Little is known what to expect from Neil Keenan. Just when you think you have him pegged, he turns it around, letting you know that you have no idea what he is actually thinking.
Once you let the fox in the hen house only bad things can happen. He brings to our attention the fact that Obama is flying to Asia only to upset the political structure and relationships between the Chinese and the Asiatic allied members of the U.S. Obama is filling their heads with promises of support and finance (“we will never desert you”) when in fact the US has been deserting everyone that they have pledged to defend.
With the proposed NO FLY ZONE, Neil delivers the idea that in the near future Obama and his cronies will have to enter through the back door, Japan, which means flying over the Pacific Ocean rather than Europe. Their quest to poison Asia is still on the table, but it cannot be accomplished without encountering serious dangers that they never expected.
Who in this world ever expected Neil Keenan to propose a NO FLY ZONE to the Russians, Chinese, Dragon Family and many others in order to eliminate from our world the poisons, death and destruction that we are now suffering from?
In point of fact, a NO FLY ZONE makes perfect sense when we look at everything happening around us. If the fox does not get into the Asiatic and Russian hen houses, then we can safely predict that their efforts to create a New World Order will be in vain. This is precisely where Neil and his team will be working with sure and swift efficiency – the No-Fly documents are being finalized now.
This is a new time – a new world! Let us take action to conquer these evils so that we can take back our world. And only by taking real action can we ever achieve this.
Featured in this post:
The atrocities happening in Donetsk, Ukraine which are not being reported by any media.
A question posed: where are the Rothschilds hiding? Putin has put the fear of the “lord” into the Rothschilds, and rightfully so seeing that even their devils cannot help them anymore.
Neil announces that our team has now been joined by extremely powerful new allies from the West, all the more assurance that our efforts will be successful.
This update is let you know what is happening and give you a taste of what’s to come.
In this update, Neil announces the creation of a powerful new proposal — a No-Fly Zone Asian accord to stop the cabal from entry into Asian countries where their sole intention is for more war and terrorist activities to advance their world hegemony.
The time has come for the catalyst of an Asian No-Fly Zone. It is a first step toward putting these psychopaths behind bars where they rightfully belong.
Another plan of action that Neil’s announces is the project to expose known criminals and mercenaries by publicizing pictures of their homes and families: Is this YOUR home and family? We cannot continue to keep our eyes wide shut; and they can no longer be allowed to hide behind secrecy.
For their crimes, they enjoy a life of luxury that has been built upon the suffering and lives of humanity. The fathers, mothers, daughters, sons and related family members will be identified for the crimes that they directly or may even indirectly support. They will be uncovered for who they really are.
Neil is championing our rights every step of the way. In support, we encourage each of you to step up to the plate and take action according to what you are able to do. The time is now.
“Our problems are man-made, therefore they may be solved by man. No problem of human destiny is beyond human beings.” John F. Kennedy
NOTE: This update was filmed in Bali, Indonesia at the “Hindu Gates,” an entryway to a place of worship and meditation for the Indonesian people. The setting is quite beautiful, however, because of the background noise, the vocal audio is difficult to hear during the first few minutes of the video, after which it improves. Listening through headphones is ideal.
Video Highlights:
A legal agreement with Russia, China and Asia for a No-Fly Zone over these countries is now in the process of being completed. This would mean all entry would be barred into these countries by the Western global elite: Obama, Cheney, Soros, the Bushes, the Rothschilds, and all related members of the cabal. The No-Fly document will be in the hands of Russia, China and Asia within a few days and will then served on these cabal individuals.
In his meetings with various government officials, Neil has put forth the recommendation that if the cabal criminals cannot be kept from entry into these countries, then they need to be arrested upon arrival and charged with their war crimes, terrorist activities, and depopulation crimes against humanity.
The Rothschild family has been particularly singled out by Putin as needing to be eliminated, but it cannot go without saying that the Bushes and Rockefellers are equally guilty.
Neil emphasizes his support of our readers who have taken the brave action to deal with the UN mercenaries who unlawfully invaded their neighborhood. The neighborhood’s “Special Force” showed these misplaced soldiers pictures of their own homes and families, after which they left the area. If our readers have any information and/or pictures of those who need to be exposed for their crimes, or who are unlawfully invading their neighborhood with their armed presence, we encourage you to send it to The Keenan Team. We will see to it that it gets into the right hands and that the personal details of their lives are exposed for all to see. This is quid pro quo – they are poisoning and threatening our lives and our families’ lives. We will use their own tactics against them and bring a halt to their crimes and terror in a peaceful and effective way.
Recently members of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) met with the financial controllers in Washington, D.C. BRICS nations (including China who is a significant stakeholder in the Global Accounts) were actually being conciliatory in their offer to include the West in funding from the Collateral Accounts. While the Collateral Accounts don’t belong to the West, these greedy criminals had the audacity to decline any agreement whatsoever.
The death-knell of the U.S. dollar is happening now. Russia and China are aggressively by-passing all use of the U.S petro-dollar for trade, and that spells the end of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and FED domination over the world’s economy.
Lawyers specializing in international law are needed. Please contact The Keenan Team if you are able to contribute your expertise to this effort.
For those who question the difference between the cabal and the Dragon Family, be assured that the cabal will never part with a dime to help humanity and have for years consistently stolen from the Dragon Family. There will be no funds going into individuals’ pockets; the Dragon Family’s intent is to provide funds to establish humanitarian projects, opportunities for humanity to be able to help itself, something that the cabal always has and always will do all in their power prevent.
Discussion of the fraudulent Swissindo and OPPT are a complete waste of time.
Soros made a brainless statement recently to the U.K. government that if they pulled out the European Union (something that most Brits want), all of the major manufacturing will also be pulled out of England. This points to the obvious fact that those corporate manufacturers are part of the global elite. As can be seen in the U.S., during the past 30 years, most of our manufacturers have already moved overseas. This is all a Rothschild game.
It must be remembered that the Ukraine separated from Russia to begin with because Reagan, Mitterrand and Wanta (who is no white-hat), stole funds from the Global Accounts and used them to destroy the Russian ruble.
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