As soon as Neil Keenan was released from the clinic (yesterday) he returned home and despite being told to rest after a day of probing his ear, he was right back at his computer putting together another piece to save the planet…
Yes, the planet… He had received communications throughout the night whilst in the clinic (or what he called jail) and could not wait to return home to expose the bastards that are trying to keep the planet as it has been for the past 100 plus years.
Little did they know that Neil is back in rare form and ready for war. He is not yet totally clear on the nature of his medical problems as instituted by the globalists (somehow, some way) but this is not the first time they have gone after him either…
Now, as you can see in the video, his energy if flowing. He is comedy central when normal – but then by the same token, and most importantly of all: He is “as serious as a heart attack.”
It is plain to see there are not many more tomorrows’ of hope – but there would be many more of despair were he not to get his global work completed.
He has given it his all and has lost millions of dollars in doing so but he does not give a hoot about this. What he cares about is winning, for not one of us but for all of us.
With Group K and special advisors such as M2 and many more; Group K is ready to roll.
Enjoy the video – it is rare but notice how Neil’s energy has picked up…
Group K.
Copyright © 2016, GROUP K, Ltd.
June 15, 2016 at 11:37 am
Neil has asked that you keep any comments relevant to the post in question.
Please do not post comments on random topics – nor comments that are overly long.
The facebook group “It’s A Keenan Thing” is the venue for off topic posts.
Thank you.
June 15, 2016 at 2:15 pm
So glad you are on the mend Neil! Go get ’em. Sounds like only a couple days of work by others to clean up the items you mentioned in the video. Trusting that they listen to you. Thank you for the video 🙂
Wishes for a full recovery as you have nothing if you lose your health. I am sure you will be 100% very soon.
Blessings and thank you again Group K and Neil.
June 15, 2016 at 1:55 pm
Thank you for trying to get everyone on the same page for success and removal of the system that has entrapped most people without their even knowing what has happened in America;
Most know there is something wrong, they have not been able to identify or articulate the source of the problems;
Your group has done the best at identifying the perpetrators and follow the money
You are awesome in your commitment and dedication to truth
Thurgood Marshall in his speech at Maui Hawaii May 6, 1987:
“While the Union survived the civil war, the Constitution did not. In its
place arose a new, more promising basis for justice and equality, the 14th
Amendment …”
In “it’s place” arose a system contrary to Law and Order and holding purported Officials accountable”
June 15, 2016 at 3:40 pm
Hold the piss and vinegar. I’ll take the olive oil and lemon.
June 15, 2016 at 3:46 pm
Thank you Neil, the K Group and M2…
Wishing you quick recovery Neil.
Go Go GO Neil.
June 15, 2016 at 8:41 pm
I wish I was part of your revolution. I hope my dream will come true – to save our planet. Thank you again and again. You have created an on-going miracle and hope for us.
June 16, 2016 at 1:17 am
Time to Rock ‘n Roll Neil.
So happy that you are feeling better.
June 16, 2016 at 1:43 am
Thank you for the updates Neil it’s very important to us, to hear about the progression towards our goals!
Get well soon!
June 16, 2016 at 5:43 am
So happy to hear you are doing better and healing Neil, So happy to hear the new news. I am praying for Neil and K Group And M2. Go get them your getting your piss n vinegar again to finish this for the planet our home.
God Bless Love & Light Laurie
June 16, 2016 at 6:21 am
I’ve learned a new expression today, with piss and vinegar ha ha ha! In French we say He has the peach!
It is good to see Neil so full of energy, so strong as ever even after his stay in hospital for his ear problem, kicking as ever!. I love you Neil, and Neil Team! God bless you a million times! May the almighty and the heavens teams protect you always (I am convinced they do…).
PS: And, can I claim the funds? I have the papers and all that, you know! So I can go shopping US treasury notes on Ebay at a discount, :-)))))))))))))
June 16, 2016 at 7:12 am
Be careful Mi” once you attempt to do anything without the depositors consent (mandate) you most likely will be tossed into jail….The key is Depositor. Not Holder, Not Keeper not anything just Depositor. Anything else is considered illegal.
June 16, 2016 at 7:33 am
Neil, I am joking!!!
June 16, 2016 at 9:46 am
Now I understand your laid back attitude to Jeb Bush et al! Thanks.
The mind boggles……
Cheers and good luck P
June 16, 2016 at 6:13 pm
Will there be a transcription of the video?
June 16, 2016 at 6:37 pm
We are short-handed with volunteer transcribers right now. The 1 hour, 40 minute video was just transcribed. Maybe we’ll hear from some new transcribers soon to help out!
June 17, 2016 at 10:33 pm
Sorry 2 hear U were in the hospital. But, happy 2 hear Ur getting better. And, whoever picked this song “ain’t no stoppin us now” has great taste! IT’s one of MY favorite. Laughing & Loving & Trusting God; No Matter What like always. Over 4 years of following U & supporing U; “ain’t no stoppin me now” no matter what is going only. Great BIG hugs from Great Gramy J @ Fort Hood, Texas. <3
June 18, 2016 at 7:30 pm
NEIL and Team:
P & V is very necessary! Very good to hear that your health is improving. Not surprised that Jeb Bush is involved. He stated that he was willing to go to jail for his father. Let’s give him the chance to do it! You have sacrificed so much to save humanity. Thank you! We are all doing our best to help before we shuffle off this mortal coil.
Best wishes and more great good health.