extra hand, count me in.

    Extend my thanks and my apologies on behalf of myself and my forefathers to the Dragon Family for being unable to stand and fight alongside with the Dragon Family. May they be able to stop those who have taken power without being entitled to it. For Heaven knows, western commoners need the help.

    kind regards,

  132. Hi Neil & Co.

    65 and retired electrical engineer from across the pond (UK) ready to rock and roll If and when needed.

  133. I am a poet, writer, visual artist and designer with a background in engineering. Born in a country the late M1 Soeharto called Irian Jaya, now residing in The Netherlands. I fully support the Keenan team efforts and consider it the only hope for a good future for this world.

  134. Follow-up to Feb 2014 posted comment…

    Phone: (786) 218-7416 Email:
     Position in the financial, banking, administrative or political ongoing reset and the humanitarian projects that have been set in motion to benefit the mankind of the planet.

    President and CEO, Jun 1987 – present
     Supervise and manage all aspects of a multi-specialty medical services billing. consulting and accounts receivable company.

    Professional Relations Agent, Aug 1975 – Jun 1987
     Served as a liaison between the health insurance company and the physician, hospital and other healthcare facilities.Educated physicians and their staff on filing claims for the comapny private business as well as its role as U S Federal Government contractor for the Medicare program for elderly patients.Conducted training seminars for providers of care and their assistants.
    Manager, Oct 1965 – Jul 1975
     Managed personal lines (auto. boat. homes) insurance agency for my familywhile attending full time at University of Miami.

    Bachelor Business Administration, Jun 1966
     Majors: Economics and FinanceMinor: Law

     Have run a successful business for 28 years
     Background in law from family lawyers and professors and independent
     Keep well informed on daily global geopolitical, economic, financial and intelligence news reports and
     Bilingual: English and Spanish
     Expertise in the use of computer equipment and software: Microsoft, Apple as
    designed software for electronic medical claims submission.

  135. Igor Marini Zalewsky

    August 29, 2015 at 9:28 pm

    HI, my name is IGOR MARINI ZALEWSKY, hi know who are the 300, i know and work for them, i know and you can see if you want.
    Agenda 22 was start in 2003, in Rome 7 april, look, search and see.

  136. Hello team. I am in southern Arizona. I’m a simple man, Had a 38 yr career driving semi’s in the US and the middle east for KBR. I do my best to educate people about what’s going on in the world. I have them start their research with the Fed. Reserve system…..then that leads to the rabbit hole from there. I am saddened by the complacency of the citizens of this US corporation, they continue to vote in these people with dark agendas. Its not entirely their fault though. I’m sure the voting process is predetermined to start with. I am available to do volunteer work, when and if needed. GO GET’EM NEIL !

  137. Just to send you and your team my very best wishes, I was truly overjoyed to hear the confirmation that you and your team have been recognised as N1.

    My sincere thanks to all of you for remaining rock solid in your intent and the courage shown by all of you, especially Nelu, who had to endure imprisonment. You have earned our utmost respect and thanks for all of humanity. Because now our children have a future worth inheriting and we can finally learn to live together and respect our mother earth in the way she deserves.

    Namaste pete

  138. Diane Stawiarska

    December 4, 2015 at 7:35 am

    Thank you Asian insider for the good news on Neil.
    I hope things continue to go well and that you, he and everyone
    On his team stay safe.

  139. Dear Friends,
    Translation in Japanese:
    Revelations from the “Asian Insider”,
    posted with thanks at

  140. Whatever you need I will do…live in Texas…disabled…65…but very very smart…fast learner…career was in the medical field…now into holistic medicine and herbal remedies. and self taught…I spread my info and yours far and wide…been awake since 2012…work with Tath and the Silver Legion in Research and Development. I’m yours use me for whatever you need…Donna

  141. I work with a group in North America, Europe and Asia developing and implementing environmental technologies cleansing, structuring and energizing water, recycling garbage into energy and inert construction products and much more. Anything we can do to help you….we will be happy to.

  142. Hey Neil and team! Really proud and inspired by the work you guys have put in which is finally coming to fruit. Is India included in the 140+ countries?

  143. Would like to help you whatever I can. Tobias

  144. Construction,Manufacturing,Small Business

  145. Hello Mr Keenan & Keenan Group

    I’m already sent my solicitation as a volunteer of group.
    I’m Int’l Real Estate Agent, Business Administration with experience in develop new urban projects. Also I was volunteer in 2001-2002 after 9/11 in the middle east.
    Will be an honor serve and I offer my services to your group anytime

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2016!!!
    May the Light of God protect to us


  146. Dear Friends,
    Posted with thanks at
    Better Late Than Never: In the Nick Of Time! /Mieux vaut tard que jamais : Juste à temps !

  147. To Dear Neil Keenan and Team
    I am an old age invalid pensioner (nearly 80) stuck in a wheelchair.
    Previously a voluntary editor of an A-political newspaper for 18 years until a major stroke brought it to a stop.
    Over that period of time I developed a “NO DEBTS TAX PLAN” which showed in Australia a $1255 BILLION dollar surplus compared to then Treasurer Joe Hockey’s $30 billion DEBT. And the most tax anyone, or company, or any business would pay was 4.5 percent.
    The information was sent to the Treasurer and the Prime Minister with no response, presumably because they were under the control of the NWO.
    If I can be of any help I would be only to happy to hear from you.
    Ray Platt


  149. Dear Neil and Team,
    Happy New Year and Best Wishes for 2016!

    Thank you for your Christmas message. You are wonderful! I have so much respect and gratitude for your courage. Also, love the Cream song.

    Kindest Regards,

  150. unity build communities… i am who we are all.. ready 2 serve..
    tqvm much love n light..

  151. Hi Neil

    I can do just about anything that hasn’t been listed here and quite a bit of what has!

    No joking aside I’m the “against all odds” survivor and thriver!

    When you have a job that is not fit for human abilities….. I’m the gal and I would love to expand.

  152. Hi, multi tasked in lots of things, an all rounder.
    technical/mechanical, photography, healing/spiritual, events + more.

  153. This is Phoenix of Phoenix Rising Radio. I would like to have Neil on as a guest. I broadcast Tue and Thu 7 pm to 9 pm est on Truth Frequency Radio Network. Please let me know if Neil would come on to tell everyone about his on going quest.

    Thank you.

  154. There’s an urgency in Mexico, due the looting of the water, gold mines, 25 thousand people missing and complicity of the weak goverment. This week, the Pope Francis will visit the country, many deals and whims will be sealed. Cabal investors had been robbing museums, social care, education,energy auctions and one half of the population lives in hunger.It¡s a break point! thanks , deeply.

  155. Dear Neil and the whole Team,
    All of you are in our hearts and souls to support you in all the wonderfull things you do for human kind everywhere. We whish you strength and succes, which is already there!
    Thank you all so very much!
    Love, Josephine

  156. I was wanting to send you a couple of songs that would make you relax and make your soul reflect on life because you have all been giving your all to save all humanity from this Cabal. My wife is a singer songwriter she was given the gift of voice which most people call angelic, everyone that is in presence when she sings either stand in awe with hairs standing up or break out crying uncontrollably. These songs have never been published before and you would be the few that ever listen to them. She writes songs and music like you simply take a breath. If you can let me know on how to send you these songs let me know. Just so you understand her talent she was offered to open for Willy Nelson but concert was rained out. She gave up her career for the children. Once again this will inspire your day as she written these with the suffering that’s going on in the world.


  157. Neil you stated I sound just like you, well I don’t have many friends but the ones I do have are true ones. I’ll stick with a few compared to ones with knives. I’m not a pleasant person to back stabbers. I’m not computer savy by all means lol. These songs on my earlier post are in wave file form and God only knows how I send them over e-mail

  158. Latest :

    Najib is a criminal – ‘ex-ag showed me proof on Najib & .. – 27/02 11:30 pm : Suspended Umno deputy president Muhyiddin Yassin today said he was presented with evidence about the deposits from state-owned SRC International into Prime Minister Najib Abdul

    Stink of political death in the Air for Najib & Rosmah: inescapable fate .. – 27/02 11:08 pm

    Najib is turning m’sia into a dictatorship, nsc .. – 27/02 10:20 pm
    Suspended Umno deputy president today said Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is consolidating his power and warned of the making of a dictator.

  159. Hi Neil.
    My Name is Dean, and I am 56 years Yong, and originally from what yous to be Yugoslavia and am well traveled around the world. I also follow you for years and saw what you went threw. Not many are borne to take the big Challenge and in the end show man kind that ONE man can take on Goliath and defeat him TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Not to ramble on, honestly I don’t know if there is anything I can do for a chose of this magnitude. As I am not scholarly or a person who suits a suit and tie (figuratively speaking). In edition I am a care taker for my mom and sister, and that is both gratifying and challenging enough to do. But as they say, what spirit wills. Congratulations and Good Luck. Dean

  160. Hi Neil I am from Providence RI your home state. Regarding the statement I heard about RI stopping chemtrails. I was out and about on March 29, 2016 and could not believe how clean the air smelled and how blue the sky was and had just finished reading your post and how was delighted I was…was. March 30 I took a walk and like clockwork there were the planes with spraying not from the wings but from the rear area and watched the spray grow and grow as more planes crisscrossed the sky until a haze filled the entire sky almost to where you could see colors. The planes seemed to be flying higher than usual and seemed pure white in color intersected at times. They never stopped spraying here nor will I ever think they will..sadly!

  161. Halito Team Keenan and fellow brothers and sisters!
    It is time for us to take a stand against tyranny or be forever beholden to its grip! We are the last of our kind in my tribe, and the only reason we are here is that we have been truly watched over as we fight for our soul and our sovereignty-full disclosure project and truth and transparency. We have all been targeted, and yet chosen to change everything. We send love of Utlimate Creator and Mother Earth from us to ALL that is and to ALL of you

  162. Liberty Shirl

    May 19, 2016 at 7:18 pm

    Neil, I have watched many around the Cosmos on fb and wondered if any others really saw them for what they are doing. Of course you did! I have waited patiently to aid in the rebuilding of our nation and planet with the growing of “good & quality” food using “many methods”. There never should have been one human going without quality food & water. (I personally have wanted a farm since 2004.) The teaching farm will have the ability to teach everyone to grow their food no matter where they are, in an apt. to a farm. It should be a great project that also brings together communities to give and share and do the changing of hearts & minds that is necessary to make humanity want to be a part of the humanitarian ways. The land is chosen, the managers to assist are chosen, the readiness is only waiting for my currency exchange or other funding. We will make videos from the very beginning through harvest, and even show preserving of foods, so those that cannot visit the “teaching farm” may learn and share with others. The ones that will be growing must learn about the water, the soil, how to repair the soil & water to be able to produce the higher nutrient foods as well as crops that are used otherwise in manufacturing. (I.E. industrial hemp) Since first watching the movie “Thrive” back in May of 2012, I have believed that we are all meant to live in a humanitarian world. It simply makes sense. I have seen in person the hunger in Africa, as well as in our own nation, even with my neighbors and even with myself. It was because of the evil, greed, and lack of honest information-education in this world that allowed it to continue.
    We all have a lot of work to do so I am hoping the teaching farm can begin within this next month.
    With respect and love,

  163. Good morning babyzzz!!!
    So, I want to volunteer.. then I noticed at the bottom of this page the Wizard of Oz box.
    Are you not aware that The Wizard of Oz is one of the main themes used in mind control programming?
    That it is inherently evil shit?
    Do I sound crazy?
    Guess why.. I am a survivor of Wizard of Oz mind control programming. EVIL shit!!!
    My questions are,
    WHY is that Wizard of Oz box here?
    What happens when one clicks on it?
    Are you using Wizard of Oz mind control programming techniques?
    Who, specifically, put that box on this site?
    How long has it been here?
    What is the intended purpose of the Wizard of Oz reference?

    Now, wizard of oz mind control programming nut-bar survivor that I am, have my spidey senses BLARING danger warnings…???
    possible mind control residue that used to prevent me from all things good and healthy and beneficial to me and those near me? I don’t know.
    They were very aggressive at “happy camp” with the “don’t stop taking your psychotropic drugs or you will die!!” & “don’t scare the NORMIES (people who aren’t diagnosed crazy) by telling them what you really think because they will have you locked up again, programming drills.
    For the record, I was not locked up in happy camp because of any psychotic episode, I had a major debilitating stroke and woke up there..?? seriously, who get sent to the nut ward for having a stroke?!?! People who have a 33degree Mason married to their mother who wants custody of their children and have Masonic senator Harry Reid willing and able to accommodate any and all evil mechanization a masonic asks? They used electroshock on me…and I can’t prove any of this because after my release, there was a law passed that made all nut ward records “destroyed to a point of non-regeneration” after 3 years?!
    Sorry. I know this is not the place to share my story and no one is interested any way. I understand if this gets deleted.
    really would appreciate answers to my questions.
    I have to go throw up now.
    stay safe.

    • If you took the time to calm down and analyse the image you would see it is being used as an analogy. The tin man has the Group K logo on him and look at the faces within the emerald city. This represents the people going after the cabal and throwing their mind control crap in their faces at the same time.

      Any reasonable requests for information however your later rant only showed a complete lack of effort on your part – have you not read the History and Events Timeline. Much of the other points you were making were, irrelevant, non-related to the efforts of Group K – or based upon “I heard presumptions” that came from who knows where. Please be reasonable and do your homework.

  164. Hello Neil and team,

    Like you, I am a light worker here to help humanity and Earth ascend into higher consciousness. I have many qualities, most of which are not measurable on paper.

    That said, I am ready and willing to be of service to our great family.

  165. I have watched your videos Mr Keenan and the one about the downfall of Obama and the cabal made on the 5th May 2016, gave me a burst of optimism about the world’s future.
    As it stands I am fearful for my children and grandchildren, as every family in the world would be if they were only made aware through the media of the vile corruption and crimes on humanity being done by the illuminati.
    The control, or is it corruption, of the media outlets throughout my country, (Australia) has stopped any facts of what is truly happening, especially in American politics, being released to the general public of my nation.
    I do not have any special capabilities of use, other than my will and desire to bring these people down, that could be of any advantage to the cause. I admire you all greatly and pray for your success. The importance of success is paramount.

  166. is really the dollar will collapse on the 28th of May 2016? or they’re just some conspiracy theorist whom assumes those up coming occurrence?

    for me it makes the least sense that it might happen.. in other case.. it will happen only. the date will be another date rather than 28th MAY 2016

    what do you Think Neil Kennan and others? thanks for concerning the flash news

  167. Am located in metro NYC. Amazing senior project manager, capable of connecting all types of dots and people. Am thinking we need a local working group here in the metro NYC area… you can PM me on Twitter @SwimmerChix

    So…what’s the connection with Nibiru / Planet X and the global reset? Is somebody / are somebodies trying to get the world at peace first before we deal with Nibiru / Planet X?

  168. I’m in cebu,Phil if there is anything I may help you with please let me know.
    Live long & prosper.

  169. my spirit guide brought me here for a yet unknown reason.
    altough i was aware of the global collateral accounts, i honestly thought it was a hoax at first, but now i know better .
    there is not much information going around so you realy have to puzzele all the pieces together to get the big picture.
    so i just want to send Mr Neil Keenan some love and want to wish him all the best.

    Greetings from belgium

  170. Can Some one please help me understand this statement from Anna as it is contradiction to prior information shared on this site ????
    Anna von Reitz
    8 hrs ·

    The Definitive Reason Why General Dunford CANNOT Restore the American Republic

    There is a lot of talk going on, rumors of a “New Republic” being created by General Joseph F. Dunford and Paul Ryan. I have already told everyone the short and dirty story. The United States Military was running desperately low on funds, so they cut a deal with the Rothschild interests (World Bank, IBRD, et alia) who have set up shop in China and who are confusing everyone with their claim to be “Chinese Elders” —-hahahah!

    If those fellows are Chinese Elders, I am the ghost of Muhammed Ali.

    Dunford reportedly borrowed a billion dollars out of the 357 billion in gold that they owe us anyway, creating a situation whereby we are still paying the General’s bills via the Chinese and the Rothschild’s and having to pay the middlemen interest for the use of our own assets.

    This is what the Rothschild Fakirs are really good at: getting someone to pay them for something that is already his. They are absolute masters at this, and if General Dunford has in fact cut such a deal, he has fallen into the Rothschild’s favorite Briar Patch.

    I only wish to draw your attention to it as an aside and not to blame General Dunford. He has been placed in a hard position by our own failure to do our job, pursue our debtors, and make use of our own assets without such “help”.

    Now to the main point about what I call the “Neu Republique”—- the French-sponsored and only so-called “New Republic”. This is yet another venal semantic deceit seeking to make innocent Americans assume that the “New Republic” is a restoration of the “Old Republic”, when it most certainly is not and cannot be.

    It is literally impossible for General Dunford to restore the American Republic for two simple reasons: (1) he is a United States Citizen and (2) he is an officer in the United States Marine Corps. While in these two statuses, he is literally acting as a foreigner under contract to provide defense services to us and our states. He can no more restore the American Republic while acting in the status of a United States Marine than I can go to the bathroom for you.

    Look at the words. What do they say? “United States” citizen and “United States” Marine Corps. When you see “United States” you should automatically also think: “not American”—-for such is the case. The United States is a completely foreign and independent entity set apart from these united States. The United States is populated by “persons” not “people”.

    While General Dunford is acting as a person he cannot restore government of, for, and by the people—by definition. The people have to do that for themselves.

    The only ones who can restore America to greatness are Americans—- the living people of the fifty sovereign nation states and the indigenous nations. People who are acting as Texans, Virginians, Oregonians, New Yorkers, Seminoles, Cherokees, Hawaiians, New Mexicans can restore the American Republic, and they are doing so.

    The best General Dunford can do is organize another governmental services corporation and try to find a name for it that people will accept like the “New Republic” so that we will go along like good little sheep, fall back asleep, and believe that now we are magically living in a “republic”.

    That’s another thing the bankers are good at— rebranding. They take the same crappy product or worse, label it something different, and presto-change-O, put it on the market as the brand new whiz-bang wonder government. One can hardly blame them for trying. If we are stupid enough to think that a “democracy” is the same as a “republic”, why would we question the difference between an “American Republic” and a “New Republic”?

    They have also done a lot of reverse branding with the “IRS” and the “FBI” and “DHS” and “FEMA” and “BATF” and “BLM” and hosts of other government agencies. Anonymous holding companies pick up such “brand names” in corporate mergers and bankruptcies, put new management in place, and suddenly that familiar brand and service we know — like “Kentucky Fried Chicken” is something that tastes quite different and we are left scratching our poor little heads.

    It is a much more dangerous game with much more severe potential consequences when it is your local police departments and media outlets being bought up and placed under new management by unknown foreign entities.

    The only ones who can restore America and run the American government —– are Americans. And that means Americans who are operating in their birthright standing as American State Nationals and American Tribal Nations.

    As much as we love our troops, our sons and our daughters wherever they may serve, the fact is that for the time that they serve, they are serving under the dominion of a foreign government — the United States — which is separate from us and self-interested and corporate by nature.

    • “Chinese Elders” are not the Dragon Family.

      • But isn’t it true that the signing of the Declaration of Independence was also unlawful, since all signatories at the time of signing were acting as agents of the Crown Temple (signing as “Esq.” by their name)? The truth is the founding fathers were themselves agents of a foreign power, for they have pledged their allegiance to the Crown Temple before signing the Declaration of Independence, which was another trick the Crown Temple played to appease the discontent Americans.

  171. Hi Neil. I’m a everyday working class guy that wants to Help with this liberation of the planet. I thank you for what your Team and You are doing for humanity. If there is anything that I can do. Please let me know. Regards. Jerry

  172. Will help in any way possible.
    Been with you from the beginning and will see this through to the end with you.

    Love and safety to all Group K team.

  173. Hi Neil ,
    It is almost finished. Many will be left in AWE!! We have lived in a diabolic state for many years controlling our finances, our beliefs and now our every move we make. Please let me know if you need any help in anyway to see this all to come to fruition? I have degree in Psychology, Sociology, Biofeedback MSAS, and Real Estate License. Thanks for your risking your life and for the humanitarian work. Also we honor the Dragon Families to do so with Love. From USA. Thank You -Thank You- Thank You!!!!

  174. Why do you have a “Donate” button on your webpage?

  175. I hope to God that we can get together and STOP this madness which these cabals have perpetrated against humanity. War, Famine and complete and utter disdain for all of us here on earth.

    I have been in the Telecommunication Industry for 25 years and basically know everything there is to know in the industry. I have built central offices and supported them with my technical knowledge . I have been in key technical positions ( Network Designer/ Network Developer/Network Security/Senior central office trouble shooter/ Senior technician) of some of the first re seller companies in Canada and the U.S. and had a major role in their success . As we know that the cabals have used the telecommunications industry to spy on us and i can help keep our communication network secure and private, be it voice or data communications.
    If I can in any way help my services are available for all of us to succeed .

  176. Whatever the case may be…..allow us to deal with any satanists and paedophiles that are ousted…..Crowley’s house on the shores of Loch Ness was burnt to the ground Nov 2015…….my how we laughed as we watched while the fire services poured water on that that could not be extinguished….we knew the cabal would take note, albeit just a fleeting glance but nevertheless, they looked and wondered why… if they needed to be told….satanism will not be tolerated in our area….there will be more razing’s soon if allegiance to old ‘goatie’ is acknowledged from a specific location we can find……and those that defile children will perish a slow and physically painful retribution prior to meeting their ‘prince of light’….we will send them to him….with pleasure….they make me sick to my stomach that they sold their souls for mere FIAT currency wealth….sickening and unforgiveable

  177. Good day Neil et al. Thank you so very much for your long-standing heartfelt efforts to bring our shared world into balance. I am a US expat located in the Philippines. I once worked with Paul and Fe Hunter (you probably recognize these names). Please let me know if there is anything I may offer in support of you, Group K and Keenan Team. Blessed be.

  178. Niel,

    In one of your latest videos, you mentioned the wonderful powers of a “healing machine”. Can you email myself directly so that you may provide additional information regarding these medical therapies? I would like to get these into the USA and have an offline dialogue with you about it.

    With deepest gratitude to all concerned who have worked tirelessly on this project.

    God speed and God bless!

  179. Dear Neil and team please inform what is your opinion about Artemis sorras a n associate with alphaomega station founder Vladimir? Is him a con artist betraying the peoples hopes in Hellas not Greece…best regards Konstantinos

    • Read the History and Events Timeline on this website. It is explained there.

      • Thanks ,I did so,and I found the conexion between them from what he did said about Vladimir and his so called ambassador I did found out from you….if Vladimir is a crook that means sorras is a crook as well?…so why him sorras uses the same story and telling for codes he got to global accounts to liberate Greece from the non existent debt.Is it any possibility to have that or he uses what you disclosed to betray all ignored Hellenes… Thank you any way for your kind responds .I’m convinced that you know a lot about this Artemis Sorras and who are behind be konstantinos

  180. Hello Neil & Group K. I am a disabled younger senior. I would love to volunteer to help with healing computers or free energy. I live in Arizona . please let me know when you have anything for me. Thank you for all you are doing to free humanity. Love & light Laurie K ❤️🙏🏻🍀🇺🇸

  181. Well versed, I’m part Cherokee, I am also a lady commercial master diver, retired.. I’m into free Power Systems and Heath discoveries, water discoveries. Im awake and have vivid site. I’m not sure but I think I’m a medical Impath. I see insides sometimes.. I accidentally time traveled. I cured myself of cancer in a week and a tummer in three days that I thought was a defective pallet. Lol. I’d love to work at healing others. I’m currently taking the Heath minister course with Genisis ll church of healing. I’m interested in medical,intuitive. I asked to see my insides once and bam, I did. Many gifts I have are yet to be fully discovered as I go slow when something opens to me.. Lots of research and soul searching.

  182. God Bless and Protection…here to,help, anyway I’m needed.:) Deanna

  183. Michael David Ballantine

    May 15, 2017 at 3:38 pm

    Ready to step-up.

  184. Hello Niel,
    I just listend to a video where you presentesd a new healing dewice. I live in Norway and have more than 10 years of experience with energy/ frequensy medicine. Can you give me the adress of the manufacturer of that dewice.
    I also follow your effort to bring wealth to the whole world and am very excitet about your work.

  185. I’m looking for a machine to help my father, he has bone cancer in remission. ALSO , if anyone close to me in Texas with one that maybe I could bring him to get treatments? Thank Neil &Group K for what your doing , love and light to you all!
    Thank you Jodi Cotton

  186. Hello Neil,
    I am new to this website and recently heard about your healing computers. Are you still doing this? My husband and I both have some health issues and I would like to have more information about this. How much are treatments? Do we need to travel where you are?
    We are living on small SS income but would love to have information about this.
    God bless you for all you do.

  187. I have been working with the healing energy fields for 6 years and am always studying alternative healing. Medicine destroys the body and I am proof of that. Cipro damaged my body and I will never take another medicine. I would love to be involved in helping with the healing process for people,

  188. I am not a genius, engineer or political. By profession I am a nurse and counsellor. I signed the volunteer list. Thank you.

  189. my wife and are very well trained in Emotional Healing. we wish to open a healing center. i am currently a Maintenance Manager and hold degrees in electronics and electrical automation and robotics. we are associated with the Rapid Eye Institute and very close friend whit the owner/creator. We wish to open a healing center to deal whit the emotional trauma of mind control, emotional/physical abuse, and satanic and ritualistic abuse. i co-authored a book on satanic and human sacrifice of children in the usa and the co author was murdered. i also spent a few years doing research on free energy technologies and our engineer had his life threatened and quit. I have hit endless roadblocks to help the world but it feel the tide shifting . I love you for what you are doing for mankind. Bless you
    Please let me know if i can serve in any way.

  190. Things are sounding very promising today. It has been a significant journey to this day of celebration for those in need. It will be wonderful to work toward equality and healing!

  191. Hi Neil, here Saul from México (Baja California Sur) I am an architect, I offered my services as volunteers. I am a believer! Thanks!

  192. Kudos Team Korageous ! After following for years I feel I have now enough ideas, information and myself to be of use to the cause ?
    # Can we find enough Decent Humans with financial smarts ( there are millions )
    to look into establishing GLOBAL BUILDING SOCIETIES ,Alternative to the Big Banks ? Give people the choice and transfer their money to a socially/globally
    conscious institution thats sole purpose is to serve the people. Keep hitting these
    bloodsuckers where it hurts! Empower the people, take OUR money off them,
    bleed them dry! FEED, CLOTHE , HOUSE THE WORLD!

  193. time for Justice

  194. Hi Neil, I would love to volunteer, I have plenty of time because work has been slow since C19. I have a photography studio and film studio in Las Vegas Nevada. We can make videos, graphic art and of course stunning images. Please let me know how I can be of service. Looking forward to connecting. In light and love, Elle

  195. Hi N1 and the K Group

    Well I found this website after looking up “Sonic Healing” on another web page and I was crying not new to sound therapy but seeing that computer diagnosing healing I just thought of my father who has dementia from 2015 driving to now August 2021 in a bed not quite at the nursing home just maybe I could find away to have him healthy.

    So yes I volunteer my services for selfish reasons I want to speak with my Dad and have answer back I want to hear him tell the same Dad jokes he told me as a youngster to his grandchildren.

    I read your history what awesome person you are Neil a real James Bond story.

    Not sure how I can help, but I can help further your good work I will.

  196. God Bless! Let me know how I can help?

  197. Thank you so much Mr. Keenan for your work and dedication to this country and the entire earth. I pray for hope and peace for every creature on this planet! I especially thank you for the information that you bring with emphasis on illustrating exactly how and why things in life on this planet have not been kind to any of us, for the better part of the last half century, by bringing this as an example does extends to their understanding, with a fruition for hope for things to change in the very near. I am a believer true, and I love to stand with you in peace. And thank you, so much for your incredible inspiration about your spiritual memoirs.

  198. How can we get information on the BioSonic healing computer system (purchase for use)? Please advise.

  199. Hello Neil,
    Very excited to sign up to the volunteer team. I was born and raised in communist Bulgaria, the capital Sofia. Legally immigrated to the US 20+ years ago. I have lived and worked on 4 continents so far. I’m an experienced sales and clinical trainer in the medical device industry, love educating people and finding solutions for them. It sucks I discovered you a bit late, but I’m hoping to redeem myself and I won’t disappoint. I’m ready for my first assignment.

    Best regards,

  200. Hi Neil and team members.
    Firstly I would like thank each and every one of you for all the hard work that you do for the people.

    If you would like me to help or you can use my service in any way to achieve the goal of removing the sewer rat’s please feel free to contact me

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