Neil Keenan - Group K, Ltd.

s e c u r i n g . t h e . g l o b a l . a c c o u n t s

Ben Who? Thasja Come Home.
Indonesia Here I Come, Right Back Where I Started From

From the very beginning of this extraordinary journey I have seen and experienced so many seemingly unbelievable things, having tangled myself within the vast web and ongoing intrigue of the Global Accounts, as well as presenting the amazing new technologies to ‘We The People’.

And now the latest.. finding Thasja and returning her to safety. Do not think for one second I’m not hurting, because I am; it is with me day and night.

Thasja (Sweet Rain)

The best news is my health is slowly improving, as I am thankfully starting to feel better. Also, I’m being supported by my loyal team; great people doing great things!



In the video you will see the toll taken by tremendous stress while juggling so many difficult challenges. After all this time one would think that it’s time to say, “Adieu”, but not in this case as long as there is a” living” Neil Keenan (not withstanding Ben Fulford’s recent “fake news” of my so-called “death”) is working along with those patriots who continue to assist me.

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | The Report Of My Death Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

NEIL KEENAN UPDATE | NFK Sets The Record Straight As Karen Hudes “Mis-Speaks” And Ben Fulford Mis-Steps

On the other hand, more positive results are coming in strong, and it is near time to leave for the US and Asia. The world is opening up for us in new ways, and we want to take advantage of such things in order to benefit humanity.

I may first fly to the US in order to assist in the recovery of Thasja. I’ve been involved in this search for over 6 months and will be there if or when she is released.

Fortunately, I can handle most everything with my computer… no matter where I go. This gives me the wherewithal to be flexible in making plans or changing them if required.

I have waited a long time to leave for distant lands, and along with flying which may require some adjustment and acclimation, this will put me to the test. I’m more optimistic now that I’m able to do whatever needs to be done or near to where they should be at last!

I pray I have a truly successful journey and will be talking to you shortly. Thanks to each one of you who’ve sent prayers and good wishes along the way. They are greatly appreciated!

All the Best,

Neil Keenan.




Copyright © 2018, GROUP K, Ltd.


  1. You are an amazing guy. Thoughts and prayers are with you for a safe journey;
    Good health, continued fortitude, and a manifestation of all that is good for you, your loved ones, friends and all of humanity with good hearts.
    Thank you for the update. Anna Mothershed, Modesto, California.

  2. Fates De Whynot

    April 15, 2018 at 12:34 pm

    Great article and video Mr Keenan,

    In your video, you define all Ben’s questions and set the record straight, thank you!
    I with you all best in your work with the United States

    – Fates

  3. Take care neil

  4. Such a relief seeing the video and seeing and hearing Neil. It is beyond words to explain. I pray you will be continuing your good work for as long as it needs to be done. It is tremendously appreciated. I pray for the return of the abducted girl as well. Take care and be safe, Neil & team.

  5. Your resilience and stamina is amazing! I will continue to warm thoughts,good fortune and many prayers to You in Your journeys and adventures. Blessings!

  6. Looking good boy …..

  7. Great to see your smiling face Neil.
    Much Wellness and continued safety to you.

  8. As usual – the naysayers have spread rumors and it is nice to hear from you directly so they are squelched by firsthand knowledge from you
    thank you for your courage and tenacity through all this – Love and Prayers for your safety and health

  9. Neil so good to hear from you many prayers send for you and your team. Thank you for all you do for us. Love & light Laurie

  10. Thanks Neil &Co. You’re like the energizer bunny, keep going! God Bless You and All the others. Peace.

  11. Thank you Neil. Take care of yourself. May all your endeavors succeed. Thank you for conveying to the WDS and others that the people are in chains and not able to do much except help when and where possible. I hope I live to see us FINALLY throw off the chains once and for all. I think my time is short, but hope springs eternal 🙂

  12. Games are playing
    Q ball drops = snooker
    Session of billiards
    147 coming up?
    Clear the table
    Get the popcorn
    Trump card ready to play?
    Deed ?
    Love to ALL

  13. I can’t thank you enough for all that you are doing. I’m praying to be able to open a clinic as my humanitarian project purchase a healing computer .Someday I would love to meet you.This world needs a lot more people like you and Drake thank you again .

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