Pete Santilli (The Guerilla Media Network (GMN), “The alternative to the alternative media”: ) is a leading internet radio broadcaster who has been following Neil Keenan’s mission and developments for well over three years.
In this interview which spans nearly three hours, Pete firstly describes in his own terms, how he has independently researched and vetted Neil’s work and accomplishments.
Beyond Pete Santilli’s introduction, the interview continues into discussions covering many topics with Neil Keenan and his close associates, Chris Brosnahan (a high-level international banking specialist) and Donavan Darcy (an expert in business financial services including commodities and currency trading) of the Keenan Team, Group K, Ltd.
This discourse provides a concise yet comprehensive introduction for those who are new to matters relating to the Global Collateral Accounts, and Neil Keenan’s tireless work towards making these accounts available for humanitarian purposes.
Because humanitarian purposes were the original intention in terms of the establishment of the Global Collateral Accounts, these accounts were co-opted and stolen from by the dark cabal in order to forward their plans toward establishing their “New World Order.”
The following interview covers key points of interest for anyone who would like to understand details of what the international cabal-controlled banking system has done to the people of the world over the past 75+ years.
Regardless as to whether an audience member might be new to this material or a well-seasoned researcher, this is a power-packed, groundbreaking show with something of interest for everyone.
How long have we spoken of how the East has to separate itself from the West? Finally they begin to do just that.
We have been right on the money for years regarding such a separation, but one always has to keep a close eye on their own people and nations. The West knows we have to keep our eyes wide open on those who have previously invaded and temporarily taken our nation from us.
The Western Hemisphere is in a free-fall. The secret societies are exposed and they realize they must get out of Dodge before it is too late.
They are falling apart little by little, and the Global Elite are leaving America as fast as they can.
More and more people are moving to places like Costa Rica and New Zealand, but I believe that there is no place remote enough to evade our “long arms.” They are relocating simply because they are being soundly beat. Yes, they still have the wherewithal of causing much damage, but this was to be expected from the very beginning.
To believe that a jubilee is possible with the Cabal still making decisions on how the world will be run, who owns assets and who doesn’t, is ridiculous! Why don’t we all just split up the assets belonging to China and Russia and say that this is all grand?
Yes, they said they would bring their international investments with them.
Of course this means that Indonesia will soon be subject to take-over, as has happened to every country that they have ever invaded.
But don’t count on it quite yet. We understand we must rid ourselves of them once and for all. As they planned for us, we now must plan for them.
We no longer need them on our planet. This is not their planet! This is our planet! We must stop them from changing locations because they will always remain a threat. We must finish this Now!
Indonesia does not warrant this, but there are a few who can be bought, and one major corrupt company is the Lippos Group. They will soon have Monsanto and tainted pharmaceuticals.
Add to this the alarming acceleration of burning large areas of Indonesian forests to make way for illegal palm-oil tree plantations. Indonesia is being decimated on every front in these psychopaths’ agenda to achieve worldwide depopulation.
In other words, the people of Indonesia are doomed and this is just the beginning.
They have many disguises and many names but let’s just use this one:
The World Economic Forum (WEF) – they are the Bilderbergs, Committee of 300, Club of Rome, Hidden Hand, etc. There is no other way to put it: they are evil personified!
A strong critic of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is Noam Chomsky who reminds us that the WEF came up with the term “globalization” as a propaganda cover for favoring the interests of central bankers and investors over the needs of humanity.
Professor Emeritus at MIT, Noam Chomsky is an American linguist and outspoken intellectual who points out “globalization” as it is used in connection with WEF’s trade policies:
“The dominant propaganda systems have appropriated the term ‘globalization’ to refer to the specific version of international economic integration that they favor, which privileges the rights of investors and lenders, those of people being incidental.
In accord with this usage, those who favor a different form of international integration, which privileges the rights of human beings, become ‘anti-globalist.’
This is simply vulgar propaganda, like the term ‘anti-Soviet’ used by the most disgusting commissars to refer to dissidents. It is not only vulgar, but idiotic. Take the World Social Forum, called ‘anti-globalization’ in the propaganda system—which happens to include the media, the educated classes, etc., with rare exceptions.
The WSF is a paradigm example of globalization. It is a gathering of huge numbers of people from all over the world, from just about every corner of life one can think of, apart from the extremely narrow highly privileged elites who meet at the competing World Economic Forum, and are called ‘pro-globalization’ by the propaganda system.
An observer watching this farce from Mars would collapse in hysterical laughter at the antics of the educated classes.”
We are pushing them out of our hemisphere and now we need to keep them out of Asia. We must eradicate them once and for all.
This is our job – to rid the world of these insane creatures who believe they are elite, who believe that they deserve to control the planet and who believe that there is no place for the common man except as a slave.
WE must take back our planet.
[Please see additional comment below videos]
Please be aware that I have not been able to fly to Indonesia with my team for the interview.
Unbeknownst to me our usual airline flights have been cancelled on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays; thereby requiring the Interview to be re-scheduled for my arrival in the very near future.
I hate like hell to miss out on this opportunity to confront the World Economic Forum (WEF) on what I consider to be home turf but after discussing the problem with many Family members we all came to the same conclusion, that being; let the WEF continue with their conference, let them talk and let them make mistakes – and then attack them with their own mistakes.
I have also been advised to send the video statement above to President Jokowi of Indonesia, Television Network Metro in Indonesia and The Jakarta Globe – so they also may pursue this matter before I arrive.
My interview will be arranged upon my arrival but I will have an opportunity to listen to the WEF and what was said at their conferences.
All the best and do not despair; many of them will still be there upon my arrival and will feel our wrath.
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