The purpose of this letter is to outline the level of abuse I have been subjected to by two American nationals: Jeanne O’Dean and James Dugan.

They have undertaken the filing of unsubstantiated claims with several policing authorities. Here in Bulgaria, I was interviewed by the Plovdiv Criminal Investigation Division for three hours.

The result of that interview and examination was this:

The claims made in the complaint are spurious, and without any merit. This was the conclusion of the Plovdiv CID as well as the local police who also received a copy of the complaint.

Obviously, as a result of their failure to gain any legal traction with their baseless claims, I have received further unsolicited correspondence that is forcing me to move from dismissal to a more offensive mindset.

It is my intention to inform you of the increasingly unstable and dangerous nature of these two people that your agency may be on the outlook for.

They present a serious problem in a number of ways to society in their locales (Dugan in Tampa / St. Petersburg Florida USA) (O’Dean last reported in Sante Fe / Albuquerque New Mexico).

Here is a very abridged list of accomplishments that Neil has personally achieved to save a great many nefarious acts from undermining the wealth of the world as well as a great many human lives.

These facts are completely incongruent with the baseless allegations of O’Dean and Dugan.

Required Reading: NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | People Get Ready There’s A Change Coming.

Why direct your attention to these accomplishments in response to a criminal complaint? Simple.

To point out that the bullshit that gets thrown at a man that has spent a large part of his life trying to save the planet is becoming not only a propaganda war but also increasingly dangerous.

When one speaks of killing a former president, and making allegations of theft by someone that is in fact in charge of the Global Accounts – it is time to address the crux of the matter.

The critical question is why does Neil have to deal with a problem that authorities could handle easily by examination of the complainants?

He has been examined in person twice in Bulgaria about the complaints, and the response has been that these are baseless claims made by O’Dean and Dugan.

And they exposed his residential addresses for Neil and his family, which is effectively a hit request.

It seems that there is a massive disconnect between the work of Neil Keenan and the unsubstantiated allegations of impropriety.

The kind of disconnect that makes one wonder about the sanity and stability of the accused that each have a history of in taking that which is not theirs, based upon qualifications and self-aggrandizing history of fantastical origin.

Here are some salient real facts for you. Neil has spent the last 20 years of his life, working to prevent first the theft of his assets, and then those entrusted to him – fearlessly.

The people he battled and continues to struggle with are leaders in the world whose sole occupation is theft and enslavement at all costs including a great many lives around the world.

The latest discovery of yet another confidence scheme of O’Dean and Dugan, involves a complicated and dynamic confidence operation involving gold from Uganda.

As someone that has assisted and worked with the Count Albert Chiang (now deceased who was head of Dragon Family in the past), Neil discovered the nature of these two, soliciting investment in gold financial structure in Dubai for gold that would illegally be moved there from a mine in Uganda.

Exclusively developed and under contract for another 21 years between the Dragon Family operation at Wagagai Uganda including a no export refining agreement at facilities they have already invested $200 million.

Normally Neil would deal with these matters on his own, but this time he has opened the door to his contacts in external agencies and his team at large around the world.

He is asking that authorities deal with these two people as they are now impacting his ability to complete that which he is trying to finish.

In addition to writing threats regarding his personal safety in Bulgaria and upon entry to Indonesia – these people have endangered his family by publicly listing his family residences in Bulgaria. Who does this? These scum do.

He has made statements regarding assassinating President Donald Trump repeatedly, and this information was forwarded to his team.

On the topic of threats and assassination; these two also explicitly wrote that upon arrival in Indonesia he will be killed. This does not rattle Neil, since, he is factually the Amanah.

The result of being elected by Indonesian Elders, and having a signed contract to represent their interests and the interests of Indonesia seems to speak to his respect in and around Indonesia.

He wields a lot of power and authority as the Amanah in Indonesia.

As such, when in Indonesia, Neil will be issuing International Arrest Warrants for these two and have them extradited for immediate trial. Once again, Neil is doing other people’s work for the betterment of society.

Unfortunately, it seems that these con artists will do more damage to many people, as is their nature, until Neil issues these warrants unless someone steps in and finally does their job.

Most of you who know Neil know that he rarely, if ever, asks for help. He and his team is so close to the finish line, but are in need of the final support to get to Indonesia and open the bunkers and expose the cabal.

Those that follow his story know that the cabal has done everything to destroy or block access to most of his funds. He is reaching out to a small group of people who I know care about the future of humanity.

If he could collectively come up with the necessary funding, that would be enough to finance the FINAL trip to Indonesia and would provide funds needed to establish his base and team on the ground.

Once the first bunker is opened, it’s over for the cabal. Yes, he is that close. Please search your heart and pray about supporting these efforts.

This is truly good against evil and he would never reach out in this manner if he did not believe that the timing was crucial.

Thank you for your consideration.

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