Neil Keenan - Group K, Ltd.

s e c u r i n g . t h e . g l o b a l . a c c o u n t s

Gold Pending

The list of people that were contacted directly by Jeanne O’Dean (and by extension James Dugan) to pitch their latest Carnival Freakshow of existing members of Neil Keenan’s registered membership on his Facebook Site was brought forward. The list is quite lengthy.

Here is the exact message sent to over 174 people:


As James Dugan and myself proceed with the FBI, CIA, Interpol investigations, as well as reporting our case to the Bulgaria National Police and Regional Plovdiv Police Department; we are compiling a list of unknowing victims (individuals, organizations, trusts, etc.) who have funded or invested via wire transfers in Neil Keenan’s “treasure hunter” criminal claims as the alleged “elected Amanah” and appointed Monetary One/Number One in colluding with corrupt Asian/Indonesian Elders in gold fencing operations.

Presently, James Dugan has been appointed by the President of Uganda to be responsible for the newly discovered gold mines operations (with an USD value of $22 Trillion in one newly discovered gold mine), brokering gold deals and infrastructure development for the people of Uganda.

As injured parties, Mr. Dugan is generously offering an authentic gold investment opportunity to those victims for over a decade have lost their funds/investments on Keenan’s fraudulent claims as Amanah (Trustee of the Global Accounts) and false promises of opening the the Indonesian Bunkers as a gold asset ROI.

Mr. Dugan has requested that I invite the interested, injured parties to travel to Dubai to meet him and witness first-hand the Uganda gold smelting operation, as well as consider a potential gold investment opportunity as a means to recoup from the thousands to millions of financial losses as victims of Keenan’s wire fraud and criminal gold fencing operations.

Please share with those who you know who have been unknowing financial wire fraud victims. Please contact me directly, Jeanne O’Dean via FB messenger or as I’m compiling the list for the wire fraud legal case against Neil Keenan and Group K Ltd. and organizing the interested, injured parties to accept the generous reconciliation invitation by James Dugan to come to Dubai.

The TRUTH of Neil Keenan and Group K LTD’s nefarious criminal acts WILL OUT!!! and JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL….

Who is James Dugan? To answer the curious inquiries, I’ve attached a picture of James Dugan (wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants) at an official Uganda meeting regarding security matters, especially concerning the world’s largest gold mine discoveries, which James Dugan has been appointed to be responsible for in collaboration with the Uganda Military.

As Dugan has been appointed by the President of Uganda to lead and secure the newly discovered gold mines with an estimated value of $13 Trillion and $22 Trillion each, oversee the smelting operations in Dubai and broker Gold investment/purchase deals, as well as be in charge of infrastructure projects i.e. housing and building a nationwide railway system.


The Chief Co-ord OWC Gen Salim Saleh has held  a meeting on Security-Industrialization -Development with key partners at Morulinga State Lodge, Napak district. The harmonization meeting focused on operationalization modalities between Uganda Development Corporation (UDC) and Ateker Cement Industry in Karamoja Sub region. Security, UNRA and Ministry of Energy have a role to play.

Present were: UDC ED and team, Hon Francis Adome , MP Moroto Municipality,  Brig Gen Felix Busizoori, 2iC Div comd , ACP Francis Chemusto, RPC Mt Moroto Region, Business Proprietor ,Mzee Kodeti, Mr. David Pulkol, OWC and UPDF officers.(.)

Maj Isaac Oware

PIO 3 Division.


This message, again was sent to a large number of registered members of Neil’s personal Facebook site. It was without his approval, and is a breach of FCC laws. But why stop there when there are so very many more things wrong with this letter?  

As you can glean from the first of two letters drafted and sent to both the General Manager of Wagagai Mining Limited and the Chinese Mother Company that made the investments. There is a problem with establishing the truth. The discovery of the Busia Gold find in Uganda for 32 million ounces of ore is indeed real.

So is the fact that the Chinese invested $USD200 million in the establishment of a refinery in Entebbe which will be a leading-edge facility as well as spending the money to get the actual mine up and into production.

Both mine and refinery are operational. No unrefined gold from the now operational Wagagai Mine is leaving Uganda per the Minister responsible for Mineral Development and direct authority appointed by the sitting President.

So, there is that little credibility problem to overcome. And then there is this: The terms of the deal struck with the Ugandan government runs twenty-one more years and is exclusive to the Chinese. There is no mention of James Dugan nor Jeanne O’Dean working with them.

But the bigger point of interest is who the Chinese Company is: Liaoning Hongda Group. Per their website:

Liaoning Hongda Enterprise Management Development Group Co., Ltd.  was founded in 2004 and headquartered in Huludao City, China. It is a large multinational enterprise group integrating mining, real estate, finance, agriculture, health care, and tertiary industry services.

It has established 27 wholly-owned subsidiaries in Beijing, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Hong Kong in China; Uganda, Gabon, Mali, Congo (DRC), Zimbabwe and other places in Africa, with more than 500 exploration, mining, geology, surveying engineers, certified public accountants and senior management talents and more than 5,000 employees.

The subsidiary was awarded by the state and governments at all levels as “National advanced mines for the development and integration of mineral resources”, “Contract-abiding and trustworthy company”, “AAA-level reputation well-known enterprise”, “Municipality-level key leading enterprise”, “Donation and contribution company to fight against COVID-19 epidemic” and many other honors.”

Liaoning Hongda goes on to further state: “4 companies in Africa: Wagagai Mining (U) Limited, founded in March 2019, is mainly engaged in gold mine development and production, processing and sales of finished gold products. With the world’s most advanced mining equipment, producting technology and professional management team, it is becoming the largest gold industry base in Uganda;…

It turns out that the massive Liaoning Hongda Group is controlled by the Gold Dragon Family. You can only imagine their response when Amanah Neil Keenan sent them these two emails as well as a separate copy made directly to a Gold Dragon:

Email #1:

Mr Tan Jiuchang

General Manager

Wagagai Mining Uganda Ltd

Nkumba Parish, Katabi Sub County

Kampala Uganda

May 16, 2023

Dear Sir,

As General Manager bearing the massive responsibility of your newly developing mining operation in Uganda, it must be a daunting level of work. Congratulations on the outstanding work in the development of Busia as well as establishing your refinery.

I am writing to inform you about two people making claims to have ties to your efforts. Jeanne O’Dean and James Dugan who are making statements regarding an affiliation with the gold mining, refining and oversight of such (in other words your operation).

This information was sent to me via email this morning. If this is indeed the case, then I urge you to contact me or reconsider. Should, as I suspect is more likely, that they have no affiliation with your mine, refinery or oversight of the Uganda Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, then please let me know so that proper authorities can be given evidence of their claims.

These people have a proven track record of establishing confidence schemes and alluding to holding positions of interest, power and wealth. As the Amanah, Neil Keenan – I am tied to Asian interests including those of the Dragon Family, Elders and Ancient Royal Families and several countries along the East and South East of Asia. I am the only person to be elected as Amanah of Indonesia having successfully passed all the rituals.

I have a very lengthy list of unmasking and dealing with people trying to steal that which is not theirs from Presidents of various countries to outright fakes and frauds. These two people should be avoided at all costs. They seek to gain acceptance with any powerful organization and then undermine its credibility and gain control of customers, contacts and wealth to direct to their own voracious ends. Be careful and dismiss these two people.

Please let me know if I can be of further assistance or provide more clarity to help prevent any harm that may befall your efforts.  I have a longstanding relationship with China, the Dragon Family and Elders, and I would not like to see your efforts be compromised in any way.

Please send my Kindest Regards to everyone,

Neil F. Keenan


Email #2

May 19, 2023


I am writing this second letter to assist you in the protection of your investment in the Wagagai Mining Operations and Refinery in Busan Uganda. My team are watching this situation closely as there is increasing evidence that either (or both) your assets are at risk, or potentially a serious ‘confidence’ scheme is being undertaken that could dramatically affect your reputation and existing relationship with the people of Uganda.

As stated previously, it is curious that there is no mention of the existing efforts and extensive investment made to develop the mines at Wagagai and the new refinery you constructed. (See added screen captures of posts on Facebook) In successive posts on Facebook, Ms. Jeanne O’Dean on behalf of James Dugan is making assertions that they represent oversight of the development of the mining activities, and are looking for investors in concert with moving the ore to Dubai for refining.

This, as before, seems incongruent with the investments, expenses and efforts made by your operations, management and governments in bringing this venture to life. A picture of a meeting that took place in Uganda is included in the attachments. According to her post on this, the alleged topics included the Mineral Development of two mines in Uganda.

My understanding of your large financial, and contractual commitment made in bringing all of this to life would be somewhat at risk when people of a questionable integrity attempt to compromise these achievements via a highly dubious international investment scheme.

I am including the picture so that you may investigate why no one from your team was present for such an important discussion. As Amanah, I have been assisting the efforts of the Dragon Family in many different international affairs successfully.

Wishing you the best,

Neil Keenan


Jeanne O’Dean Facebook Post May 13, 2023


As James Dugan and myself proceed with the FBI, CIA, Interpol investigations, as well as reporting our case to the Bulgaria National Police and Regional Plovdiv Police Department; we are compiling a list of unknowing victims (individuals, organizations, trusts, etc.) who have funded or invested via wire transfers in Neil Keenan’s “treasure hunter” criminal claims as the alleged “elected Amanah” and appointed Monetary One/Number One in colluding with corrupt Asian/Indonesian Elders in gold fencing operations.

Presently, James Dugan has been appointed by the President of Uganda to be responsible for the newly discovered gold mines operations (with an USD value of $22 Trillion in one newly discovered gold mine), brokering gold deals and infrastructure development for the people of Uganda.

As injured parties, Mr. Dugan is generously offering an authentic gold investment opportunity to those victims for over a decade have lost their funds/investments on Keenan’s fraudulent claims as Amanah (Trustee of the Global Accounts) and false promises of opening the the Indonesian Bunkers as a gold asset ROI.

Mr. Dugan has requested that I invite the interested, injured parties to travel to Dubai to meet him and witness first-hand the Uganda gold smelting operation, as well as consider a potential gold investment opportunity as a means to recoup from the thousands to millions of financial losses as victims of Keenan’s wire fraud and criminal gold fencing operations.

Please share with those who you know who have been unknowing financial wire fraud victims. Please contact me directly, Jeanne O’Dean via FB messenger or as I’m compiling the list for the wire fraud legal case against Neil Keenan and Group K Ltd. and organizing the interested, injured parties to accept the generous reconciliation invitation by James Dugan to come to Dubai.

The TRUTH of Neil Keenan and Group K LTD’s nefarious criminal acts WILL OUT!!! and JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL….”

Jeanne O’Dean Facebook Post (May 16, 2023)

Who is James Dugan? To answer the curious inquiries, I’ve attached a picture of James Dugan (wearing a yellow shirt and blue pants) at an official Uganda meeting regarding security matters, especially concerning the world’s largest gold mine discoveries, which James Dugan has been appointed to be responsible for in collaboration with the Uganda Military.

As Dugan has been appointed by the President of Uganda to lead and secure the newly discovered gold mines with an estimated value of $13 Trillion and $22 Trillion each, oversee the smelting operations in Dubai and broker Gold investment/purchase deals, as well as be in charge of infrastructure projects i.e. housing and building a nationwide railway system.


The Chief Co-ord OWC Gen Salim Saleh has held  a meeting on Security-Industrialization -Development with key partners at Morulinga State Lodge, Napak district. The harmonization meeting focused on  operationalization modalities between Uganda Development Corporation (UDC) and Ateker Cement Industry in Karamoja Sub region. Security, UNRA and Ministry of Energy have a  role to play.

Maj Isaac Oware

PIO 3 Division.

As any reader could discern there are several glaring credibility gaps that Mr. Dugan and Ms. O’Dean have to overcome; notwithstanding, the investment scheme(s) proposed in the United Arab Emirates among other things.

The accumulation of these gaps is now starting to look like a giant canyon for both Jeanne and James.

My clear understanding is that Uganda has passed legislation in 2021 banning the export of unrefined gold ore or impure gold and will only allow the export of 0.9999 gold or jewelry refined gold certified and permitted by Ugandan Authorities.

Should this be true, the Parties concerned will not be allowed to refine Ugandan gold ore in refineries in Dubai thus making their investment offer a multinational SCAM and Ponzi Scheme as they cannot have access to the Ugandan gold supposedly backing the deal.

This would place the Ugandan Government in a most serious situation should it proceed without proper investigation.

You might be wondering how I have become associated with these con artists. 

Simply, they tried to con me unsuccessfully.  But when I dismissed them both they came back at me with unsubstantiated slander, defamation and even death threats.  

Their posts are witness to such and their divulging of their Ugandan plot was and is an activity that I cannot stand by and let slide.

Too many people can be hurt.  I cannot let that happen. 

Indeed, the truth will out.

© 2023, GROUP K, Ltd.


  1. Neil, you will continue to be plagued by such people you know that..i have sent you many letters of support over the years, even tried to meet you in Plovdiv a few times. You are a true warrior and leader for the light, i pray you will get some justice and literally help the light break through the dark prison humanity has been trapped in for so long.
    Respect and love.

  2. This is great news – that these letters have been made public; especially since someone on Group K has performed diligent research and background studies into the standing laws and agreements pertaining to these parties involved.
    Ugandan Gold stays in Uganda for refining and production. These natural resources will be used to change the whole landscape within Uganda. Great Days are Ahead!!!
    This is certainly a feel good moment, Neil. Thank you for this inspiring update. And Thank God that you have Group K at your back. Team work makes the Dreams work!! Peace and love.

  3. Neil’s story is destined to become the bestselling book of all time. Not sure which book currently holds that title – possibly the bible, despite all the missing books in it. But that’s another book altogether. Top job to all involved. Am loving the updates.

    • Am glad you like the updates. They have tried to dump the mess on us but it is Jeanne who along with James, have come out after us. We will persevere and win this mess…All the best and stay in touch

  4. Well Neil,

    I already helped you out to stuff the mouths of other criminals.
    Now, after what this woman Jeanne and her complice Are orgestrading, im getting upset and willing to beat them up.
    My question is. „ where they also involved in the kidnapping of Thasja?“

    I’ll find out and than we’ll spill the beans!

    Kidnapping is for me the most low level crime existing, but we nailed them anyway!!!

    Best regards,

    Your all times friend Peter

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