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The Spreadsheet accessible below lists topics that are frequently asked about by those new to the work of Neil Keenan & Group K, and the events that have taken place with regard to the Global Collateral Accounts and associated matters:
The Spreadsheet accessible below lists articles written by other authors that are about the work of Neil Keenan & Group K, and the events that have taken place with regard to the Global Collateral Accounts and associated matters:
There have been many attempts through comments to use this forum to discuss differences or personality conflicts within the freedom movement. We will not take the bait. This place has one purpose – to expose misanthropic globalists and strategize their demise. Any comments to the contrary will not be published here.
January 2, 2023 at 2:31 am
Best wishes for 2023 have a spectacular new year!
January 30, 2023 at 7:20 pm
Here’s to success in 2023. Making our dreams become a reality!!