Neil Keenan - Group K, Ltd.

s e c u r i n g . t h e . g l o b a l . a c c o u n t s

Month: December 2020

Now Or Never
We’re Running Out Of Tomorrows

“Depending upon how one views events transpiring, one is observing either an ending or a beginning. I have comments to add to the recent dissertation by “Asian Insider II” and I have been granted an opportunity here to share these with you.

The aforementioned made some pertinent observations, however I would argue that more complexity exists around certain details.

It is not to be forgotten that Mr. Keenan has been prepared on a number of occasions, to complete work with an entire tranche of bunker assets, only to have found themselves the subject of intense interference, whether from external origins or internal ones.

Internal house-cleaning aside, I find it perplexing that external sources of interposition remain in existence. Not only does Asia rely upon the business of Neil Keenan, but indeed the world in its entirety. It is now of critical importance that Mr. Keenan’s work be completed as soon as practicable.

I can personally attest to the high – level operators whom Neil Keenan receives phone calls from. There exists no doubt that Mr. Keenan has the necessary contacts.

[Image added]

I shall mention no names but I have been present in the same room and privy to a number of enlightening conversations.

Given the seemingly infinite financial resources that will be at Neil Keenan’s discretion once the bunker assets begin to be processed, the current situation seems absurd beyond belief. The whole world is depending on Neil Keenan (whether aware of this or not) and yet he is left to fund the final stretch seemingly alone. And for those who know Neil Keenan, he is not about to go knocking on doors for money, that is not something that he does.

I do spend some time scrutinizing the internet, yet I have never found anybody circulating anything more than bullshit on matters relating to this. As “Asian Insider II” reflects, “they” serve up their grandiose fabrications but most of the content is nothing more than a distraction.

The key to your survival is the release and processing of the Global Accounts, concurrently with Neil pursuing the “Cabal” through the judicial courts. 

It might not pass muster (as you can see with President Trump) but it does have the effect of “dirtying the waters” sufficiently so that millions upon millions of people are made aware of certain truths, positioning them with a mindset intent on determining the truth. 

The so-called Cabal are in decline, not so far away from closing their doors and fleeing for their lives. Signs of this can be seen clearly.

Not to put foo fine a point on it, but this turn of events did begin with the “Trillion Dollar Lawsuit” and the fall – out from that filing continues to this day. Mr. Keenan had the substance to file a legal action on matters that few others dared to even speak of.

I have knowledge that Neil Keenan is preparing to bring his mammoth efforts to maturity, although it puzzles me greatly that all things relating to this remain solely in his hands? 

He will not speak with me about this and tells me to stay away while he works. Nonetheless, I find myself asking the same question that you ask yourselves: When? 

I realize that Obama pilfered Mr. Keenan’s accounts years ago and I am cognizant of the fact that he will pay for doing so, but the more pertinent vexation sits with us in the ‘now’, not the ‘then’. 

Neil Keenan has remained very quiet of late, which usually means positive developments are afoot, although maybe not in this case. Perhaps he is having difficulty in finding something or someone that is required, I wonder. In observing Mr. Keenan in the past, I noted that his left hand does not know what his right hand is doing – so why should I question him.

You must prevail in your Western battles, contrarily not only will your population become rapidly reduced but those remaining will be enslaved to a much higher level. This eventuality effectively constitutes a return to serfdom, revisiting a time of ruler Kings and peasants. You would owe “them” everything and “they” would hold all that you once owned. 

If we fall short of ensuring that Mr. Keenan & Co. are propelled ahead rapidly, we shall find ourselves fighting a rather steep uphill battle. 

We need Neil Keenan and his ability to move strategically – and he is widely considered by those who are in the know, to be the best strategist on the planet. Doubtlessly, this is what has kept him on top of all his engagements for the past twelve years. Neil Keenan, with his experience, intuition and instinct, knows what must be done and when it is time to be done. 

Presently, we are troubled that he might be considering taking a break, although it is just as likely that he could actually be finalizing plans for what he is going to do once he gets to where he has to be. 

I am confident to wager that someone is going to find themselves on the receiving end of a serious degree of trouble, and that President Trump would surely be more than happy to finally secure reinforcements from a very powerful ally. 

I could posit all day about this but I am not “Asian Insider II”. My assignment with Neil was to keep him away from harm, which proved to be a challenging undertaking.

In my experience of Neil Keenan, he is resourceful even while under constraint. I have every confidence that Mr. Keenan will be free to move and convey for us shortly, once furtherance of the mission has been addressed.

The point of view of the Family is that they have assisted Neil Keenan sufficiently in their having provided him with the mandate to deal with the assets that they deposited in the Global Collateral Accounts. Eighty five percent of the contents of these Accounts were deposited by the Dragon Family.

The mandate, assets and accounts are in his trusted hands as he is the Amanah.

We must query ourselves: Are we to continue battling on, fighting with the types of monsters we find ourselves battling on a daily basis? Are we capable of continuing to deal with such matters? I am asking you, the reader.

You had better start working on your inventory because when the situation explodes you will not have the luxury of being able to hide under your sofa. This is why Neil Keenan absolutely must get his work completed as soon as possible.

Mr. Keenan chooses his people very carefully and there will be a great number of people that he is going to require the services of “down the line”, from all walks of life. And to be honest – we are not all going to make it.”

[The Original] Asian Insider I

Asian Insider II
Forewarns We The People
Time Is Short

“As the dawning of a new era is upon us, those of you who are informed sufficiently so as to be keeping abreast with the developments of such a channel as this need to postulate as to whether or not President Trump will be able to manage to squeeze the stolen election away from the ridiculous Cabal / New World Order.

If not, the people in the western world will find themselves in grievously deep trouble. Why? Because they fell asleep on the job.

If certain individuals had but listened to Mr. Neil Keenan, when he filed his Trillion Dollar Lawsuit twelve years ago you would have understood long ago that we would be fighting in the near future with the Liberals.

Obama’s term displayed the fact that he was literally open in breaking down the US not only from the day he entered the political arena, but to his very end.

If you remember correctly he wanted to run for a third term but was forbidden. His desire to destroy the US was prevented.

Then we had Hillary and her job was supposed to be a continuation of the Obama reign however she bumped into a buzz saw (Donald Trump). Yes, she was supposed to take over from Obama and destroy the United States from within as was the plan long ago.

She failed despite her Democratic Party stealing votes just as they are doing with Biden. Yes they ramped it up for Biden. There was no way he could lose. It was rigged. Everyone here in Asia is aware of it and watching the show.

From that day on Neil has attacked “them” at every opportunity that was presented to him.

If one were to take the time to digest recent articles, especially “Footsteps of the Amanah”, in an effort to acquire somewhat of an understanding as to what has transpired in actual history – one has to wonder as to why so little notice has been taken.

People remain so keen to just sit and watch. To pay subscriptions to sideshow entertainment outlets, whilst avoiding what has become an exponentially growing elephant in the room.

Shame on you all of you. You are looking for a way out and all you see is the President but what if he does not succeed? 

Or what if he does? 

This is not just a situation that determines the outcome for the United States. Like it or not, America does still indeed ‘set the tone for the world.’ But if America falls, so does the entire western world, and subsequently, the whole world in totality – we all fall.

No matter how difficult it may sit with you, this is factual.

There would be no escape wherever you are, nor whatever plans or contingencies you may think you have in place.

“They” have been preparing to eliminate us for a much greater period of time than you may be aware of. Read about UN Agenda 21 / Agenda 2030 and you will get the idea. This information has been readily available for us to read on the internet for a long time. They are not hiding their despise for us.

Neil Keenan as Amanah will still be the global figure that everyone will have to come to; that is should he desire to be the “ONE that everyone talked about. 

What if he decides to just walk away from everything? What then? The gravity of the situation is that in fact that Neil’s job is in serving the world, never mind others and their elections.

Each and every nation will need to approach Mr. Keenan when the US dollar is no longer any good.

I am not attempting to bolster up Neil Keenan. He is pretty confident himself in what he does but what the reader is not aware of is that Neil is getting tired of everyone sitting on their hands while he attempts to put deals together to finance what takes place in Indonesia.

If you have not noticed, Neil now works with a few people, all of whom are in the know.

Neil’s plan on being in Indonesia this coming week has taken a twist from what I understand and he has not given notice of this. The reason why; is that those who sit on their hands are not entitled to know what is in store for him / her in the future. There can not be any leaks.

He is about ready to pull the rug out from under those who think that they are entitled to know what is happening. In actuality this is a great idea; whereas his silence would get the job done.

Neil is going to confirm and answer to his team and they will be the only ones aware of what is happening – although not even the wider group will be privy to near all of the detail.

Mr. Keenan will run havoc for the President as soon as he gets things in place and the NWO / Cabal will not know what has hit them. As Mr. Keenan has been told before, having his person after you is much worse than being chased by the meanest of junk yard dogs. Neil is relentless.

In saying that, however, Neil stated that he will be incommunicado with me for a while. His response to my last query was “not your business.” He stated however that he would allow my sentiment on these matters to be shared with you. And so here we are.

I have given this entire situation considerable consideration. Neil hears the same questions, fields the same requests – hundreds of times every single day and he is no longer relaying information other than to his team or closest confidants.

It matters not how this may sit with you; Neil is the one that is in place to save us. He has done so many times before (please read “Footsteps of the Amanah” if you wish to comprehend this) and should he turn his head on us we are in trouble of a large type. 

My advice to one and all would be to get your priorities straight and deal with them. This is not a joke. You are all in jeopardy.

There is so much more to say but at this juncture, why should I reveal secrets that have nothing to do with the masses when they refuse to move to help themselves. 

I hope you wake up before it is too late.

And you know who you are. I doubt Neil will allow me to address you again after this but we do not have that much longer to go anyway do we?”

– Asian Insider II