Neil Keenan - Group K, Ltd.

s e c u r i n g . t h e . g l o b a l . a c c o u n t s

Response From The Asian Insider

Duly noted Mr. Keenan. Agreed and done.

It is your matter to deal with and you may do so how you see fit. After your conversation with the Family last night they reiterate that they have 150% confidence in you, no strings attached.

P.S. Can I still assist you when needed? I will not get in the way.

(Asian Insider #1)


  1. Alright!!! The ball is now in your court and its your move!!! All the best my friend. Go and do the world the way you want to be done!!!

  2. That is fantastic for you Neil and Group K! We trust and have great confidence in you as well!!!

    I am sure you are aware but many may have not seen this regarding our poisoned air/controlled weather/contaminated waters (geoengineering) and so forth. According to the video it is being funded by Rothschild’s. This seems very urgent.

    All the best for all of your work going forward as well as a HUGE thank you for your work up til now.


  3. Oh my Goodness! The point I believe that Neil is trying to make is ……. save yourself by helping! I’ve donated to the Lords of Light! I will donate more as I can when I can. Wake up America! We need to do something other then just a thank you.

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