Neil Keenan - Group K, Ltd.

s e c u r i n g . t h e . g l o b a l . a c c o u n t s

Breakthrough In
The Global Accounts

Video Highlights

  • Peter Eyre – reporting for THE KEENAN TEAM, takes our Jakarta news desk!
  • While Neil has taken on the cabal from the top down, Peter has been taking them on from the ground up – and they’re meeting in the middle as they ravage our common enemy of mankind.
  • We have a high calling.  As Gandhi said, “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”
  • Neil is having breakthroughs in the required process of the opening the Global Accounts for the first time in our existence.
  • Peter calls on everyone who supports Neil Keenan to pull together as one family, quit finger pointing and backstabbing, for the sake of our dramatically important common cause, especially now that victory is within our grasp.
  • We have to stop being sheeple, and become shepherds – in control of our thoughts and lives.
  • While our body may be imprisoned or destroyed, our mind may be forever free.
  • “There is something happening here.  What it is ain’t exactly clear.  There’s a man with a gun over there, telling me I have to beware.”

Copyright © 2014, GROUP K, Ltd.


  1. We have been Sheeple for too long. Neil is the one fighting for all of us and any help we can give him be it financial or physical will help.’
    Neil and Peter Eyre are making real headway into bringing down the fat cats that think they are going to rule the world. Just for there information … “IT AINT GOING TOP HAPPEN”
    Gentleman, Fire all barrels.

  2. Thank you Mr.Eyre

  3. Politicians and oligarchs will find we are not so forgiving as they think, and none of any of them is immune.
    For those who do NOT know, the people of this planet are at War.
    This was declared long ago, and is the product of no one doing anything about it.
    This is The Place to take action.
    And NO! We ain’t goin away or givin up for any reason.
    It has been a dream of mine to see our Country restored to what it was when I was growing up. A place of Freedom, Rights, and the personal integrity of Free Will.
    Our efforts are designed to do just that, and in that process, also set those in other countries Free as well.
    What our founding Fathers gave us is a legacy that should be a guide to the whole world.
    >Think of the extraordinary privilege of living in the time of the Second Birth, or Rebirth of our great nation!
    That the focus on the human condition will finally take precedence over everything else.
    I do this for those who are young, our kids, grand kids, kids of this entire Earth.
    The condition of being able to know that children may be free to enjoy the real safety, a world that no longer shoots, bombs, and kills… So mothers and fathers no longer have to worry, but can let life develop as The Creator intended, in peace.
    Yeah, been at this for awhile.
    As long as I draw breath, I intend to hold those who act as if they were/are above the law, personally responsible for their actions.
    Join with the many who have decided to right the wrongs these crooks have loaded us with.
    Nuf said…

    • Well said, brother 😉

    • Is it time to play red light green light yet?

    • Michael/The Long Island Man~~~!!!!!

      March 3, 2014 at 5:17 am

      Well said Drake~~!!!! Even here on L.I. in N.Y.~~~~honestly, I can feel they changes with Ascension as well as being able to look through things more and more as the days pass. A great issue for me concerns what we, the public, pay attention to as well as how we interpret events. What’s happening, at least for myself, is with new information added daily from a variety of sources such as yourself, the Keenan team, Peter Eyre, and others is that I can literally feel my consciousness expanding at a rapid rate which I embrace as it helps me go forward. In the process I keep spreading the word by showing and teaching people about looking at information with a fresh point of view. Rereading your book Drake also contributed to the process. But as you did say “believe as you so choose” to which I will add “be open to unique possibilities because if you can think it is very well possible and not just because it’s been shown in a movie.” Look deeper at things and then focus putting that force to consistent good. On the last show Drake this last Thursday 2/27/14~~~that last hour just helped me to gel a variety of things together which I thank you for with regards to the power of choice. GO TEAM GO~~~~!!!!!!

    • as you breath do I

    • Have been listening to you from the beginning of this. Always supported all of you . Don’t walk in the same circles as you, can’t do much except try to spread the word I guess. Looking forward to hearing those bells ringing you talk about.

    • Jiyu Freemind

      March 5, 2014 at 6:33 am

      Mr. Drake Kent, you have my utmost respect!

    • I am with you Drake, I fight for the freedom of the children of this planet and stand with you’s, keep up the great work.

  4. Timothy Clanton

    March 2, 2014 at 11:47 pm

    This is wonderful indeed for the people of the world, thank God….tc

  5. Norah Tunnicliffe

    March 2, 2014 at 11:49 pm

    Thank You Neil and all your wonderful, hardworking Team! May Love, Light, Peace, Joy, Fulfilment and Abundance be with us all in these our New Beginnings, XXXXX

  6. Meanwhile Mr. Putin and his Russian Cossack’s are staring down the Empire on the black sea, final resting place for the black hearted Monarchy, her stepchild the US fascist state and watery grave for the Roman Holy See…

    • Warwick Meta Tronic

      March 3, 2014 at 8:38 am

      Indeed John Chapman, well said Brother! Big up Niel & team, the Cabal crumbles now & are desperate in their death throes. Power to the Peeps _/\_ Namaste`

  7. Team/ Neil / Drake
    Video appears to be down.
    also – does nesara, the republic, PP’s etc have a part in this?

    • Just checked, NFKFan with chrome, firefox, and IE. What browser and version of browser are you using? We need to look into this.

      • The video can be seen on Utube. On this page where it says that the video is down, it also says that you can view on utube.

  8. Firefox. Thanx for quick response. Go team, go! Any input to my 2nd queation regarding nesara, PP’s, rv, republic and current ukraine situation?

  9. We have a firing solution…fire one!

  10. Well done Peter, Neil and everyone involved, we are all deeply appreciative of your bravery, courage and compassion for Humanity. May the Light of Goodness shine brightly and expose all these evil Parasites.

  11. It’s Michael Caine with fake hair, fake teeth and glasses… now I know this is yet another british op… nice try

  12. The time is nigh fellow children of the world, we are all in this together. Enough is enough we will stand united and we will win this war against our oppressors and take back our inherent rights as free people of the world.

    The time has come to stop the wars, the murdering, the corruption, the contamination of our life support system, Plant earth. The time has come to rise up and be counted as legal heirs/stewards of this magnificent blue planet of abundance . The people depend on our not remaining silent any longer the animals along with all living creatures who inhabit this wondrous world are relying on us the so called highest intelligent life forms called humans to make the necessary changes so that they can live in harmony as intended. We owe it to ourselves to rise up to these miscreant oppressors and reclaim our planet for the good of all.

    It has been said that the only way for evil to succeed is for the good to remain silent and do nothing. Well that is not going to happen, we must do this for ourselves, for our loved ones, for our children and our grand children as well as all living creatures on this magnificent blue ball we call home.

    My hat is off to you Mr. Keenan for your relentless pursuit of what is right and must be done for all of us. I pray for your safety and your success in this take no prisoners battle of battles currently raging on our planet. We are counting on your success Neil. Keep up the good fight as I know you will cuz you’re Irish as am I and you know as well as I do ; failure is not an option Fellow Irishman.

    kudos Neil Keenan, God speed !

    Regrider – Calgary, Alberta.

  13. ,,,,in place of ‘fighting’ ,,,which is combative , ,,,,,how about ‘causing surrender’ ,
    ,,,it takes 2 to ‘fight ,,,but ‘surrendering ‘ becomes a mutual agreement

  14. Good to see a site devoted to Neil’s team and work. The generous comment on Jean Haines is deserved, I have found Jean’s site to be the best for direct information.
    Keep up the good work and all the best to the team and volunteers

  15. First of all , Thank you Pter I never knew that final comment about the body being damaged/soul-mind never being touched by the dark ones came from Gandhi . I’ve always held the belief that the dark ones could do what ever they wanted to to our bodies trying to force us to surrender our souls to the scumbags ie satan… but always considered that i could never sell, give away, make deals for my soul ….simply because it’s not ours to do so with… our souls belong to the Creator…. besides eternity is by far a much better deal then at most a hundred or so years of living on earth doing harm to the Creator’s creation.

    I’d rather kick the dark ones in the nuts, see if i can score a hole in one for creation … hee hee 😀

  16. It’s a beautiful thing…Team Keenan & freinds & all who support the efforts to free this planet from the scumbag cabal. The way I see it the battle is just now starting to heat up. This is just the tip of the iceberg folks. Be prepared for all out war at home in your own towns & cities. The police are not on your side as they are mostly fascist rabid scum with itchy fingers & are eager to kill us. This is a fact. I’m not making this up to get you scared I’m trying to wake you up. I know first hand info. No bs. Don’t take my word for it. Example: look up info on how many citizens have been killed by police in USA just in the past year or two. It’s on thw rise. Beware and prepare just in case.

  17. yes, the mind will always be free, yet, the reason we are all creating this transformation is so the body can be free as well. Mother Earth wants no less than total freedom for All of us.

  18. Big up Niel & team, the Cabal crumbles now & are desperate in their death throes. Power to the Peeps _/\_ Namaste`

  19. hope this is all going to be really real …
    I urgently & honestly do believe that something BIG indeed needs to happen to ‘wake up’ humanity now …

    – from Indonesia -

    (PS: How can I able to see/experience all these “NON-physical things/realms/beings/behind-the-scenes ?… is there any *practical* way (step-by-step) that I need to do?)

  20. How can the average person help?

    • Sign up on our volunteer page and find out! Don’t shop at multinational corporate stores for starters. Support local owned.

  21. “There is something happening here. What it is ain’t exactly clear. There’s a man with a gun over there, telling me I have to beware.”

    The song is about government, not war. Government is men and women providing services at the barrel of a gun.. AKA, gang of killers, thieves and liars. There is no reform for them. Pay the tax or go to jail is not consent and it’s not representation. It’s ownership/enslavement. Law is opinion backed by a gun.

    “If government services were valuable and the market wanted them, they wouldn’t be provided on a compulsory basis.” ~ Marc Stevens

  22. Thank you Peter, for your bravery and love of humanity that you have. This is wonderful news and I can see the cabal is already gasping for air, they are getting extremely sloppy in their propaganda and the masses are awake to it. The desire for peace and harmony is so incredibly strong on the planet, and we must continue to spread that light. Godspeed Neil and the team!

  23. Arrived at the point of no return it is great to see we come together and wish that those we lost alongside the road will turn home

    Thanks from the Netherlands

  24. BeautifulCloudWoman

    March 3, 2014 at 4:44 pm

    We are the Ones !

  25. The What Is Needed Rule is running the show.
    Its agenda, presently, is to drive all that is Hidden into view.

    The veils preventing people from seeing the Thwarting and Conflict that controls us are being stripped away.

    The control is via individual Branding on our individual behaviors done by the false-illusion we find ourselves in.

    That Branding drives us toward an addictive behavior-cycle, personal to ourselves, as a way to obtain false-balance. The addictive behavior-cycle always does Thwarting of self (or others); or propels Conflict forward.

    Once the Hidden is seen, it can be striped away. Once the Hidden Branding on us is seen, we can begin to see our propensity to an addictive behavior cycle that does not serve us. Once the Hidden Addiction Behavior is seen, we can begin to ignore the triggers that make us do them.

    As we come to ‘forget’ to respond to the triggers, we forget to do self-Thwarting or Thwarting of others; or project Conflict into the environment.

    As we come to do the What Is Needed “forgetting”… the cabal is finished.

    The cabal functionality will stay in place just long enough to support the What Is Needed process of seeing that which has been Hidden as stimulus to our addictive behavior cycles that were Branded upon us as a way to do control.

    When the control is gone, we will not spool up emotional distress within ourselves or amplify it in others. Emotional distress can only do one thing. It produces containment of energy within our systems. It is this containment of energy that the false-dimension was after as the food and fuel to ensure its own survival.

    We, as Branded containment producing farm animals, are still that… milkers.

    Stop being milkers. See the Branding.
    Allow and trust in the What Is Needed rule. It is here to support you.

    • Yours words are so true. I had stepped back for a time in observance of all the madness and would spend time in contemplation or meditation. The 3D aspect of myself propelled me into action which seemed like an uphill battle to awaken my human family of Terra or drive a spark of truth through the cloud they had chosen to reside.

      For many it is easier to denigh something rather than to face facts that are in disagreement to there brainwashed beliefs. Hence we have the Sheeple wandering aimlessly in the quagmire of an illusion happy or not but resolute in their holographic existence. So congratulations to the Dark. How were they (the dark ones) able to achieve all that they have done? However terrible they are, (and we will not dwell on that) they have achieved a unified goal and stuck to that goal as a group.

      “United We Stand and Divided We Fall” great words when truly felt. We are one as Humans and as One we can and will over come all obstacles.

      I am delighted to have been led here. Yours words are so true. I had stepped back for a time in observance of all the madness and would spend time in contemplation or meditation. The 3D aspect of myself propelled me into action which seemed like an uphill battle to awaken my human family of Terra or drive a spark of truth through the cloud they had chosen to reside.

      For many it s is easier to denigh something rather than to face facts that are in disagreement to there brainwashed beliefs. Hence we have the Sheeple wandering aimlessly in the quagmire of an illusion happy or not but resolute in their holographic existence. So congratulations to the Dark. How were they (the dark ones) able to achieve all that they have done? However terrible they are, (and we will not dwell on that) they have achieved a unified goal and stuck to that goal as a group.

      “United We Stand and Divided We Fall” great words when truly felt. We are one as Humans and as One People we can and will over come all obstacles.

      I am delighted to have been led to Neil Keenan via Drake, Jean and David. I am taking a stand with these Human Angles on their Mission of Peace to restore Humanity and this Planet to one of Grace and Beauty.

      Many thanks to all who are part of the Neil Keenan Team. Thanks to Neil, Jean, Drake, Nelu, Peter, Benjamin, Thomas and the many others who have kept their focus and integrity through all obstacles and distractions. I believe in our ultimate success and I will do whatever is possible on my part to help mankind for the joy is in giving not just receiving.

      Get as many friends and people as you can to join the team, use your discernment as the Dark Ones always try to infiltrate and thwart efforts by the Light. Also know that we are winning!

      Be Blessed

  26. Thank you Peter, Neil and Team and Drake for all you’re doing and for all you’ve done. I will never forget.

    God bless and stay safe.

  27. …one more thing; what happened to Nelu? Is he free and with his family now?
    Thank you.

  28. There are a lot of people out there who want to forgive these scumbag tyrants for what they done to both the planet and ourselves. I don’t think I’m ‘strong’ enough for that. I will be seeking to hold every one of them personally responsible and as a final act of closure before we collectively find peace, I would propose some final rough justice. We could sell lottery tickets and the winners get some alone time with their ‘favourite’ member of the cabal.

  29. Drake’s show never says how to ask a question or how to get information to him that might be valuable. That said here is a recent youtube video I received in which Rabii Abraham Finkelstein of New York speaks the truth. Their God is not Satan but is lucifer. Their god says they are the chosen people. War is thinning out the herd (goy). Admits to Mac Donalds serving humans for breakfast and lunch. He is speaking the truth in this interview because he says its too late for us (to do anything about it).
    Is his ‘truthfulness’ just dis information to get us to rise up and revolt?
    I don’t mean to be negative but the sheeple will really wake up when they listen. My jaw dropped many times in his truthfulness.
    God speed Niel, Drake, Jean, Peter and the rest of the team.

  30. I’ve been making noise for a few years with the puppets in my UK government and I’m excited at the prospect of the human race gaining their freedom. It’s nice to see TANGIBLE evidence of somebody fighting for our freedom. Which brings me to my next question. WHY is it suddenly fashionable to claim to be an extra-terrestrial?

    I strongly belief in extra-terrestrial life INCLUDING extra-terrestrial HUMANS but NONE of the major names claiming to be so on websites have convinced me. Most of them appear to be over enthusiastic Star Trek fans living a fantasy online. I LOVE Star Trek but to falsely co-opt a following in real life by taking advantage of our innate desire to believe, is unconscionable. I have had FANTASTIC experiences including lucid dreams and EVEN a VERY BRIEF astral travel moment but some of these people online up to and INCLUDING some of the posters on some of those websites, appear to be indulging in a sort of narcissistic fantasy in which they over- inflate their own importance.

    One party rationalises their inability to keep to a stated timeline by claiming that Time works differently with 4D extra-terrestrials. Whilst that MAY be so, why in that case was a time stated at all?

    Another party states that their inability to land is something baffling them and that they cannot manifest in OUR reality. Why was this not stated before in the person’s two year history of openly discussing their extra-terrestrial attempts to free the planet?

    BOTH parties display typical signs of a writer covering plot holes AFTER the fact, something of which I suggested to ONE of these parties but that party decided NOT to print my post on that website.

    It’s hard enough trying to convince the average brainwashed person as to what is REALLY going on in the world without our cause being compromised by fantasists making us all seem ridiculous.

  31. Thanks Peter for the update! Love the intro to show what we were and what we never want to become again . So many friends died from agent orange fighting the cabal’s war. It is time for these things to end. If there is to be but one more battle I will fight for the freedom my Dad and others fought for but this time we will actually win!

    My prayers go out to Neil and the team and I sit in the ready to help in any way as the help I give goes directly back to my family here in the states.

    The brightest light to guide everyone down the road of truth is there for us now…..Mike

  32. Hello Team Keenan,
    according to ZAP from the Poof-Report:

    Can you confirm this?

    love and light

  33. Hi my loved one! I want to say that this post is awesome,
    nice written and include almost all significant infos. I would like to look extra posts like this .

  34. Many thanks to all who are part of the Neil Keenan Team!
    Thanks to Neil, Jean, Drake, Nelu, Peter, Benjamin, Thomas and the many others who have kept their focus and integrity through all obstacles and distractions.
    I believe in our ultimate success and I will do whatever is possible on my part to help mankind!
    Thank You Team for your efforts to Free Mankind!
    JB – Virginia

  35. According to the latest from ZAP, we are on our way. Over 1500 trillion
    has been released for humanity. Yahoo! Thanks to Neil and Co. for all your efforts. The people of planet Earth will not forget you and your efforts.

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