With deep sorrow and tears in our hearts we announce to the World the passing of Amanah Neil Francis Keenan.

Neil crossed over early Friday morning on 7 March 2025 from a week long hospital battle with a cerebral stroke. His wife Sonia and son Charlie were there with other friends for a final farewell ceremony on Wednesday.
We all miss this great man dearly.
Thomas, Richard, Neesham, Petra. – Group K
Please share your condolences and memories below the eulogy.
Eulogy for an Exceptional Man
In the transition between Ages Our Creator brings forth powerful spirits to incarnate in our world to assist in altering our perceptions and knowledge.
These enlightened beings shake our old foundations and build new structures from the exposed rubble. They are amazing Givers marching through fields of fear and opposition, trampling on the old heads of those who enslave us, fearlessly going ahead where few dare to tread.
This is my eulogy for my friend who I dearly love and miss with a heart of tears, a man among men ever willing to give of himself and his wealth, a man who fought relentlessly, winning whithersoever he goes, a man who sat with Royalty and the financial and political elite, yet walked and talked and lived with us commoners showing respect for their dignity offering genuine friendship, an ear to hear and an indefatigable humor that lightened the tensest of situations.
Neil Francis Keenan was a Godsend to our world. His imprints are everywhere and lasting. He loved life, and especially the women folk. He was hard to work with but generous in rewarding.
He was many things and lingers in fond memories with those whom he shared moments. We all will never forget.
His Footsteps Of The Amanah is a story that needs repeating, again and again, as the tales of his journey through life are inspiring in understanding the change of the times we are in.
Share his stories and keep his name alive… I remember when Neil did this or said that…
He has passed and fulfilled much of his life’s mission. It is now time for us to finish. May his eternal soul continue to guide us.
And believe me, his spirit is still around manifesting in moments of memories and dreams. Let him be your guide and if you smile, you will know he is near.
Neil, you are still here with us forevermore. God has blessed your existence. You are loved and missed my friend.
It’s time to rest and as my mother used to say “It’s time to GO TO BED.” Rest in peace. I will see you again soon enough.
Your True Friend
Thomas Kramer
Please forward any queries to contact@neilkeenan.com

Copyright © 2025, GROUP K, Ltd.
March 16, 2025 at 3:24 am
When I got the phone call, I was thunderstruck. I haven’t seen him online for a few days, thinking that he was traveling, as he usually did. Never did I guess that he crossed over. Over the last several years, I lost my job, my money, my car, the girl I loved and now my only friend. But, I still manage to get up every day and keep pushing forward. Now, not only do I now feel lost, but also scared.
Charlie is the new Amanah now. If you’re reading this, it was your dad’s request that I reached out to you in case this happened. If you need someone to talk to, you can call me through my Facebook profile on It’s a Keenan Thing Group site. You have Group K to help you through this turbulent time. We’re all over the world with a common goal. You can trust Thomas Kramer. You can trust Richard Montgomerie. You can trust Sev Ren, Nelu and his team and myself. I grow close to Neil over the last few years and I’m still aching over this. I will miss him.
March 16, 2025 at 3:43 am
Thank you so much Thomas and everyone who continues to fight this battle that Neil had so graciously picked up the torch for and fought harder than anyone ever has. There is so much I would like to say but for now it is very hard to take in and will do once this battle is over. We had so many great conversations talked about everything you could imagine. You are watching us even now buddy and I can feel your spirit is very near. What Neil accomplished helped us all realize the mess we are really in. He sacrificed it all to do so for us and I couldn’t be anymore grateful for it. To all the righteous he is our best friend and will continue to be. We will make you proud Neil and we’ll see you very soon buddy. Wishing you a resting peace…
March 16, 2025 at 6:43 am
Sending my heartfelt condolences to Neil’s family and friends. May you rest in peace and thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done for himanity. Much love to you !
March 16, 2025 at 8:51 am
RIP Neil, your energy and goodwill approach to bring down the criminal Khazarian deep state mafia will be missed, I hope your precious work will be continued by your followers, you are in a better place 🙏
March 16, 2025 at 9:17 am
March 16, 2025 at 10:11 am
R.I.P. Neil. I followed your life journey and your battle with the dark light for many years and admired your strenghth and positivity. You will be dearly missed. Hope you have a pieceful transition and we will meet again in higher dimensions. My heartfelt cndolesence to your family. Love Leona
March 16, 2025 at 11:26 am
I never expected to be writing one of these for Neil but here we are and he is over his suffering now. I still remember the first time I spoke to Neil on the phone, I was standing almost knee deep in farmyard manure holding a gate while a tractor passed. i never told him this but I am sure he would have laughed at my predicament holding a high level business meeting covered in BS. But Neil was such an ordinary man none of these things mattered in the slightest to him, all he was interested in was the person firstly and secondly the business.
When I first got to meet Neil here in Ireland with Sonia the first thing that struck me was his lovely and kind get on with it attitude, nothing was a problem and nothing was beneath him. The second thing that struck me in a big way was his FEARLESSNESS, I remarked about him that he was like the fearless and selfless Irish warriors that fought their way to Irish freedom over a hundred years ago, Neil’s grandmother was involved in that fight. I have never met anyone else that I would even dream of saying something like that about because they would not come within an asses roar of that bravery. Sonia made a big impression on me too but for totally different reasons and I am always here for you and Sonia and Charlie. Neil and I had many phone conversations over the years and as you all know those calls were always short and sweet and went on for well over an hour. Where we would start off landscaping and finish off shooting hoops into the wee short hours. Every conversation with Neil was fun regardless if we were discussing trivia or serious business. A very influential Irish poet once said in our native tongue “Their likes will not be around again” and UNFORTUNATELY the likes of Neil will NEVER AGAIN BE SEEN. No one will ever truly know what Neil has done behind the scenes so that we all could have a better life. He worked so, so hard, endlessly and selflessly to try and achieve this seemingly impossible goal. Just because he did not see the game out to the end does not mean that he did not give it his almighty best shot. Like a true son of Erin’s Isle Neil fought and fought again and after that he fought again even though his health was not co-operating with him.
All is left for me to say now is goodbye and safe travels my good and faithful friend, I often finished a message to you Neil by saying Beir bua agus beannacht (Be victorious and blessings) but with great sadness I now say Slán agus beannach (Goodbye/safety and blessings) Till we meet again Mr Neil Francis Keenan.
Ar dheist Dé go raibh a anam dílis (May his faithful soul be at the right hand of God)
March 16, 2025 at 12:35 pm
It is with great sadness that I write this post.
Neil was a dear friend who had a noble mission. I became associated with Neil in 2016 and was involved in his trip to Indonesia in 2018, where the official Amanah status was given to him by the Elders.
His struggles were real, as the cabal had done a good job of crippling his finances. There was a resilience to Neil that was attractive. He fought like hell to expose the depth of the corruption that enslaves us. Just read his lawsuit and you will see how far ahead of his time Neil really was. Much of the corruption being exposed today was referenced by Neil years ago.
I am still in shock, honestly, as this was not an outcome I had entertained. I saw Neil as the “anointed one” that would oversee the proper distribution of accumulated wealth held in bunkers across Southeast Asia. His ability to pass a series of spiritual tests by the elders in 2018 had confirmed my suspicion that he was special. God had chosen this man, rough around the edges but a heart of GOLD; A PURE HEART. Now my heart is broken and I long to hear just one more of his LONG stories. He could weave a story like no one I had ever met.
Although I saw this as Neil’s mission, it was and ultimately is God’s mission. How will the story end? Who knows, but I have an inclination that God wins. Light wins. Think of the rag tag group of 12 left after the death of Christ. They changed the world. My life has been better from knowing Neil. My prayers are with Sonia and Charlie and all of Group K.
Press on. Keep fighting.
How do I feel? I feel with my hands
March 16, 2025 at 12:48 pm
Truly a Dynamic and Courageous personality! Rest Well Neil. gg
March 16, 2025 at 6:37 pm
Neil was my childhood friend and neighbor
We played basketball, baseball and other sports. We went to the same school.
Neil was a true friend, his passing hurts, to lose a friend like Neil. Rest in peace my friend.
March 16, 2025 at 6:55 pm
March 16, 2025 at 7:54 pm
Safe travels Neil…
March 16, 2025 at 9:34 pm
Condolences to his family. I am stunned and shocked. I followed Neil since @ 2010 and found what a great and humble man he was. God rest his soul.
March 16, 2025 at 11:48 pm
Wow , a very sad day indeed 🫡 . My condolences to Neil’s wife and son ! This is a great loss, a great man, a great friend has gone home to God.
Most if not all of you don’t know me and how I connected to Neil. I was a writer on rumormill news blog site 2006- 2012. I met him at the beginning of his journey. He used to email me about the fight at the beginning and I posted all his messages to the public . I’m the one who coined the crawfish tag for Crawford. I’ve been promoting Neil on X lately and this final one too.
Humanity’s hope now rest with President Trump and team to bring peace to the world and the destruction of the DemoRATS/ deep state/globalists mass murderers.
As Neil would expect from us all ,we must finish this ! This terrorist demonic cabal must be exposed and destroyed once and for all …. No quarter !
March 17, 2025 at 5:24 am
It seems like such a short time ago, it’s been about 13 years since the name Neil Keenan captured my attention. I’ve followed his journey ever since. It was many years later I joined Neil’s Facebook group, and not long before Neil knew my name due to my many posted comments and likes. My daily views of the activity there keep me busy at night as did the website posts and youtube videos when they were shared. Being asked to be a group admin was so exciting I felt closer to Neil as he felt like an uncle and a one of a kind uncle at that!!!
One minute Neil would have me laughing and the next rolling my eyes… did he really say that on a video or he’d just lay back on the couch while recording, where did he gooooo? Neil did things his own way and that was to be expected! My very first Skype call with Neil was so thrilling for me and when he told me I was part of the Group-K I felt so honored.
Its been a long road for Neil and all of us that put our trust into his mission. It was also a long week for many of us. I was in a fog while waiting for the formal announcement of Neil’s passing. It just didn’t seem true! Neil is now looking down on all of us saying I FEEL GREAT, I WISH YOU WHERE HERE. He came so close to having his final Irish corned beef meal that I know many will have and think of the Irish Catholic man we all came to love.
RIP Amanah Neil I can’t wait to see you again one day.
Admin – Cindy Shaboo
March 17, 2025 at 12:45 pm
Although I haven’t seen Neil in many years, the memories I have of him began in the fall of ’72 when we were freshmen at Mt. A . He introduced himself to me and tells me he’s there to play basketball as was I. I think to myself, this little guy is dreaming, he’s 5’8″ !! Once on the court I soon found out that this “little guy” could play! We spent 3 years together hooping, partying and getting up to mischief. What a hoot Neil was and such a fierce competitor. I have many fond everlasting memories of these years of my friendship with Neil.
My sincerest condolences go out to his wife and family and may Neil forever rest in peace.