Neil Keenan - Group K, Ltd.

s e c u r i n g . t h e . g l o b a l . a c c o u n t s

Neil’s Return Home

On November 15, 2017 – Group K (along with many friends) happily rejoiced regarding Neil’s long awaited return to the US, after fourteen years of absence living outside the United States.

With Larry, Nancy and Dean greeting him at LAX after a long plane journey and a bit of jet lag; Neil joined them soon thereafter for a presentation in Long Beach, California, where people came to experience first hand – the amazing benefits of the Bio-Resonance ‘Healing Computer’ technology.

We would like to extend thanks to all who were involved in assisting Nancy, Larry and Ann, along with Neil and Dean. There were many positive outcomes for those needing healing assistance.

This trip initiated what will become an ongoing series of gatherings in early 2018, the details of which will be announced once the relevant plans are in place.

As Neil states, “Once enough people sign up for treatments, and there is a sufficient number of participants per meeting, I will return.”

This applies not only to the US, but also to other countries – if locals are willing to make the effort of organizing their people.

In the meantime, there is a great deal of work to be done by Neil and Group K in terms of this – and on other important fronts.

After Long Beach Neil went to Houston, Texas along with Dean and Ann to meet Dr. Edward Group and his lovely family.

As many know, Dr. Group has an exceptional line of all natural supplements that have helped people world-wide to heal and maintain optimal health and well-being.

Whilst in Texas, it emerged that Dr. Group had injured his foot due to a tree limb falling on it. He was in pain and on crutches. After one session on the healing computer, the pain was mitigated and crutches were no longer needed.

From Houston, Neil and Dean flew to Boston and then drove to Rhode Island, which is Neil’s native state. Whilst there, Dean worked very efficiently with the healing computer giving treatments to a number of happy recipients, including our own teammate, (and friend of Neil) Frank.

Tragically, in the early days of Neil’s visit, we were alerted to the sudden disappearance of Thasja, who is valued as a very special friend of Neil and Group K. She was driving en route from Fort Walton Beach, Florida to meet and assist Neil and the others in Long Beach.

In her last contact with Neil from near Salt Lake City,  she suddenly became ill and was hospitalized for tests. However, she did not mention the name of the hospital, and Neil assumed that she would call once she was admitted. Sadly, no contact has been received from her since then.

Unfortunately, after many unsuccessful efforts made to contact Thasja, including calls to her close friend in Florida with respect to the details of her illness and hospitalization, any and all attempts have led us to draw the conclusion that, sketchy, “unofficial” email notices to Neil regarding her death in a CAT-Scan machine at a still unidentified hospital – are highly questionable.

Mysteriously, Neil received said suspicious emails from someone using Thasja’s own email address; not from any certified hospital representatives.

The police in Fort Walton Beach, Florida have been notified of Thasja’s disappearance, and they are doing their best to search for her and to find answers. If anyone knows anything relating to her disappearance, please contact Neil or the Fort Walton Police Department.

Most of all, please send prayers of support. Thank you, and God bless Thasja…  Our hearts break for her.

On one final note; There are now five of the latest versions of the ‘Healing Computers’ that are ready to go – and about 25 people are requesting to purchase them.

Please be advised that the first five people that have the funds to procure from this next batch of ‘Healing Computers’  will be able to proceed with training and delivery shortly.

With Gratitude,

Neil Keenan and Group K.





Copyright © 2017, GROUP K, Ltd.


  1. Thasja’s safety will be included in this morning’s Rosary!
    God bless your team,

  2. Me, Keenan
    E r on Oklahoma nd very interested in the healing machine. I do have questions, how many people need to be to have session? And what is the fee per person?
    I have been diagnosed with several medical issues. From TBI, bipolar, degrentrive disk deiease. Scoliosis, sever allergies to Oklahoma, high blood pressure, thyroid issues, the latest is diabetics..
    DeAnna Drumtra-Baker

  3. My heart breaks over the news of Thajsa’s disappearance, “they” have already proven they will go to any length to Stop Neil….they must be completely insane to take a swing at Neil in this manner! God is watching, we the people have to continue praying & repenting if this evil is going to be defeated. Awesome news about the experiences with the people “back home” & continued successes with the Healing Computers! I’m sad that Michigan was cancelled, though preparing for it prompted me to make some much needed changes in my life so all was not lost. I can’t wait to get my Son and I on it & have every confidence that it will get us back to where we need to be!
    Keep up the good fight Neil & Team.

  4. Thank You Neil & Team, Welcome Home, for Many Holy Day Blessings and Much Love/Gratitude.

  5. Please send a description of how much per person to come to the session. I’d like to get a session together for Feb. here in Raleigh. Thanks.

  6. Praise ye the Lord, Praise the Lord, O my soul. It is nice to see you Mr Neil alive! and bubbling with energy. I was sad and disheartened when Robert Steele in an interview with Yoda said, “Mr Neil Keenan passed away last week”. (This was approximately a month ago) Now, I understand that was disinformation and a pathological lie. I never trusted Robert Steele and Benjamin Fulford.
    I am thrilled that you have a successful mission and healing many people in the process in America. I was determined to come to the session, unfortunately my brother passed away that week and I have to go overseas for the funeral. Next time, I will not miss it.
    By the way the Herbal Elixir worked on me fantastic, It is an awesome product my sugar is now in normal range . I appreciate your dedication helping people live healthy life.
    I wish you Mr Neil and Group K Merry Christmas and happy new year.

  7. Welcome home Neil especially to RI. I live in Providence and followed you for years. Nice to see you back! : )

  8. This is the best video Neil has ever done.

  9. Hi Neil , any plans for Canada ? …. BRT computer ….
    preferably Western Canada ? When will Indonesia be “ liquid “ ?
    God bless you , be safe !!

  10. Neil:
    So good to hear that you are on the way to better health. Working with Dr. Group is an amazing triumph! I regard him as one of the finest health practitioners we have. He’s a wonderful person that cares about humanity. The fact that he was able to take part in the healing machine therapy and experience what it can do is also truly amazing.
    My thoughts are with you as you attempt to figure out the situation regarding your comrade Thasja. On the surface it doesn’t sound right but I hope for everyone’s sake that this is not something diabolical. After what you and your team have endured, it isn’t beyond the realm of possibility to have this reaction.
    I also agree that we need to stay frosty about those we vote into office. But just remember, a lot of the damage we have endured on this planet can be traced to us – the baby boomers. Those that came after are mimicking the behavior aka “scorched earth policy of greed.” There is good and evil in every generation (as you know).
    Be well and thank you for all you and your team do for humanity.

    • Dear Millie,
      there is Satanism involved, confirmed. I hope we can deal with this matter.
      Best regards and hope for Thasja

  11. Susanne Stebbing

    December 13, 2017 at 9:39 pm

    Neil Keenan. Do you ever come to the UK? I think people here would be interested inyour mission.

    • Many times Susanne…..and my friend Geoff is working there. Have a few others who might be doing something there as well. Wishing you well and follow us seeing I also believe London needs more of this.

  12. It was great meeting you and the Long Beach team! I’m looking forward to the next gathering. The computer left me wanting more sessions! I wish you a very Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! I’m grateful for you and the work that you do, thank you so much!

  13. Well it’s the 24th today so I’d like to wish Group K all the best for 2018. Enjoy your well deserved break. My god your owed it.

  14. Quick word!
    I follow this site, but I do not intervene much.
    However, I want to wish the Keenan team and the lovely people around here, a MER-RY Christmas and a Great Year 2018.
    Love you all, good people of Earth.

  15. Prayers going up. Great BIG hugs from Great Gramy J

  16. Did anyone notice that Qanon mention Neil in a post?

  17. To Neil Keenan! Welcome home and great work with providing the continuous availability of the healing computers 🙂 Would you take a moment to update the status of the global accounts and the associated geo-political issues?
    Thanks for your response.
    Dominus vobiscum!

  18. I am interested to buy the healing machine. Also want to know how much it cost.
    I have been researching healing technology for 4 yrs now, become excited when I saw Neil Keenan talking about the healing machine.

  19. Thanks for the news of your progress. Christ the Immanuel continue to bless you and your work.

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