With deep sorrow and tears in our hearts we announce to the World the passing of Amanah Neil Francis Keenan.

Neil crossed over early Friday morning on 7 March 2025 from a week long hospital battle with a cerebral stroke. His wife Sonia and son Charlie were there with other friends for a final farewell ceremony on Wednesday.
We all miss this great man dearly.
Thomas, Richard, Neesham, Petra. – Group K
Please share your condolences and memories below the eulogy.
Eulogy for an Exceptional Man
In the transition between Ages Our Creator brings forth powerful spirits to incarnate in our world to assist in altering our perceptions and knowledge.
These enlightened beings shake our old foundations and build new structures from the exposed rubble. They are amazing Givers marching through fields of fear and opposition, trampling on the old heads of those who enslave us, fearlessly going ahead where few dare to tread.
This is my eulogy for my friend who I dearly love and miss with a heart of tears, a man among men ever willing to give of himself and his wealth, a man who fought relentlessly, winning whithersoever he goes, a man who sat with Royalty and the financial and political elite, yet walked and talked and lived with us commoners showing respect for their dignity offering genuine friendship, an ear to hear and an indefatigable humor that lightened the tensest of situations.
Neil Francis Keenan was a Godsend to our world. His imprints are everywhere and lasting. He loved life, and especially the women folk. He was hard to work with but generous in rewarding.
He was many things and lingers in fond memories with those whom he shared moments. We all will never forget.
His Footsteps Of The Amanah is a story that needs repeating, again and again, as the tales of his journey through life are inspiring in understanding the change of the times we are in.
Share his stories and keep his name alive… I remember when Neil did this or said that…
He has passed and fulfilled much of his life’s mission. It is now time for us to finish. May his eternal soul continue to guide us.
And believe me, his spirit is still around manifesting in moments of memories and dreams. Let him be your guide and if you smile, you will know he is near.
Neil, you are still here with us forevermore. God has blessed your existence. You are loved and missed my friend.
It’s time to rest and as my mother used to say “It’s time to GO TO BED.” Rest in peace. I will see you again soon enough.
Your True Friend
Thomas Kramer
Please forward any queries to contact@neilkeenan.com

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