Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide.

For a long twelve years we have had our local favorite Neil Keenan chasing animals back into the forests, later to see them reincarnate themselves into nasty human beings. 

[Images, links and further details have been added to the source material.]

Oh but how their stench exposes them.

Some refer to these things as lizards, possessed by entities via dark rituals, shape shifters or God knows what. Certainly we have never heard them termed as caring or loving. Their very survival depends upon the destruction of society as we know it. 

90% of our very own are to be exterminated as detailed in their own historical statements. They are not afraid to tell you such things as they apparently believe that they hold weapons that can eliminate our very being. 

What they do not hold (and are mighty scared of) are our numbers:

We The People. 

The Billions of people on this planet that ‘they’ (the Cabal) will have to contend with once most of the people wake up, which is now happening on an exponential scale. 

‘They’ are currently running New Zealand, Iceland , Antarctica, while at the same time making end-arounds on Indonesia, Finland, Australia and others.

They must be stopped. They were brought to their knees in the US by a few good men and their will and desire to save their people; President Donald Trump, Neil Keenan etcetera. The results of this are yet to be publicly revealed, however there are hints that are being found by the astute.

You know who Neil Keenan is but not many others do not.

However, ask French ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy who took the life out of him and his stolen election against Marine Le Pen and you will hear Neil’s name whispered. 

Ask the retired Dutch Queen Beatrix, and she just might tell you who forced her into retirement. Psstt, Neil.

Ask Italian ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi what pushed him into accepting a Plea and you just might hear the name Neil again. That’s right  – two years in jail.

Ask South Korean President Park Geun-hye who had her removed from office, and it would be Neil with a little help from his friends (and no Joe Cocker is not one of them). 

Then you have ex Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak who was removed (arrested) by his very own government, and sentenced to a twelve year jail term.

But ask who it was that the Parliament based their corruption support indictment on and you will hear that Neil’s name was mentioned time and time again during their sessions.

Ban Ki-moon left unannounced from the UN finding himself in his home country of South Korea with hopes of securing good standing and an opportunity to become its next President, only to find that Neil put the kibosh on this as well. 

Hastily leaving for China, he found no one to collect him at the airport. Ban Ki-moon was left alone and had to find his way to his hotel himself.

Later he became concerned that this unannounced visit was not acknowledged by Xi Jinping and he was forced to wait for hours in his hotel awaiting his actual meeting. The visit took place but only for a few minutes. The doors were closing on him as well.

The Japanese mobilized their military for the first time since the second world war and very few knew this even happened, but Neil did. 

Their plan was to invade Indonesia and steal assets from all bunkers there that did not belong to them, nor were they any of their business. 

The daughter of the Emperor of Japan was married to an Indonesian General and their plan was to steal from the Global Account holdings in Indonesia and abscond with them to Japan. This never happened due to Neil’s threats of exposure.

Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for his failure to deliver (because of Neil being in his face) has RESIGNED.

There is so much more to understand but you would have to read his archives at

[ See: Footsteps of The Amanah and The History & Events Timeline]

You will discover that the Banks have no warm spot in their hearts for Neil who has come after them more than once.

He also exposed the attempt to smuggle gold out of South Korea by the Japanese.

Obama’s attempt to use some of the money he illegally gave to Iran to purchase gold in the Bay of Bangkok only to be rebuked and exposed by Neil. 

Enough said. You are getting the message which is that even when you do not hear from Neil or his team they are doing the dirty work that no government was ever able to do.

It was they who kept things in order in Asia despite many malcontented individuals demanding bunker assets, gold, or anything else of value. Neil & Co. were always in the way. 

Ask anyone who is close to Neil; whether it be in banking, the military, political circles etcetera – what a pain in the rear Neil has been for the Cabal and the answer to the question just might be that Neil has been a royal pain in the ass from day one for them. 

They never should have stolen the Golden Dragon Family assets from him and he is not through with them yet. 

Neil would deny being a royal pain but what he would say is he is “the planets best shit-stirrer.” 

They all wake up in the morning hoping that Keenan has not caught up with them overnight. 

The end (or beginning, depending on how you look at it) is rushing on us and Neil is attempting to put his financial chest together to ‘open things up’ so the whole world may benefit due to Neil’s never dying efforts. 

Right now he is looking for financially healthy individuals who can assist him in finally making this planet safe and sound for everyone (most especially Indonesia).

See Also: The Connection Between 9/11, JFK and the Global Collateral Accounts

Connected to this you will see that Neil is on the attack once again. This time it’s the Malaysian banks and UBS – and he has them by their short hairs. 

Who is going to get the Axe this time? The feeling is – many of them are going to bite the dust. 

Remember Neil does not take prisoners…


Part Two

You have heard a little about Mr. Keenan in the first section and here and now what will be revealed is in relation to Neil Keenan’s assaults on not only UBS (that will come later) but the Malaysian Banks.

The banks alluded to above have been involved in a huge financial fraud for many years now as they extend agreements without the knowledge or approval of the holder/mandate of the financial notes who recently passed away.

Even if he had not passed away, they would have signed the financial notes and extensions thereof.

Now that I have shared my two cents, I shall now step back while Mr. Keenan ties some loose ends and gets the financing in place that he requires before anything ‘opens up’ so that we may enjoy all that is soon to come. 

Neil and Donald = Quite a team.  This will be a happening not to be missed.

The Fraud involved here surpasses 600 Billion USD, all of which is registered under the name Soekarno Trust and provided to them by Dr. Edy Seno, who has since passed away as mentioned earlier. 

Dr. Seno waited years for this agreement to be activated and provide him and his family the comfort which they had come to expect upon signing the agreements with UBS and four Malaysian Banks in particular.

Note: This Power of Attorney document was enacted prior to Neil Keenan being elected the Amanah in Indonesia. Whilst the original POA has since expired, the agreement now falls under the auspices of the Amanah and to that end, the POA remains in effect without any expiry.

Below you will see the amounts received and further details without the endorsement of Mr. Seno. Since his death, Mr. Keenan has been elected by the Elders and the Sultan; as the Amanah in Indonesia and has most recently decided that the beginning of his altercations with the Cabal (or New World Order) will begin there. 

As you are aware Mr. Keenan will not take prisoners. Once the necessary documentation is filed, all cannons will be ready to be fired and there will be no looking back. 

This could be termed “the shot that will be heard around the world”; similar to what his Financial Tyranny lawsuit had been; but in this matter everything else that was exposed by the filing of the initial lawsuit will be brought to the forefront as well. 

Said another way: The people of the world will soon be exposed to the entire show (not just fragments of it) and this will be an eye opener.

– WH

Perhaps yourselves, the readers might like to directly make contact with the following individuals and ask of them what they have taken part in, in an effort to hold them to account for their actions?

Lukas Gähwiler (Chairman) – UBS Switzerland AG
Zurich, Tel. +41-44-234 11 11

Karin Oertli (Head of UBS Global Asset Management Switzerland) UBS Switzerland AG
Zurich, Tel. +41-44-234 11 11

Tun Dr. Mahathir bin Mohamad (Former Prime Minister of Malaysia)

Muazzam Mohamed (Chief Executive Officer) – Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad

Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Tay Ah Lek (Managing Director / Chief Executive Officer) – Public Bank Berhad

Lung Nien Lee (CEO) – Citibank Kuala Lumpur

Puan Rossana Annizah Rashidi (Chairman) – Bank Simpanan Nasional

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