A plea for help from Neil.
He is feeling better but we almost lost Kevin to a mystery illness which saw him hospitalized for a week. Kevin nearly died. He is currently en-route to hospital again and we fearing the worst while hoping for the best.
Matters are becoming extreme and with depleted funds for travel, work and trying to keep his team alive things are looking bleak at this point without further financial assistance.
“Help me to help you” says Neil. The longer things draw out the more dangerous the situation becomes.
If anyone out there who wants to help Neil to get across the finish line then any contribution towards raising $USD 12,000 would be greatly appreciated, and you will be helping him to help you.
Neil has to leave his current residence for security reasons, and continue with his travels to reach his goals in helping all of us.
Crypto currency wallet details follow below the video, and general enquiries may be sent via email to contact@neilkeenan.com
We are fighting for all of you and continue in the face of almost insurmountable odds.
And thank you to all who have helped Neil get this far, he needs another push to help him get over the finish line, and so if you are able to make a contribution then please make contact.

The Amanah Mr. Keenan has funding awaiting him in Indonesia, but he needs this financing in order to get to Indonesia.
BTC bc1qe8w82vrr2u5fk4gwrddax477xh8may5e05xd6d
Copyright © 2024, GROUP K, Ltd.
May 18, 2024 at 9:54 am
i wish i could translate my assets quick enough 🙁 i am poor but if you could assist me with company and vault toronto, its all i have but if it will save the world its yours. 12K is that what is holding you back? Oh gosh. Please anyone help. i will pay you back and then Neil will do what he does.
May 28, 2024 at 6:36 pm
this is a help sent to you, i was notified in time, and it is on way, no info. just see, and be.and so it is now, much blessings to a good for good, ta ta w/blessing of love, from high…tata
June 15, 2024 at 5:36 am
Nothing came….359897880264
thank you and Kevin has moved from his bed to his floor……Once there he cannot get off the floor….Let’s hope
September 12, 2024 at 11:27 pm
Hi Marylee,
We are heading for the line and they are doing everything to stop us. Word is that if I get to Indonesia before they do (Cabal) we will win….We have a good shot to save the planet and its people but need some help to get there…
Minus Kevin makes it tough.
here is my number if you can help.
358897880264 this is Bulgaria
You really can feel it coming. We will be around to help many…..
Bitcoin is a fast way if done. We still have to move forward. Thanking you
Neil Keenan
November 23, 2024 at 12:37 am
Hi, Neil Keenan, I was translated the document about de Financial mafia in Occident from 250 years ago.
Sorry, from English to Spanish —>History & Events Timeline from : http://neilkeenan.com/history-events-timeline/
Please, if want, I’m sendig the odt and pdf documents