Back to the Future: Spice Routes – Silk Roads Reboot & Yellow Brick Road Reset
THE AMANAH OF OZ: Back to the Future series features Neil Keenan as the elected Amanah overseeing the Global Collateral Accounts – secreted Bunkers of precious metals, gemstones and worldwide currencies – while operating hand-in-hand with the Sultan and Asian Elders.
As Amanah, Keenan may forge the Non-Aligned Movement Nations, reboot the Ancient Spice Routes – Silk Roads infrastructures and reset the Yellow Brick Road assets per Global Collateral Accounts of OZ (troy ounce, ounce-force, fluid ounce).
For the history of Neil Keenan and his mission, take the time to read:
Neil Keenan / Group K: History & Events Timeline
In honor of the late M1-President Sukarno and President John F. Kennedy for their 1963 Green Hilton Agreement and the U.S. Treasury Gold Standard Executive Order 11110, the Amanah and Group K dedicates the AMANAH OF OZ: BACK TO THE FUTURE PARTS I-VII to the visionary leaders. Amanah Keenan is committed to restoring, resetting and separating the Eastern Financial Institutions from the corrupt, globalists Western Financial System. Thus, assuring the ultimate demise of the Cabal with its corrupt pirating and nefarious means to rule Eastern Asia’s Global Collateral Accounts.
For further detail on the Green Hilton Agreement read: The History & Events Timeline:
Section 5.04 In 1963: Kennedy’s Green Hilton Agreement with Sukarno
The premise of the Amanah of Oz: Back to the Future revisionist-history series is to showcase and garner considerable attention of untold lore with original, sourced facts and archeological evidence by highlighting the Cradle of Civilization – Ancient Atlantis, Sundaland, Srivijaya and Majapahit Golden Age Empires.
Over Southeast Asia’s eons of human existence, there’s undergirding trade substructures of the Old Spice Routes – Silk Roads and Yellow Brick Road, which amassed unfathomable gold assets, impacted the past, influences the present and leverages future infrastructures.
Tracing the Cradle of Civilizations in Sundaland: A video presentation by Dhani Irwanta at the ASEAN Advance Archaeology Symposium 2017 in Butuan City, Philippines.
Group K’s ‘Prosperous Victors’ initiative is a compendium of scholarly research findings mixed with an East Asia paradigm shift in our resolute perspective to exclude the European Conquerors and Western WWI-II Victorious centuries of contrived narratives.
With Amanah Keenan’s elected and mandated authority, the AMANAH OF OZ: Back to The Future series will provide relevant revisionist-history content for one to reflect on and learn from resulting in a profound foundation from which to envision the future with hope and optimism.
The Amanah and Group K ensures East Asia’s Cradle of Civilization authentic past be known, assures justice and resolution, as well as promises peaceful prosperity.
Indonesia with its Ancient Atlantis, Sundaland, Srivijaya and Majapahit Empires civilizations will be reconciling, reclaiming and rejoicing as ‘Prosperous Victors.’
PDF Download Links:
Amanah’s New Timeline for Eastern Nations Empowerment: Golden Age Re-do
Timelines are cyclical and convergent. Individual-collective consciousness collapses and creates new timelines. The AMANAH OF OZ BACK TO THE FUTURE series may cause cognitive dissonance, generate a global awareness and implode the Cabal.
The AMANAH’s Golden Age revival with a redo of the Ancient Atlantis, Sundaland, Srivijaya and Majapahit Golden Age Empires will ultimately become a ‘Prosperous Victors’ timeline.
Follow the yellow brick road follow the yellow brick road, follow, follow, follow, follow, follow the yellow brick road.
Follow the yellow brick follow the yellow brick follow the yellow brick road.
ODIN – The Wise One and AMANAH Neil Keenan
Addendum: A Revisionist-History Overview – Documented Discoveries and Maps
While researching AMANAH OF OZ Back to the Future: Spice Routes – Silk Roads Reboot and the Yellow Brick Road Reset, Group K discovered disruptive and coincidental findings aligned with Sterling and Peggy Seagrave’s Gold Warriors research book.
The discovery of the new human species – Homo Luzonensis in the Indonesian-Philippine Island of Luzon. During WWII, Luzon is where Shigenori Kuroda – the Japanese Military Governor of the Philippines – planned and prepared for Japan’s military ten divisions to be stationed for its American battle while hiding Japanese gold treasures (stolen from China) in bunkers also known as Yamashita’s Gold.
As the unexpected result of our coincidental discoveries, the ‘Prosperous Victors’ initiative was inspired to contemplate on and write a revisionist-history from an eastern-asian perspective:
For further detail read: NEIL KEENAN UPDATE: UBS Modus Operandi: “Stupid Is As Stupid Does”.
As a follow-up, Group K has begun researching the Kuroda Ancestry link with the Yamashita’s Gold legacy to affirm a possible connection with the present Bank of Japan, Governor [The 31st] : Mr. KURODA Haruhiko.
New Human Species Found in Ancient Indonesia / Philippines
Excavations in southeast Asia have unearthed a previously unreported hominin species named Homo luzonensis. The discovery has implications for ideas about early hominin evolution and dispersal from Africa.
A joint Australian-Indonesian team, looking for evidence of the early migration of Homo sapiens from Asia to Australia, stumbled on the remains of a small human in the cave of Liang Bua, Flores, in 2003. The discoverers (Peter Brown, Michael Morwood and colleagues) argued that a variety of primitive and derived features identified the remains as that of a new species.
Currently there are three very different theories regarding the origins of modern Southeast Asians. The viewpoints about the origins of these peoples are entangled with the wider debate regarding the origins of all modern humans:
1. The generally accepted theory, based on the ‘Out of Africa’ model, is that modern humans migrated from Africa and across to Asia about 50-70,000 years ago.
2. Some scientists believe that Southeast Asians are the direct descendants of Homo erectus that migrated from Africa and across to Asia about 1.8 million years ago.
3. With recent New Human Species discoveries, the “Out of Sundaland” has become the new and third model. Sundaland, as the Cradle of Civilization, challenges the African origination of the Human Species by theorizing the New Human Species from the Ancient Atlantis, Sundaland and Indonesian region.
The First Modern Indonesians
The Indonesian fossil record was once argued to provide evidence for a regional or localized evolution.
A direct line of descent was claimed from Homo erectus people such as Java Man through to modern Indonesians and also to Indigenous Australians.
The first humans to colonize Indonesia and Australia probably had their origins in a more recent movement of Homo sapiens through the Indonesian archipelago.
Previously unknown human species found in Asia raises questions about early hominin dispersals from Africa
The first modern humans in Southeast Asia – The Australian Museum
Homo Floresiensis – The Australian Museum
New Species of Early Human Is Even Smaller Than the ‘Hobbit’
Origins of Indonesian Hobbits finally revealed
“Lost World” Found in Indonesia Is Trove of New Species
Key Specimens:
Solo Man skullcap from Ngangdong. This skulcap shares similarities with earlier Homo erectus specimens from Sangiran and is considered to be a late Homo erectus. Age is uncertain and, because its exact location is unknown, published dates have ranged from 50,000 to 500,000 years.
Java Man (Trinil 2) from Trinil, Java. This is the Homo erectus skull cap discovered by Dubois in 1891 and dated to 500,000 years.
Homo floresiensis is known to have lived on Flores until as recently as 54,000 years ago.
Specimens of H. luzonensis were dated to minimum ages of 50,000 and 67,000 years old, which suggests that the species was alive at the same time as several other hominins belonging to the genus Homo.
Wadjak skull from Java. This is a Homo sapiens skull discovered in 1889 but not described until 1921. Its age is uncertain but it is probably less than 20,000 years old and may be as young as 8,000.
The WW II Island of Luzon Coincidental Connection of Homo Luzonensis Findings
Are the ancient caves in the Island of Luzon of the newly discovered Human Species, Homo Luzonensis the locations where the WWII Japanese Gold Loot was buried and are still hidden?
From May 28, 1943 to September 26, 1944, Shigenori Kuroda was made military governor of the Philippines, succeeding Shizuichi Tanaka in the said post. He later became the first Commander in Chief of the Japanese Fourteenth Area Army, which were the merged elements of the Japanese 14th Army, 35th Army and 41st Army, in the Philippines from July 28 to September 26, 1944.
By early 1944, the Imperial Japanese Army General Staff anticipated the return of American forces to the Philippines. So, the weight for preparing against an American landing fell to Kuroda. Kuroda planned to concentrate the bulk of the Japanese forces in Luzon, but his plan was never considered by the Imperial Army General Staff. The staff instead devoted only five of his ten divisions in Luzon, which was said to have no experience in any of the past Japanese campaigns.
After being denied of his ideas for the defense of the Philippines, he was accused to have been lax in his duties and was replaced by Tomoyuki Yamashita, his former schoolmate in the Army War College, who was touted as a “superb and excellent tactician”,[10] after the fall of his patron Hideki Tojo from power. Kuroda returned to Japan in disgrace in October 1944 and entered the reserves in December of the same year. After the surrender of Japan, Kuroda was arrested by American occupation authorities in 1946 and held in Yokohama Prison. From: ‘Gold Warriors’ by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave.
Yamashita’s gold, also referred to as the Yamashita treasure, is the name given to the alleged war loot stolen in Southeast Asia by Imperial Japanese forces during World War II and hidden in caves, tunnels, underground complexes, or just underground in the Philippines. It is named after the Japanese general Tomoyuki Yamashita, nicknamed “The Tiger of Malaya”. Though accounts that the treasure remains hidden in the Philippines have lured treasure hunters from around the world for over fifty years.
The Atlantis and Golden Age Empires of Southeast Asia Maps
The Ancient Atlantis and Sundaland Maps
The SriVijaya Empire Maps with its Indonesian Center of Power Sites
The Majapahit Empire Maps
Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window
The Present Belt and Road Initiative and Blue Dot Network
Mapping the Belt and Road initiative: this is where we stand
Explore our interactive map to take a closer look at BRI projects. Click here to learn more about the MERICS BRI database.
Click on the image above to view a larger version in a new window
Firstly, in the fall of 2017, the BRI was introduced into the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) constitution. The CCP is also ensuring a flow of financing into BRI projects. Even as it introduced capital controls that make it harder for Chinese companies to invest abroad, it still channels funds into specific sectors and regions – and BRI policy goals are a strategic priority. The excessive debt levels of many target countries receiving Chinese loans have, however, sparked concerns about the BRI’s financial sustainability and have made mobilizing private investments and commercial lending a priority for Beijing.
Second, rather than remaining limited to initial target regions along historic land and maritime routes between China and Europe, the geographical scope of the BRI is constantly expanding. Last year, the “Vision for Maritime Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative” introduced a new so-called economic passage through the Arctic to Europe (as marked in the map above). Beijing also signaled its intention to further expand the BRI into Latin America. The increasingly global scope of the BRI underlines that Beijing uses the initiative as a vehicle to frame and market its overall foreign policy. MERICS’ tracking efforts reflect this trend.
Third, BRI is no longer limited to economic goals. The “Vision for Maritime Cooperation” includes a sub-chapter devoted to security issues as one of Beijing’s cooperation priorities. In view of China’s ballooning investments and growing Chinese expat communities in risk-prone countries, Beijing has become convinced that it has to take security concerns along the BRI routes in its own hands.
US ‘Late’ in Pushing Blue Dot to Counter China’s Belt and Road
Infrastructure certification with Japan and Australia taps into debt trap fears.
U.S. President Donald Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping. The world’s two biggest economies have competing visions for developing infrastructure globally. A U.S.-led scheme to counter China’s Belt and Road Initiative remains in the embryonic stage — six years after Beijing unveiled its grand infrastructure plan with great fanfare.
The U.S., Japan and Australia unveiled the Blue Dot Network at a summit in Bangkok in November of 2019.
Worthy projects will be awarded a Blue Dot, piecing together a global map of quality infrastructure undertakings. (Presently a Blue Dot Network global map is not available).
Neil Keenan & Group K
To download a PDF version of this article in Indonesian click here.
Copyright © 2020 GROUP K, Ltd.
January 11, 2020 at 3:53 pm
Akk the very best wishes Neil Happy New Year 2 U & God bless you I wish you & your Teams 100% success in 2020 & beyond & thank you
January 11, 2020 at 5:22 pm
Wow Neil, you have given me a lot of homework to gladly read. I am guessing this is amongst the first of the TRUE human histories that my research indicated would soon be released.
Keep going forward and keep the bad guys on their heels, Neil and K-Group!
January 14, 2020 at 7:48 pm
How long do you think we will be at the point we have run out of time to keep
kicking the can down the road.
January 18, 2020 at 5:33 pm
Quite the history! Lots I learndt from this!
Best to you Neil and Team K!
– “Fates”
January 27, 2020 at 4:40 am
A very interesting chess game, spanning generations, and millenia.
As I’m seeing this, it is close to being our move.
Great work in all this, thanks for sharing.