Neil Keenan - Group K, Ltd.

s e c u r i n g . t h e . g l o b a l . a c c o u n t s


Do not mistake grace, and thoughtfulness for weakness. Despite the bullshit being written about Neil Keenan in relation to Jeanne O’Dean and James Dugan, it would probably be bothersome. But according to what Neil has shared, it is now obvious that the fabulous Sunshine State residents have made that mistake.

“Notice To [ Redacted ] : As the Administrator of and Group K LTD Youtube Channel, I am informing you directly that a CIA Agent has physically met with Neil Keenan at his place in Bulgaria to address the slanderous allegations, defamatory accusations and death threats by Neil and the Group K team to myself and James Dugan in the Neil Keenan Update posts, YouTube Videos, and It’s a Keenan Thing.

Neil was informed by the CIA that under no uncertain terms that all the public postings and videos be removed and if any more slanderous, defamatory and death threats are publicly/privately made by Neil himself or Group K Team members there will be serious consequences–to the point of vanishing CIA style.

The Indonesian Government and Military have listed Neil as a Treasure Hunter (not his alias Amanah) and a criminal involved in fencing operations of Asian/Indonesia Gold bars/ingots, Gold Heritage Treasures and Gold Asset Currencies. Neil Keenan and anyone of his Group K Team are. banned from traveling to/arriving in Indonesia each of you will be arrested or shot on site.

Since you’re a Group K Team Member, owner and administrator of Group K LTD YouTube Channel, as well as It’s a Keenan Thing administrator you are considered complicit in Neil Keenan slanderous allegations and fencing operation crimes by the CIA and the Indonesian Government/Military.

Consider this notice as a final warning by the CIA to Neil Keenan to remove all content concerning myself and James Dugan. Since Neil doesn’t have his name on your, Group K LTD you are complicit and being held solely responsible for posting and not removing the content as requested by the CIA. Jeanne O’Dean”

The attempts to elicit fear or intimidation to Neil, and members of his team have only galvanized his opinion about who these people really are. Considering the now large volume of correspondence to do this, it is going to be interesting how the various intelligence agencies and authorities respond to what he has provided them.

Things like the message to the right sent by O’Dean. So scary but not just a threat.

No CIA or Agency has met with Neil personally. As of posting this – that is fact. Not in person, not electronically.

Starting with a blatant lie out of the gate, it is interesting how they can make this statement from a position of personal knowledge.

So now the baseline of argument is fabricated, the lie continues on with the defamatory statements and death threats. Well, looking at the entire range of correspondence offered from screen captures of electronic correspondence amongst the three parties it appears not to be substantiated. Neil made statements that bear witness to chronological reality.

Things like the message to the right sent by O’Dean. So scary but not just a threat.

No CIA or Agency has met with Neil personally. As of posting this – that is fact. Not in person, not electronically.

Starting with a blatant lie out of the gate, it is interesting how they can make this statement from a position of personal knowledge.

So now the baseline of argument is fabricated, the lie continues on with the defamatory statements and death threats. Well, looking at the entire range of correspondence offered from screen captures of electronic correspondence amongst the three parties it appears not to be substantiated. Neil made statements that bear witness to chronological reality.

Offer 1 made for $150,000 within 48 hours. When this did not happen, a second offer $500,000 was made, again within 2-3 days. Again, not executed. So if what appears to be a track record of impossible to complete offers – what would a sane person do? Here is what they did.

Made a third offer dependent upon successfully connecting Dugan to a true heavyweight in global finance that has made Neil’s acquaintance. That person had not one iota of interest of meeting or even corresponding with Dugan. The impossible offer of $10,000,000 was the trifecta of bullshit. The screen scrapes of the conversations across two media platforms shows that this was a fact.

So Statement 1 never happened, and statement 2 is misrepresentation of what actually took place here is where innuendo and threat crosses the line into criminal behaviour; “serious consequences–to the point of vanishing CIA style” is a direct threat.

Neil has made it known that his past accomplishments included regular contact with the head of CIA Operations Tom Cline, as well as 4-Star US Major General Jack Myers (they have both been personal friends of Neil’s all his life).

Neither would have ever allowed these clowns to throw around the Agency name, their names or anything about surreptitious activities.

In fact, resources through these exceptional gentlemen would likely be deployed to immediately arrest and charge them. Since these statements were made by two residents of Florida, here are the relevant statutes they violated:

Federal Statute – 18 U.S. Code Chapter 43 – FALSE PERSONATION – “Whoever falsely assumes or pretends to be an officer or employee acting under the authority of the United States or any department, agency or officer thereof, and acts as such, or in such pretended character demands or obtains any money, paper, document, or thing of value, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.”

Florida Stature – 843.08 False personation – “…any personnel or representative of the Department of Law Enforcement, or a federal law enforcement officer as defined in s. 901.1505, and takes upon himself or herself to act as such, or to require any other person to aid or assist him or her in a matter pertaining to the duty of any such officer, commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

However, a person who falsely personates any such officer during the course of the commission of a felony commits a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084. If the commission of the felony results in the death or personal injury of another human being, the person commits a felony of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

In determining whether a defendant has violated this section, the court or jury may consider any relevant evidence, including, but not limited to, whether the defendant used lights in violation of s. 316.2397 or s. 843.081.”

When you couple these with the following image of forwarding the two personal residence addresses it also touches on several other crimes.

Now endangering Neil’s personal right to privacy as well as listing details of his family and location – the Sunshine State idiots have committed not just one more crime – but several, and now it is International. Both EU (Article 7) and Bulgarian laws (GDPR (Article 3(2)(a)(b)) have now been broken.

Range of punishment is fines of $100,000 for US Federal Statutes AND 3 years imprisonment. For each count. EU and Bulgarian punishment is dramatically more at €500,000 per count. The interesting one is Florida.

If their indiscretion led to the death or Neil or any of his family – then it moves from Felony 3 ($150,000 and two years) to Felony 1 (life in prison and possible death sentence upon pronouncement of guilt).

As such self-promoted geniuses, these two must really be sure of themselves and their footing. Except so far it is all lies.

Despite statements made by Dugan that were initially taken as conjecture regarding his political affiliations and claims that as a former US Military Sniper – that he would like to kill President Trump as well as his direct connection as a political heavyweight in Indonesia were sloughed off by Neil.

There should be little doubt then that Neil would most assuredly be submitting this ever-growing mountain of evidence to US State and Federal Agencies, EU and Bulgarian entities and making contact with intent to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

Actors like to perform on ever larger stages to ever larger audiences. This is the nature of their being. But only one of the three parties has ever spoken to Presidents Trump (still does in fact), Obama, Both Bushes, Clinton, and Carter. Only one of these people has interactions with real international leaders including Presidents Putin, Xi, Erdogan, Lee Kwan Yu and Widodo. Only one of these people has had direct personal interaction with the head of international Intel and Police Authorities covering at least 12 countries and regions.

Know who? Give you a hint – Neil Keenan. So now they threaten him, and his family? All this over trying to impersonate Neil as well as steal his contacts.

Time to lay it all bare. Neil being elected Amanah was proceeded by this appointment dating back over 10 years ago:

So, Neil has this Affidavit (left), and he also has this other little detail that no other person in the history of humanity has ever had (right): a contract and announcement that he is Elected as Amanah.

As both Amanah and M1, Neil has the legal authority and power that is very far reaching. He can issue arrest warrants.

He can most assuredly leverage the Global Collateral Accounts to the benefit of the population-at-large both inside Indonesia and around the world. Through implementation of humanitarian packages as well as increasing his financial responsibilities to include the assets of other countries with bunkers – who have approached Neil.

How many of these legitimate bunker guardians have contacted the great pretenders? None would be the correct answer. The largest of these heavyweight groups have clearly stated that they want to only deal with Neil.

The trappings of the Office that have been offered include palaces, land, assets. These are real. Not the fabricated $150 K $500 K $10 Million.

Neil has made it clear that the world leaders, Elders and other Asset Owners deal only with the Amanah. They do not wish to talk to people that circumvent the only person that has been elected Amanah.

The assets they have been safeguarding for hundreds of years are safe in his hands for their intended purposes. Saving Humanity.

So it appears that the end will result in a show of strength and authority. Grace and thoughtfulness is not weakness. The volume of evidence outlining slander is not bilateral.

It has consistently flowed one way, at Neil. Attempts to completely infiltrate Neil’s team, his contacts, the Elders, the other heavyweights to either place themselves in his stead is uphill and an impossible, unattainable conclusion.

They should realize this. The other more likely tactic is to delay Neil opening the bunkers and implementing the changes to the Global financial systems.

Had they been successful in that, everyone would be dead. That is the cabal end game Neil has been protecting you from for a very long time.

Remember one thing: Neil bites hard.

© 2023, GROUP K, Ltd.


  1. My only question is simply this. Why hasn’t Neil opened the bunkers? Having the money to travel to Indonesia can’t possibly be the issue. Amassing a few hundred thousand dollars is quite easy to accomplish, so I’d question if this is one of the reasons. Why wouldn’t the people of Indonesia do everything possible to get Neil back to their country as they are the primary beneficiaries of opening the bunkers? These questions have me perplexed as to why in the world wouldn’t Neil have already travelled back to Indonesia and started the process of opening the bunkers, let alone use his powers to arrest all who have engaged in criminal activities????

    • Okay well let’s see if you can put $250,000 into Neil’s account and see what happens. If you are lacking clarity then read Footsteps of the Amanah on and catch up.

    • As the plan includes a crashing of the markets on a world scale, the banks devouring each other and dissolving, and the evil ruling elites losing their control, the monies set aside for Indonesia and Humanity are being readied for disbursement/distribution to assist all of mankind.
      I believe Neil can be trusted to follow through on his long journey. Early in life, when I lost my wife, I asked the LORD to teach me patience. His reply, ” I will, James, but you will have to wait on that.” That was my first lesson in patience.
      Thank you, God; for I have sat here over ten years listening to Neil and following world events as they develop.

    • You obviously have no clue how big of a task this is. Very few men on this planet are capable of doing what Neil has done and WILL do to set the final pieces into place that will save all humanity from what the Cabal had planned for us. Trust that this man is the real deal and if opening the bunkers was the right move to make he would have done so.

  2. Clyde Z' Dale

    May 7, 2023 at 11:48 pm

    Ah so! The roots of the evil Khazarian Mafia (KM) and it’s associates, like the World Economic Forum, run deep and frequent throughout the world with the intent to lie, cheat, and steal so as to prevent the world from using the Global Collateral Accounts to heal the wounds and the world after the wars they created to enrich themselves. As always the KM change definitions of law to suit themselves. Indonesia and the surrounding nations would be far richer per capita, thus living the lives they deserve.

  3. Jane Hoffman

    May 8, 2023 at 1:02 am

    I would like to know why Kim Goguen claims to control earth gold stores. How does this relate to the Amanah?

  4. OK, so I’ll need to know how and when.

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